
Played my first bit of split screen co-op yesterday. I had been playing single player up to this point, getting my Mordecai up to about level 12 or so. My friend came over and created a soldier. It was fun, hectic and much much tougher than playing alone. The game seemed to recognize there were two of us, but neglected the part where one of us was a level 1. Anyway, I got two nice weapons (1 green, 1 blue), got next to nothing accomplished mission-wise, but gained a few more levels. Fun game but I hate the driving and I hate the skags and their overuse. My friend was whoring all of the nice weapons that he didn't have the level to use. I need to get those back.
omg so close to release. i woke up an hour early too :(
So there I was minding my own business shooting bandits in the head when one of them falls and I see a column of blue light appear. Immediately I became excited, trying to guess what the semi valuable drop might be, and tried to finish off the remaining enemy as quickly as possible. Thinking my work was done I headed toward the blue light. As I approached I heard an eerie sound followed by crazy jibberish being yelled at an ever increasing volume. I started turning around to find the source of the noise. Suddenly I see a psycho running at me with a live grenade raised over his head a mere five steps away. *BOOM*

Having not followed the game prior to release I had no idea there were suicide bombers in it. The worst part of the story was that I ended up dying deep into a level. The blue item that was dropped as loot was nowhere to be found by the time I made my way back. I'm about 90% sure the blue loot was a rifle of some sort and not a grenade upgrade. Sad.
The game should be unlocked real soon, but it won't matter....I will need to be off work before I can enjoy it..

Impatient, game is unlocked but wont launch. wtf.
FFS! The game had 20 mins to go and then the game changed to "3 days 6 hours" for all europeans and australia. ****ing bullshit.
I found a rocket launcher that not only sets people on fire and/or makes them explode, but it also fires 3 rockets at the same ****ing time.

Fuuuuckin' shiiiiiiiiiit.
I highly suggest for those people repeatedly getting the "Game is current not available message" to fully exit steam, delete their "clientregistry.blob" restart and try again.

If you still have a problem after Steam decrypts due to sever strain, you can run the game independently from the Steam interface by finding the .exe within the steamapps/common/borderlands folder and launch it without Steam running, just make a shortcut on your desktop if needed.

Add me on steam friends, bee tee dubs: BHC /'d like to play with some of you wankers.

I feel for all you Aussies but after Digi's taunting the last couple of days I see some poetic justice in this :grin:
Alright, what the ****. This game will run super smooth for a full minute and then freeze anywhere between 3-15 seconds.

I've been messing around with the graphics and I set everything as low as possible and it still does it. I've never had a game do this, and my friend who has a much lower-end rig has no problem running it.
Alright, what the ****. This game will run super smooth for a full minute and then freeze anywhere between 3-15 seconds.

I've been messing around with the graphics and I set everything as low as possible and it still does it. I've never had a game do this, and my friend who has a much lower-end rig has no problem running it.

Update the drivers?

Also, I'm sorry Digi and Tav :(
So it's delayed until the 30th for you steam guys?

Some people outside North America were under the impression that their copy would release today. Steam changed the release date to the 30th half an hour before it would unlock. Shitty move if you ask me. All the response afterwards was: oh hai, we cocked up, sorry.

And @ZT I think I saw some people on the GBX forums mention the same thing, but the boards have been down for the last 15 minutes or so now.
Well to get mine to work I restarted Steam and that didn't work, then I restarted Windows and went back in and it worked! Also its best to turn the sensitivity to 50% and I like having L-CTRL button to be my crouch. Other than that it played well! also since I just exited out does this mean I'll have to wait till the 30th to play?? this is probably a ploy to make people buy the console version while they wait. I may do this if its the case because I wanted to see more dammit!
USA is OK with the release. it's most everybody else.
If you have Nvidia and your driver up 191.xx it might crash/freeze it seems, its been doing this to me also, going to try and use 190.xx and see if the problem is resolved.
The server browser is just horrible. The game freezes until it loads every possible one which can take more than 5 minutes.


Add me to friends if you want. Lag doesn't seem that big of an issue. Well I was playing with my brother in Japan just fine so /shrug.

oh ya that JUST happened to me... thought the game froze but i could still here the music and people messaging me on steam
hopefully they'll patch it soon

also, i'm using nvidia's 190.xx drivers and have had zero problems so far
The simple solution is to host your own public game (forward ports) and invite people. Randoms will be able to join if they can deal with the server browser

7777 (TCP/UDP)
28900 (TCP)
27900 (UDP)
28910 (TCP)
28902 - not in the readme, but opening this port helped alot of people
Seems a lot of people in the server browser aren't connectable. I'm guessing they dont have ports forwarded. I'm just surprised they even show up in the first place.
The simple solution is to host your own public game (forward ports) and invite people. Randoms will be able to join if they can deal with the server browser

great thanks for the info
does anybody know of any lengthy review articles for the PC version with focus on online/co-op?
First playthrough?

I'm not as impressed as I thought I would be. The confusion of getting everything up and running might have been what's eating at me, but I just didn't feel I was having lots of fun. Things were so cluttered with the UI and what not...I Don't know. I'll keep playing, though.
Haven't tried out multiplayer yet but i am not experiencing any issues with the game so far.
No crashes at all and it runs smooth on the highest settings.
Haven't tried out multiplayer yet but i am not experiencing any issues with the game so far.
No crashes at all and it runs smooth on the highest settings.

my only issue was the last of AI direction. I kinda wish things would point out more useful info in the beginning. I guess the pacing is good, just needs a tad bit more info for us PC users. Also the interface is a bit clunky but it works for the most part. My settings are also on high and this game looks nice!
I've had pretty good impressions so far. I've played the hunter to 13, brick to 6, and the chick to 10 or so. The interface hasn't been ported to pc as well as it could be, it's constantly asking you to press enter or escape for stuff instead of being able to click on everything.

The graphics look pretty good but I really wish there was an anti-aliasing setting and a v-sync one as well. I'm getting very slight fps lag in big fights with everything maxed 1680x1050 on my 8800 gt and amd 6000 x2.

I only played network a bit with pitz and it was getting a bit of network lag there. I'm not sure how they have the network set up (someone hosts or peer to peer) which might affect that. Also, my internet is not really that great to begin with.

Other than that, I've had fun with it so far.
I don't understand why so many people are complaining about the interface. Yes, you have to press "Enter" to close it but only when a new tip pops up. Most of the time you can just click on it with the mouse cursor.