Blue Shift: Source Mod


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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Many, many teams in the modding community have tried to recreate the Blue Shift experience using Valve's Source Engine technology - Tried, and failed. But all hope is not yet lost as one team seems to have gotten the ball rolling. Over the past few days, this Blue Shift: Source team has been releasing screenshots of some of the maps that will be featured in their rendition of Blue Shift. It appears that the quality of what has gone into the mod thus far is rivaling that of Black Mesa: Source's artistic approach; obviously not a problem for any of us.[br]

[br]Their website is lacking in beauty compared to that of their in-game work, but be sure to visit the gallery section for more newly released screenshots. And to show your support, register at their forums and show them how much you care. Personally, I'd give the team a bear hug if I could...
All we need now is an Opposing Force: Source and we'll have the whole HL saga source-ified! Excellent.
This is cool, you guys are cool. Maybe this one will be done sooner since blueshift is a fair bit shorter than HL1. :)
For once, I'm almost glad Valve ISN'T doing something, lest it be delayed and with a sticker price.
and less raped :p
Though i liked Opposing Forces better, Blue Shift Source sounds like alot of fun!
GL !
605Scorpion said:
All we need now is an Opposing Force: Source and we'll have the whole HL saga source-ified! Excellent.

Is there an Opposing Force: Source mod? If not, why would they choose BS instead?

This looks cool, although I wasn't much of a fan of BS. But it's on Source and has new artwork and it's free, so it'll be worth checking out. Is Valve going to tell them not to use "Source" in the title like the Black Mesa mod?
They've got mapping down, completely. I just hope they can get some nice modellers/sound artists. I want to see a nice Source version of Rosenburg.

This will be a much, much easier mod to make than OF:S because it's much shorter and uses the normal HL1 monsters if I remember correctly.
Never played BS or OF, so looking forward to the remakes.
okidoki said:
Is there an Opposing Force: Source mod? If not, why would they choose BS instead?

This looks cool, although I wasn't much of a fan of BS. But it's on Source and has new artwork and it's free, so it'll be worth checking out. Is Valve going to tell them not to use "Source" in the title like the Black Mesa mod?
Because BS is better! :p
there was a mod called Opposing Source which was loosely affiliated with the Black Mesa team
they shared the same forums, for instance, but as time went on they seemed to have less and less to do with each other
it was cancelled, though I'm not sure of the circumstances

the reason you do blue shift rather than opposing force is that there is a lot less content to do, as with an opposing force port you'd have to do nearly all of the HL content as well as the 'new' OF stuff, while BS has, if I'm not mistaken, even less in the enemy and weapon department than HL
it's much shorter, also
Make them work together with BM:S to share art and stuff :)

Great stuff anyway!
Maps look beautiful, and they have HDR!
Looking forward to this :)

And I agree they should team up with BM:S and share some resources. BS:S could be made as an addon to BM:S :)
Thoroughly enjoyed BS, and this version looks the nuts. :D
It appears that the quality of what has gone into the mod thus far is rivaling that of Black Mesa: Source's artistic approach
I don't agree with that at all.
I was never really impressed with the Black Mesa sources artistic approach. Some of the maps here look nice, pretty much on par with a few of BMs releases. They look more faithful at any road.

But another Source rendition? Uh, go play the original..
Samon said:
I was never really impressed with the Black Mesa sources artistic approach. Some of the maps here look nice, pretty much on par with a few of BMs releases. They look more faithful at any road.

But another Source rendition? Uh, go play the original..
I wouldn't call this simply a rendition, they're basically recreating the entire game with newer graphics and all the other great things Source has to offer. Hell, Half-Life Source was almost a direct port, but it was still good enough to get me to play through the whole game again.
Why don't they mod Black Mesa (it isn't Black Mesa Source BTW) when that's out?

Someone do Decay instead! It's the only one we can't get on the PC FFS.

This may seem like an odd complement but I really like their logo.
I'd really like to see what they do with the elevator scene, that's a fecking amazing scene.
Przemek said:
Maps look beautiful, and they have HDR!

They can't have HDR, since HDR still isn't supported for mods, rite?
Or am I sleeping too much? :sleep:
simon said:
They can't have HDR, since HDR still isn't supported for mods, rite?
Or am I sleeping too much? :sleep:
They added it to the SDK ages ago.
HDR is not available for the HL2 SP mod shaders as of yet.

Two things stick out to me that give away the quality of maps...

some of the models (the fire escapes, the traintracks) really need to have shadows disabled. They are making black splodges everywhere. Disable shadows and use blocklight brushes.

Use env_lightglow instead of sprites for the halos around lightsources. Unless you're being THAT faithful to BS, make use of the new graphical advances.
I feel a name change coming soon, just like Black Mesa:) Source) had to do.
I just found an update on another HL2 (world) community, he announced that the BSS team would join up with the OPF:S Team after they've finished the mod, and it isnt long before that happens.
Samon said:
I was never really impressed with the Black Mesa sources artistic approach. Some of the maps here look nice, pretty much on par with a few of BMs releases. They look more faithful at any road.

But another Source rendition? Uh, go play the original..
let's see your amazing mod. oh wait. stfu.
wasn't there a Decay mod in the works by some russian team?
a few years back perhaps?
Hmm... I'm not convinced at all. These maps just look too much like mostly stock-models blue-tacked onto poor architecture and the lighting doesn't do anything for me. A lot of those shots just look so... empty.
Samon said:
Some of the maps here look nice, pretty much on par with a few of BMs releases.
There's no denying that BM takes a rather radical redesign approach to the game and is therefore undesireable to some. But taken as a simple game of "which screenshot looks prettier", these shots here have NOTHING on BM. Besides, it's rather evident that this mod too is trying to upscale some areas significantly. And it really isn't achieveing much apart from making big empty spaces with bland lighting. Needs some work guys, but then so did the initial shots for BM (though I'd argue to a lesser degree than here).
Loke said:
Yes, but they're working on it with the Half-Life 1 engine.
At the very least, this mod will raise awareness of Decay enough to make someone somewhere consider making a Source version themselves. I can't see the current team working on the HL1 version being up to it personally.
bbson_john said:
Are we getting it free?
Anyone want to dignify this with an answer? Didn't think so :p
*agrees with kupoartist*

I think those shots like very... one-dimensional. And whilst some things aren't exactly how I want them for BM, it all looks very, very nice. I thought I'd looked at different pictures from everyone when I was scrolling through all the replies complimenting these pictures.
Assuming this winds up and doesn't flop they will also receive a letter from Valve saying "Drop the Source part from the name of yer mod kthxbye."

It doesn't look completely crap though...I'll rate it "threat level nominal; may prove well-executed"
tovlakas said:
let's see your amazing mod. oh wait. stfu.
You know, people are allowed not to like our mod. We know we don't and can't cater for all the HL1 fans out there.
It looks like they're going about making the Hazard Course as well. That could be a nice Beta showcase down the road.
tovlakas said:
let's see your amazing mod. oh wait. stfu.
Toys back in the pram eh? :)

A hazard course would be a good nostalgic trip, i'm forgetting how to crouch jump moreso each day.
tovlakas said:
let's see your amazing mod. oh wait. stfu.

Hey, shutup.

Am I the only one who sees a severe quality differences between this and BM?