blowing up a displacement


Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
is it possible to "blow up" or simply just remove a displacement with a trigger? got no idea how to do it cause displacements cant be tied to entity.
what happens if you select a displacement and do ctrl + T?
Best thing to do is make your terrain etc or what ever it is you want 'blown' up out of a normal brush (And of course converted to a func_breakable), then underneath it make the 'destroyed' version of it.

Hope that made sense.
ya i've been think about that, but wont look that great with normal brushes :(
It's possible. But Raven0 needs to explain it. I'm not 100% sure it's possible but it should be because...
Instead of a displacement couldn't you do it with a model instead?
crackhead said:
the matrix.
Exactly that would be so sweet Take your gaming to a new level, and not even realise your in it. You can believe whatever you want to believe.

And yes using a model to do that could work. But isnt there an entity for hl2 like env_terrianmorph. That seems to be what your looking for.
ya, model will be the last solution. but its not worth the time, just to get a crater...
TCfromBN said:
But isnt there an entity for hl2 like env_terrianmorph. That seems to be what your looking for.

couldnt find any 'env_terrianmorph'
Unless your specificaly maping for hl2 then it wont show up on the list. If your moding which it looks like you are youl need to include that entity in your mod specificly?
TCfromBN said:
Unless your specificaly maping for hl2 then it wont show up on the list. If your moding which it looks like you are youl need to include that entity in your mod specificly?

I'm mapping for DOD:S.
z0mgwtf, i posted the suggestion of exporting a displacement to XSI, and the post disappeared
ah sounds like a great idea. only problem is that im a total newb when it comes to XSI. maybe i should learn it anyway...
You can't modify displacements.

Env_terrainmorph is buggy garbage.

Why do you need to remove a displacement? Could you fake the effect? Perhaps you could settle for a lower-quality face.
Im creating a omaha beach map, and when blowing up the shingle with bangalores I want it to be a creater

(btw is my english ok? lol)
Your english is fine.

Use a model (or several), and have the regular displacement (The "crater") beneath it, so that when the model breaks and goes to pieces, you'll be left with your regular displacementmap.
or just carve a brush to fit over the mortar hole and use smoothing groups on the visible faces to mimic a displacement

the old q3 engine could do what you're trying to do, with patches that were removed on 'impact' (Call of Duty for instance). shame source can't also
ive never actually gotten the smoothing groups to work on brushes, but i will try that