Blowing up stuff still = lag

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Talking about over reacting, people see a shaky cam vid running on a computer which you don't know the specs or system load of and they see some low fps (after blowing up a big pile of stuff) and it's suddenly all 'OMG OHH NOS! si teh laggy game!' :dozey:
WhiteZero said:
Strikeman, that is also a valid point. I really hope it dosent lag too much in release.

But I run the Beta on my 3.0ghz P4 800mhz FSB, 1gig of RAM, ATi Radeon 9800 Pro, and it runs really well, except with blowing up wood. Though, I can understand why it lags, I mean, theres ALOT to calculate for that kinda stuff.

does it 'lag' on the level where you race around in the buggy?
I agree with you, PvtRyan - not all computers at Valve have to be high-end machines, the developer showing the game could be working on a computer with a 1GHz processor and a GeForce2 :p
IMO I don't think there should be any slack cut when it comes to mentioning the beta, I run a medium sized forum, and there were incidents where someone only hinted they had it, and then I checked some logs and voila, 5 members emailed the guy asking for it.

Wether you acknowledge it or not, mentioning you have the beta supports it's distribution. Not to interfere or anything.

My two cents on the slowdown: I don't think they had anything specific running in the backround, just some rough edges that need work.
one thing i jst realised....notice how the explosion was bright? HDR. It KILLS YOUR SYSTEM. So.....HDR+Lots of rigid object physics calculations with large forces+Ragdoll being affected by same large forces+break calculations+Other programs running=Game freeze
torso boy said:
one thing i jst realised....notice how the explosion was bright? HDR. It KILLS YOUR SYSTEM. So.....HDR+Lots of rigid object physics calculations with large forces+Ragdoll being affected by same large forces+break calculations+Other programs running=Game freeze

HDR was not on.
The game dosent use HDR. The HDR demo was to show what they can do not what it is. Class is over i gtg.
OnboardError said:
The game dosent use HDR. The HDR demo was to show what they can do not what it is. Class is over i gtg.

Not true, they said the game wouldn't be like the demo, not so overused.. it will still be in the game.
OnboardError said:
The game dosent use HDR. The HDR demo was to show what they can do not what it is. Class is over i gtg.

HL2World.. I'd imagine you're basing that on the stolen build? :| I'd think a HL2World junkie like yourself would know that it's in it, even if it doesn't work properly and is crap. HDR is a feature in HL2, fact.
Can we ban everyone who's played the leaked version? They don't deserve to be on these forums. They've betrayed Valve and the loyal Half-life fans, and in my opinion, are no better then the hacker.
RoguePsi said:
Can we ban everyone who's played the leaked version? They don't deserve to be on these forums. They've betrayed Valve and the loyal Half-life fans, and in my opinion, are no better then the hacker.

You'd instantly lose a lot of the regulars here. Even some of the mods have played it, don't be such a fool. Most of the people who have played it, including myself, only want HL2 more BECAUSE of it. Please, take your worthless comments elsewhere.
Oh do shut up, If I cut myself its my fault, I can still discuss it aslong as I dont mention where I got my super-duder blade from.

Seriously, do you boring sodomizers still believe that banning people who ADMIT to playing the leak will get you anywhere? Its an old incident that raises some relavent point and can be used in discussion, get over it.
Shuzer said:
You'd instantly lose a lot of the regulars here. Even some of the mods have played it, don't be such a fool. Most of the people who have played it, including myself, only want HL2 more BECAUSE of it. Please, take your worthless comments elsewhere.

While I do agree banning people who've played it is extreme, not flaunting it like you do should be in order. I haven't been here long but already noticed you mentioning stuff from it twice.
Yes! YES!!! Ban all the regulars!!!!!

That way I would be the only one left!!! MUAHAHHAHAH.... :devil:

*Cough* :p
DvS said:
While I do agree banning people who've played it is extreme, not flaunting it like you do should be in order. I haven't been here long but already noticed you mentioning stuff from it twice.

Hmmm.. let's see, one comment about HDR.. and..? Besides, I haven't played it in a long while. There's not alot to play, and I really don't have anything to say about it. I hardly "flaunt it," and I'm not exactly proud of having played it, but I see no reason to deny that I have.
It brings alot of discussion to the table, but I avoid the discussion here because, well, it's against the rules and I respect that.

Edit: Oh, if you're talking about my reply to xbitlabs' stolen build benchmark.. well then, I'm sorry for stating the obvious.
Its definately the physics and its definately due to a sudden spike in CPU usage, not graphics (and yes I base that on the fact that I played the leak extensively. At some points, the entire game would crash due to the "lag"). And since valve didn't design the physics engine, I doubt it will be fixed.
DvS said:
While I do agree banning people who've played it is extreme, not flaunting it like you do should be in order. I haven't been here long but already noticed you mentioning stuff from it twice.

meh, yeah, I know what post you're talking about now. I honestly don't talk about it much, but I'm tired of people like Xtasy0 saying it's been too hyped for any of us to enjoy it :|
Two posts from me is hardly flaunting it though. As I've said, I don't really talk about it alot
Im not worried about the fps drops that much. I play on 56k, so ill just pretend about 8 people are a server and causing my choke to jump up to 100. ;)
johnnyapps: yes, I have played the buggy racing maps, and they run just fine.

RougPsi: kiss my ass. I (and anyone else who'd played Beta) didn't betray Valve. If anything Valve deserves it for not releasing when they said they would (Sep. 30th, 2003). I still plan on buying the game, cuz it's one of the few out there now-a-days that deserves my money.

Shuzer: Your super cool.
Why are you guys so worried about this?
1) You don't know what system it was running on, and at what settings, and if any optimization had been worked on.
2)Maybe there were other programs in the background eating cpu power up.
3) What game has never had a lag or glitch?
4)relish is delicious but not on onion rings you goofy bastards
This has just turned into a lame flame thread, the lot of you know it off.
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