Boeing Tell The World


Nov 8, 2003
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Boeing states that they are experimenting with Anitgravity Technologies that have been developed with outside company collaboration and certain founders of the technologies

I wouldnt be suprised if John S Searl was one of Boeings main collaborators in the project as his Searl effect is starting to be put under the spotlight, and is found to be perfectly valid theory, and practical application.

Boeing Article

im following this with intrest as it is far too elaborate to be a hoax. and as my own farther is a scientist and is proficient in quantum physics, and Getting a few convincing explainations from him on how the technology works, or how its suspected to work is quite intresting.

more submitted technologies can be found here in the directory with diagrams and pictures of the builds, fuel and oil will truely be obsolete. :) no more pollution, and complete freedom and abundance.. along with Half Life 2 aswell :D

good bye mr Bush

Well its certainly a cool idea, however boeing probably wouldnt want to screw the engine companies just yet...That and the oil companies would most certainly pass legislation to slop them devloping anything that doesnt in fact use oil.

If they do come out with anything, it will probably be some kind of turbofan, antigrav hybrid.

However, it would be a smart move by boeing if they could produce most stuff in house. I just hope they come up with something good sooner rather than later.
I wonder how the political and economical climate of the world would change without oil......
what are the oil companies gonna do,, they cant kill hundreds of people, and more that know about it and want to bring these technologies into use. so I guess if we are all informed and know we dont need fuel and oil anymore, we should use our knowledge against them and bring about a new era,

Saftey in numbers Farrowlesparrow, saftey in numbers ;)

1 thing , it has nothing to do with engine turbo fans or physical pushing off the ground with force ,,, its anomalous new effect technologies that even the scientists dont completely understand. But its Zero point energy related

massive change, but it might aswell , oils not gonna last forever anyway, ,.. prediction is peak around 2006. runs out in 2020 - 2030.
Thats just it, the oil companies are still very powerful and can quite easily get governments to bring in laws which limit these technologies in a very indirect way...therefore most people never even know.

I know that it has nothing to do conventional engines. What im saying though, is that at first that is likely what would happen because of things holding them back.
Wow, is that article for real?

If it is (I am assuming it isnt because its just so big) then its bigger news than you lot are making out. Much MUCH bigger. I mean thats some crazie technology. It would quite litterally change our world. Forever.
Yes it would...but there are people who will try to stop it at any cost. Because it would quite literally destroy what they believe to be thier power.
:naughty: Anti-gravity technology eh? Boeing probably got it from the aliens that crashed onto earth. Maybe they'll admit that they got the plans to make anti-gravity technology from aliens too. :LOL:
I'm not quite as confident in the abilities of the oil companies to squelch this as you are, and I think the problem we have to work at right now is getting it to work in a practical matter. Worry about the rest later.
I think it'll be a hard battle, but aslong as these new technologies have support, and people believe in the right thing, then itll all turn out for the best,

And guys you do realise that this means world poverty will decrease dramatically, because it will no longer depend on how much oil a country has (as these devices also draw energy like a big static energy obsorber and converter) so energy in equal amounts for all. so essentially we will live far less stressful healthier lives, build large spacecraft, Space docks, Starships, travel faster than ever before. I have no doubt in this aslong as people stay away from being corrupt and go for the more all round helping solutions to help us all as a whole

I want to see this technology come forward, and even though its a small start, as an individual im willing to rebel against oil companys who cant see past their own wallets, as this is far more important than money control and power,

If I have children, someday, I'll want them to have a clean world to live in :) with lots of kool next gen computer games to play
Ahh freedom of information you just cant beat the internet eh?Well this needs to be used,and fast.The only Oil company I have no beef with is Statoil(The Norwegian one).The rest id gladly burn to the ground.
But you shouldnt underestimate the oil companies ability to manipulate the people.How many oil barons own newspapers/TV stations/Radio.If they wanted to they could start an unfounded world wide panic against the use of these Grav. drives.The Sun would have a headline akin to

"Russian Scientist's death trap" or
"Boeing set to MURDER ALL OF US!"-(Read more on Boeings previous aircraft failureson pg's 3,4 and 5)

You need only plant the seeds and people will begin to panic."A person is smart,People are crazy panicy and you know it"
And then the people advocating it would be portrayed as crazy Tree Hugging Hippies or Ecentric Scientists with no handle on the real world.Also there would be mass bribing of political figures.It takes only one or two people on the commitee investigating the safety of this to stall the whole show for years,The rest of the world would fall into line with the US.(Im not saying that any nation's politicians are more corrupt then the other however the British would follow the U.S. who would influence the E.U. and Japan etc.)
Then when its finally through there will be an arseing about of months/years as a set of guidelines and pilot training(Cause NO WAY are they going up without proper governmental approval) before we see the first commercial flight.By then Clarky your children will have been born and still be growing up in a smog covered,inepte,corrupt and unbelieveably stupid world.

Now thats cynacisim from a 17 year old.What is the world coming to?
that maybe true Voodoo_chile, but at the end of the day isnt it the vast majority of the world who have the real say, afterall were the ones keeping the oil company's in buisness,

I refuse to have the next generation of people living in a neglected world, and if the vast majority realise that in actual fact. we are the ones in control, and collectively move for that then our future will probably be bright and wonderful or at least increase that chance. not to mention that I dont want to live to see more supression of what is right rather than what is profitable.

Samwise Gamgee,

'theres some good left in this world Mr Frodo,... isnt that worth fighting

that speach really brought a tear to my eye ;(
Yes if they realise...but the sad truth is the majority of people are not in control. Its a very very small minority that controls what goes on.

I would love this to happen, but like you said. The majority needs to realise they cann do it. However, most of the time they dont.
lol, quite small minded really, were kinda cornered into this way of life, and stuck in a system, a system that would work much better with an abundant energy source and transport system.

which hopefully one day clever people will realise , is the only way of improving the human races developement
But what can we do.Nobody cares,as long as there iis no immediate effects to peoples lives they just dont care.And then when they do rally and wake up,the people in power ignore them.How many people all over the world march yearly for various causes.Now take that number and compare it to a list of successes.They will not match up and what generally happens is that instead of gaining support for you cause you alienate more people.Look at reclaim the streets when cyclist go out and clog up main busy roads.not only do they not win people around the people who daily endure 1/2 hour-hour waits in their cars are traped with nothing to do but look at these cyclists causeing them to be late.

Democracy never worked.Its that simple,our elected representatives never do sqat for the people.They abuse the system while the people who put them there (Never the peoples choice to begin with as few people vote,and I cant) live blindly caring little as long as their lives are not adversly effected.
These people are the ones who will be forced to decide on this and future proposals and if their Industrial backers do not agree with it,they will try to tone it down,or scrap it all together in exchange for a PR publicity stunt.
Look at Kyoto first Clintin tries to have it toned down then simply refuses to sign while the rest of the world sit around twiddling their tumbs.Zimbabwe,the Commonwealth and the UN will do nothing so as not to offend its Oil Rich neighbours.

If publicly know and extremely important causes are ignored,what chance those a clean fuel unlimited and groundbreaking fuel have?
so your accepting your a puppet, ok thats fine I'll just except its all hopeless and live for the now, Yes that brilliant, I'll get stone cold drunk, and start smoking it'll be great!, but wait a sec? where does that get me. how does that help other people, ... dont assume everyone is so selfish,

I believe that not all people are really truely ego maniacs, and thats the only thing they get a kick out of.. althought theres enough politicians who act like ego maniacs :x

The system is abused but thats like a major glitch that shouldnt occur, definately not in high places
If the oil companies ever offered me a job "fixing" scientists and the families of scientists working to find alternative fuel sources I'd take it. If it paid well that is.
fizzlephox said:
If the oil companies ever offered me a job "fixing" scientists and the families of scientists working to find alternative fuel sources I'd take it. If it paid well that is.

to much cs .....might want to go outside once in a while :LOL:
Well, this sounds legit... Dr Evgeny Podkletnov is a real person, and is being followed with interest by several popular science publications, including New Scientist and Scientific American.
When was the last time he was mentioned in New Scientist? Do you know? Because i normally buy that and i was wondering if i could read about him...Perhaps i can check the website
All you'd need for people to get interested is a single, documented demonstration. Do that and every nerd in the western hemisphere will try and put one together.
While a company can provide political pressure, its direct influence upon a group of individuals is a bit far fetched.
Best way to get people interested in an idea, is to prove that you can make money with it...

Sorry, FlS, can't remember.
lol the funny thing is, with enough money and resources, anyone is able to build and develop these new technologies
Well if this technology is for real...and it works...and it leads to advanced transportation and/or power sources, then it had better not generate much waste heat. Too much waste heat will totally screw Earth's heat balance.

If everyone in the world generated as much waste heat from machines as the first world, we'll have some major weather problems very soon...and an eventual (but sooner than you think) rise in temperature that will cause even more problems.

I hope this kind of thing is thought through very well. Sociopolitical reasons aside, giving free energy to everyone on the planet would be an amazingly huge mistake unless it could be done in a way that would guarantee low amounts of waste heat from the application of that free energy.
Maskirovka,have you by any chance read the Nights Dawn Trilogy?
He's right though we'd have storms that would make todays storms look like a fart.

Clarky I have little faith in people anymore and unless somethnig drastically changes I doubt I will every gain that faith.
little faith because of the kind of people you know? or because you havnt met anyone who is just as intrested helping others , as they are in helping themselves?
The first one.I know there are people much more interested in helping others I know a few however they are not numerous enough,nor powerful enough (Monetary and Political power) to do anything Globally important.They do quite a bit for the People who need it the most however as for massive Global attitude change It will take either a massive effort,or an extremely ground breaking event/achievement
Hehe...go traveling. I think you'd be surprised about just how many good people are out there. :D
That doesnt change the fact however, that for the general mindset of "the public" to change, there needs to be some real fear in their life. The prospect of saving money and no cost energy is good, and offers some incentive. But fear is what will really drive them. If fuel shortages hit and it all starts going wrong, then they will listen.
Actually, I think thats a money incentive. Which I'd guess is the best way to go. Not that the incentive isn't there already.
Honestly I'm a bit sceptical. I know it's possible to create a huge electromagnetic field to simulate gravity but it would require enough energy to power a whole city. If they found a way to do this without using much energy, you realize it would be the biggest invention since .. um .. the wheel?

Who cares about the oil companies? If anything, we can pulverize them with the 1000g gravity beams :D
If the scientist ever wanted to go down in the history books as perhaps the greatest philantropist of all time,he could just release the plans and formulae onto the Internet for free,he wouldnt get squat but there would be little the Oil companies could do.
That's the way... there was an old story about that, in a sci-fi book I read.

This dude had come up with something which was basically the ultimate solar panel, which could absorb all ambient energy (Heat, light, particle radiation) and turn it into an incredible amount of electricity. It could also be reversed, emitting light if he put electricity into it.

He knew that he would probably be killed by the oil companies if he released it, or that they would at least find a way to supress it... so he made a deal with some friends to put the design details out on TV, if I remember correctly. The ending made me smile...