BOOOOOO Give me back my old Mega Man

May 24, 2003
Reaction score

How could they do this to one of my favorite NES franchises?!?!

I mean look at the Blue Bomber:

Also now the bosses have voices and they sound like kids apparently. I am all for graphical remakes of 15 year old content for the novelty factor, but please don't make it like this.

By the way before anyone assumes this is a Nintendo thing, it is actually a PSP game.
To be honest those graphics look like crappy N64 graphics. Maybe there will be some huge graphical effects that justify the 2D (see: Viewtiful Joe) but as it is, the original Mega Man seems a more inspiring option than this.
Well, it's a PSP game. What do you expect?

I kinda like the look of this Mega Man. I don't like the background though. Pretty bland looking.
I remenber playing some megaman games in the ps1,they where cool,even if I am not a big fan,I feel bad that now it looks like aimed to babys
I liked the nes and some of snes games, but the latest ones on the GBA where he looks all crazily futuristic are just lame.
I never liked the "X" series at all or any spin-offs actually. Give me straight-up Megaman and I am happy as can be. Some of the new backgrounds look very cool...I wonder how it plays. Hopefully the old gameplay is there. It was so much fun figuring out whose weapon damaged which boss the most!

Oh! And editing levels??? That is pretty damn cool. Now I am very interested in this one...downloadable mods anyone? :thumbs:

Powered Up also supports Infrastructure Mode so that players can hop online and upload their maps for gamers worldwide to try out. It's a refreshing way to give fans of the franchise a way of sharing their long time love for Mega Man in a very hands-on approach.
I have Megaman Maverick Hunter X and it includes a demo of this here "Powered Up". I must say that, while I am disapointed with the style of the game, its still just as fun as they used to be. And last I checked you all cared about fun more than voice-overs (Far Cry).
Why does megaman look like a fat headed infant in that picture?
So hold on....theres been about twelve billion Megaman games...and we're complaining because one looks a little wonky?
What was that kind of RPG-ish one for Dreamcast, or the PS, or whatever back in the day? I rather liked that game. But this one looks like MegaMan's spine may snap like a dry twig under the colossal weight of his freakishly large helmet.
You know, as much as I'd like to agree to the general sentiment here, super-deformed Rockman doesn't bother me as much as I would've thought. His head does look a bit TOO large for his body, but it's not so terrible. And Direwolf's right; there's a million other MM games where the style's not so kiddy.

Speaking of which,
The Mullinator said:
Also now the bosses have voices and they sound like kids apparently.
Up until X, Rockman was ALWAYS a child. Most of the robot masters weren't, but he was. It's not as big a stretch as you might think to have the bosses be children.