Boring mods

With some of the mods, you just get a feel that it's going somewhere. But with others, you just know they'll dissolve.

I'm willing to bet a large portion of my Christmas booze that somewhere around 65-75% of the mods on things like Moddb won't even get to alpha. And I'll bet 25% of them don't actually have competent coders either.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
With some of the mods, you just get a feel that it's going somewhere. But with others, you just know they'll dissolve.

I'm willing to bet a large portion of my Christmas booze that somewhere around 65-75% of the mods on things like Moddb won't even get to alpha. And I'll bet 25% of them don't actually have competent coders either.

-Angry Lawyer
A big part is that you have to start somewhere. 65-75% wont reach alpha? There are probably 80%+ that hasnt even made a mod before. If 5-15% of newbie modders are succesfull, that's still a significant acheivement :)

As for me, I still see it as a learning process, something fun to do. Success rates dont matter. I wouldnt be surprised if my little mod idea fall even after though I've now rationalized it, lol. Hammer doesnt like too big water blocks.
How 'bout one where you watch grass grow. You start a game, and *poof!* (that being a two day poof) it grows!
SidewinderX said:
As much as I'd like to disagree I can't.

With that said, anyone with 5 minutes time can look and find the mods that *aren't* like that.

Infact, this poster, and the one above your post, lead mods that aren't like that.

Look at the amount of finished mods available for HL compared to the amount that have been anounced/unfinished. Sure there will be some mods like Insurgency and Cold War that will likely get finished, but I still say the majority of mods won't get anywhere.
Most mods never get anywhere because you have some guy who has a very vague idea of "cool stuff" and gets a guy who has just started mapping and some guy who can "model stuff". Then when work -begins- it crashes, because he guy has literally no idea how to start.

I'm not sick of war mods if they are done right. I was sick of WW2 games, then CoD came out and I couldnt have asked for more. There are plenty of other wars that could be modded.

I personally would like to see some comedy mods, or stylish arty mods. Imagine a game world based off the content of, that would rock.
I've been on a few mods and the ones that failed were generally due to a lack of leadership, direction, and dedication. If a mod possesses those three attributes, then they have a high chance of succeeding.
Some other things that could potentially kill a mod before they get off the ground (i.e. release) are a lack of interest and quality.

Leadership doesn't just have to be something that the 'leader' of the mod has. They must possess this obviously, but other members as well so that they can take the initiative and get things done without having to be told exactly what to do and when to do it. I was on a mod where the lead was just off playing games all the time and barely answered any questions. There must be good leadership in a mod in order for it to go anywhere.

Direction is the overall goal of the mod and the idea for its concept. If a mod is just going as it is and doesn't have specific goals, then it will end up with a poor concept and ultimately bad gameplay. There must be a clear vision for the mod (by its designer) or else it will go nowhere.

You need to have dedication by all members, especially the leader. With the same mod mentioned in the leadership example, that leader lacked the dedication to his team and mod. Everyone on the team must be dedicated in order to actually produce the content for the mod! Programmers/Coders and the leader are required for the most dedication.

A lack of interest is obvious... if nobody is interested, there is a slim chance of recruiting a team and even if that happens, not a whole lot of people will download or play the mod!

A lack of quality isn't as important, but some people do feel that high quality content and gameplay is essential. The gameplay must be high quality (if released), but the content (i.e. models, maps, animations, etc.) doesn't have to be. If you remember the Tour of Duty mod for Half-Life, it was pretty fun (good gameplay), but did lack in the visual department. That turns some people off, but that's about personal preference... best to just have high quality content to please everyone.

This is just based on my personal experiences observing mods from the outside (a fan or just observing), inside (developer), and partial inside (beta testing). So, when you look at mods, try to think 'Does the mod look good content wise? Does it have a good concept? Does it seem that they have their shit squared away and direction? Do they have a strong community? Are they active?' If you end up answering 'yes' to most/all of those questions... the mod will likely have a good chance of actually releasing. Whether they release a good mod or not will just have to wait and see... but it will all come down to how good the gameplay is in those terms.
Antic2 said:
Why isn't anyone thinking up new types of gameplay, settings, themes, bizarre and incredible planets, dimensions and characters?

Let's see some new game ideas, not more carbon-copy war simulations with carbon-copy guns!

*vent* ahhh better. Flame on! :)

"28 Days Later" post-apocalism, zombies, plus base-building, research, and co-op play?
Well here's a shameless link to my Mod. Argyll makes some very good points. I've never been involved in a Mod before, and I'm starting Citadel Utopia, however I have set the "deadline" for the serious work to begin for late summer/September '05 which is when I can give my full dedication and time to it (the lack of which is the reason behind there being no Mod website).

It's an RPG set in the future, in a "perfect" society. So far I've written the main plot and will be starting writing some more specific plots-branches around this. It won't quite be unique for every player, as I said somewhere in the thread, but it will have differing storylines depending on what class you play. It won't be as open-plan as Fallout in terms of different locations, but I'm planning that there will be many different routes to get to the end goal.

Interested? See the Citadel Utopia Thread.

If you have a comments or criticisms and don't feel like signing up to those forums, please PM me here or use my email address.
ComradeBadger said:

^ I said it last year :)

I'll freely admit that my own pet project gradually died, mainly due to a lack of time on my part, and the delay of HL2 breaking the team apart.

Anyway, I've got a lot more experience now, and I may make something cool yet, you'll see!
no reamkes of the origanals in the new engine

Lol... But isnt that the point? Dont we all want to see the good old fashion game modded with new features?

One of the best games I've played in years is Pirates!
Old games just had something most modern games dont, cause developers always loose stuff along the way (for some obscure reason which I half blaim Playstation/Xbox on).
I have always wanted to play a good COOP game with my friends.

Two teams competing vs eachother in a COOP story.
For an example, a rescue mission on a unknown planet ( i know, i know ;)) the two teams race eachother through different obstacles and sometimes maybe engage eachother?

It could be episode based to shorten the development time.
Maybe one episode per Month or something.

I dont know, just something i REALLY would like to play.
how about a "Final Fight style mod" where u walk through ure environment like in half-life. It will be easy 2 make. Levels will be full of eye candy, _ old subways, streets full of nightclubs and bars, mansions ect... It will be something different. Most fighting games like this are crap. But If it is done well in sorce, it will be very fun.

Closest thing is trying to knife players in counter-strike.
I would love to have a mod where the 2 sides are combines and rebels.

But unlike HL2 DM this would take place in a pre-built mini world with combine headquarters and rebel underground locations and stuff like that.

Each trying to bring the other side to it's knees, you could try to infiltrate, or just wage an all out attack on the other side.

On top of all this though, put it in a scenario so that it's like you're playing in an already existing world, not some random arena where you kill eachother. How cool would it be to be a rebel walking down the street with other civilians, see some combine and watch them pass, only to turn around, pull out your gun and start firing. They come after you and you desperatly hide behind debris, bullets flying by your face and impacting whatever it is you decided to hide behind. You quickly duck into an alleyway and go through a nearby manhole or something that leads to the rebel underground.

I'd love that. Citizens walking around, 2 sides opposed to eachother, the combine with an iron grip on the world, but the rebels with the ability to blend in with the citizens.

Of course the whole idea is pretty grandiose. You'd have to have the AI react to combine as if they were police and to rebels as if they were just normal people. You could have AI combine and rebels serving as guards for the bases and whatnot. The map or maps if you please, would have to be huge.

I know I couldn't pull something like that off but I'd love to play it. I'm sick of going into games that don't immerse you in the universe of the game. Half-Life 2 immersed you in those first moments in the beginning, and all the times when you got to rebel locations and had to fight alongside them. You felt like you were in a real city, being dictated by doctor breen and the combine.

If someone pulled that idea off properly, I think it would be an amazing mod.
Im surprised no one has said a Ninja mod yet. I would be so incredibly easy to created. Just have two or three ninja models running around with two or three ninja sword things, throwing a bunch of ninja stars everywhere. I'd be willing to bet you could implement this with out any coding whatso ever. Just use Half-Life 2 Death Match, and replace a few models.
This is a shameless plug, but those tired of the futuristic shooters might find solace in a Fantasy online roleplaying game:

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