Boring mods


May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Warning: Inflammatory remark follows:

Why can't we see a mod which DOESN'T try to duplicate real-life guns, ammunition and vehicles, and ISN'T set in a WWII or similar zone? Sorry but I'm getting tired of seeing a great game engine being used to duplicate the same old boring stuff.

Why isn't anyone thinking up new types of gameplay, settings, themes, bizarre and incredible planets, dimensions and characters?

Let's see some new game ideas, not more carbon-copy war simulations with carbon-copy guns!

*vent* ahhh better. Flame on! :)
because weird sci fi guns are only cool in half life 2... i dont like the strange mods like ns very much just because they are weird... nothing beats a solid headshot in counter strike... NOTHING. :)

Yes, let's have some really out there japanese style stuff :p

I'd like to see a Ghostbusters mod... maybe.
Rocks. Lets throw rocks at each other. There is a mod you don't see every day. Just rocks.
i know some good, original ones..

Science and Industry
Natural Selection

i'm sure there are more, just cant think of the damn names... :P help me people!
merc said:
because weird sci fi guns are only cool in half life 2... i dont like the strange mods like ns very much just because they are weird... nothing beats a solid headshot in counter strike... NOTHING. :)
Errrr... plenty, actually... my Sim doing woohoo in The Sims 2 is actually better than that...

And one of the reasons TFC is so great is how original it is! :D Go TFC Source!
Ballsaccio said:
Rocks. Lets throw rocks at each other. There is a mod you don't see every day. Just rocks.

A mod like that would create awesome in mass proportions. Imagine a gameplay mode within that mod where you throw rocks at high explosives and/or nuclear weapons.
Letters said:
Errrr... plenty, actually... my Sim doing woohoo in The Sims 2 is actually better than that...

And one of the reasons TFC is so great is how original it is! :D Go TFC Source!

TFC wasn't original. :o
best HL mod is the specialists. such great fun to play, if anyone has pld it theyll know what i mean :D
Ballsaccio said:
Rocks. Lets throw rocks at each other. There is a mod you don't see every day. Just rocks.

so simple, brilliant
this could actually turn out to be the next thing in multiplayers
Because the sci-fi genre seems to be trailing off a bit? Because the masses want to play more war games? Because new and original gameplay doesn't have to come from an entirely new fantasy world? Your question is rather broad. Along the lines of "Why do people keep opening more mexican food resturants?" "Why do they keep making more reality TV shows?" "Why keep making the same type of porn?"

The answers to all those questions, including yours seem to be "Because it sells. It is what people want to see/buy/eat." That's just the way it is. Although, with mod teams they do have much more creative freedom since there is nothing at stake. There are no expectations of them, and they're free to explore every opition. However, I think the same economic theory applies.
Worms mod.

Everyone loves the solid gameplay of worms! Imagine the use of physics, deformable terrain and the expressions you could have on their cute little faces!*

* Some of the remarks in this post may be greatly exaggerated
How about an rpg crossed with a strategy game? Something like Savage would be awesome.
Ah! Natural Selection 2! :D
(i did not say NS:Source :O i meant NS2 :D )
I want evolution, start out as a tiny cell, and for each kill you evolve, to become a man...
...and after that... i don't know... you win? :P
figge said:
I want evolution, start out as a tiny cell, and for each kill you evolve, to become a man...
...and after that... i don't know... you win? :P

what are you supposed to kill, being a cell?
probably because, for the most part, people want to play war style mods.
bliink said:
i'm sure there are more, just cant think of the damn names... :P help me people!

*cough* Sourceworld *cough splutter*

and right below SixThree's pimping of SW too, you should be ashamed :p
fez said:
best HL mod is the specialists. such great fun to play, if anyone has pld it theyll know what i mean :D

It's definitely the second best, right behind DOD.
czrsink said:
Worms mod.

Everyone loves the solid gameplay of worms! Imagine the use of physics, deformable terrain and the expressions you could have on their cute little faces!*

* Some of the remarks in this post may be greatly exaggerated

really, i had taught of that...

recreating the good old 2d worms... but using physics!

say you want to kill someone, destroy the land under him and he'll fall to his death

would be great!
Is it just me that wants to see a Barbie game using Source?
dawdler said:
I agree. Bring on WWIII!!!

...You mean futuristic mods, thats already been done as well (sarcasm)

I can come up with original mod ideas on the fly but I wouldn't tell them openly in fear of people taking those ideas. But here is one...

Hey anything in the office is always fun, how about a mod where you run around in an office building using weapons like staplers, large books, and computer mice maces to kill your fellow co-workers. you could have a team deathmatch type mode where its the suits vs artists at a game company or a protect the boss mode where each team has a a boss (v.i.p) that must be protected from being killed by the other team.. also, you could travel around the levels on swivel chairs as vehicles...there could even be a capture the flag mode where key flag locations would be the copy room, the break room, the v.i.p desk, the most holy of all places...the secret executive bathroom lol.
or how about a horse racing mod that would actually be FUN to play. You would have to jump hedges and all but as soon as a hoof nicks a hedge or rail or anything your horse would ragdoll to the ground and then you would wait with your speargun for the next rider to come along so you could steal his horse and finish the race. Alternately, you could make a mod where you are a horse on a killing spree and you use your hoofs, teeth, and hind legs to kill as mant villiagers, townspeaple as possible until the police tranquilize you enough times to stop you. There could be two teams, the horses and the rangers, the rangers use tranquilizers and stunning weapons to try to stop the horses and obviously have an advantage in range but the horses, if work together as a team can simply trample and outnumber the rangers and kill each with only one or two blows of a hoof or by simply running them over. I dunno, sounds fun to me.

Or in general a game where you could pick between a bear, horse, crocodile, ect... the big animals that scare people when they get loose in a city. ;)
But... Is either of those unique or original? The first is a stupid version of CS (and we've seen similar mods, like Monkey-Strike or whatever its called, lol) and the second is like Carmageddon on a horse.

You dont have to fear people taking your ideas: They have most likely already been done in one way or another, or there are coming games that will do it 10x better.

Anyway, these "boring" mods are often the most easiest to make. And keep in mind, most of us are noobs in modding, or dont want to spend a couple of years recoding HL2 from scratch. Personally I want to make a Swat 3 style Combine mod, using existing stuff. Boring? Yeah, probably. But how many would want to see one? Think on it.

If I was more ambitious I would go with one of my earliest ideas I've posted on these boards (like one and a half year ago, lol), the Pirates! style ship to ship combat multiplayer game. It would be neat for players to battle it out in a massive sea war, lol. And it could probably be 100+ players too, unless HL2 netcode chokes. CTF on the sea, heh.

But its much more complicated to code, adding math for ship control, wind, sea, and other stuff. Not to mention models and textures. And need new ai for that singleplayer fun.
damn, I Want to see Kanonball: Source
Dude that mod ROCKS!
Just because you don't like/enjoy War-based mods doesn't mean that all other people don't as well.
Don't worry, most of the mods with guns won't get anywhere. Most of them are just kids that can model/map with 0 coders.
StardogChampion said:
Don't worry, most of the mods with guns won't get anywhere. Most of them are just kids that can model/map with 0 coders.

As much as I'd like to disagree I can't.

With that said, anyone with 5 minutes time can look and find the mods that *aren't* like that.

Infact, this poster, and the one above your post, lead mods that aren't like that.