Boss fights in Aftermath

eber said:
you know what would rock ...massive xen forces wiping out the combines and resistance and you are in between and have to get out :D

That's what I'm talking about, Xen portals (according to Steam and the Half-Life 2 team) are open ALL over outside of the cities. If you could travel out there then we could even be able to go back to XEN!

Samon said:
DSASH, I don't want to hear anymore out of you about preview videos or anything along those lines. Ever.

Incase you didn't notice, this is a free thought forum :p. If you don't like what I have to say then just ignore me and read something else. I was using the demo movies to help explain what I think it SHOULD have been like. So stfu and mind your own buisness :smoking:.
No, I won't stfu and mind my own business actually. We've already had people bumbling on about stuff seen in videos, and its fairly grating now.

The footage shown in the videos is there in one form or another. The Striders could never 'destroy' buildings, ever. What you saw was a Strider scripted to destroy a balcony - they destroy far more in the actual game, for example:
The Nexus pillars
Part of the multi story car park
Several areas in the derelict building at the Citadel base.

The video of the soldiers knocking down the door, is in there. The level is there. Except they don't smash down the door, and you don't wipe out several Combine using objects. As far as I'm aware, no soldier actually ducked. And if it did, it would have been scripted to do so, along with the door scene.

In the end, the HL2 you saw in those vids is still the Half-life 2 you played, and everything that was cut from those videos, is cut for a damn good reason. Because it sucked. What looked good in videos, does not look so good in game.
Samon said:
No, I won't stfu and mind my own business actually. We've already had people bumbling on about stuff seen in videos, and its fairly grating now.

The footage shown in the videos is there in one form or another. The Striders could never 'destroy' buildings, ever. What you saw was a Strider scripted to destroy a balcony - they destroy far more in the actual game, for example:
The Nexus pillars
Part of the multi story car park
Several areas in the derelict building at the Citadel base.

The video of the soldiers knocking down the door, is in there. The level is there. Except they don't smash down the door, and you don't wipe out several Combine using objects. As far as I'm aware, no soldier actually ducked. And if it did, it would have been scripted to do so, along with the door scene.

In the end, the HL2 you saw in those vids is still the Half-life 2 you played, and everything that was cut from those videos, is cut for a damn good reason. Because it sucked. What looked good in videos, does not look so good in game.

I just want to let ya know that I can see what you're saying, I can see that they probably took it out for a good reason. BUT I WANNA KNOW WHY! At least! And sure a lot of those things were scripted but WHY would they lie and say that they can do that like anytime? Why did they lie? That's what I wanna know. And for the most part, I'm just hopeing that some random person talks to STEAM about these improvements they could make. I'm just stating facts and hopeing to get something out of it :(!
The stuff is there though, in one form or another. The videos Valve showed were built for public showing, not for the game itself. If you played what was shown, you wouldn't think half of much of it as you do now.

Valve aren't out to piss us off. Do you really think they'd make less of a product? If it wasn't good enough, it would have to go...and it did, and for the better. Be pleased about that :)
I think flying curtains and vending machines throwing out cans when hit ,wouldn't have been detrimental to the game..
Samon said:
The stuff is there though, in one form or another. The videos Valve showed were built for public showing, not for the game itself. If you played what was shown, you wouldn't think half of much of it as you do now.

Valve aren't out to piss us off. Do you really think they'd make less of a product? If it wasn't good enough, it would have to go...and it did, and for the better. Be pleased about that :)

Ok you win, good point.:cheers:
DSASH said:
So stfu and mind your own buisness :smoking:.
Dude don't ever back talk the moderators
And FYI this thread is about boss fights in aftermath not some stupid preview vid's ya saw.
Anyway personally I'm looking forward to fighting all those synths.
Actually this thread is about boss fights, not the forum. ;)

I want to see Icthyosaur VS Giant Leeches, hardcore.
DSASH said:
And about the forcefields popping down and aliens coming through, they're probably not talking about NEW ones, they're talking about the kickass and loved OLD ones. The ones from HL1 that are supposedly "locked out of cities beacause of large gates surrounding the cities and them only being able to roam the outer plains and wasteland".

You know what's funny, I never recall them saying that...
Man, I forgot to put my input...I would love to see some Synth vs massive alien action as well :)
You know what I think would be awesome? You're running down from Breen's office, flight after flight of stairs, blowing away combine right and left, when suddenly you come upon the huge hall with thousands of pods, but everything is still and quiet... You work your way down through the eery stillness, and when you reach the bottom, and walk around for awhile, suddenly you hear a Combine alarm and then thousands of mechanical pops up and down the rows of pods as each one pops open and dumps out a Stalker, and you have to find cover quick or get hit by a falling Stalker, and when you do find cover, you just sit and watch as thousands of Stalkers fall and hit the floor... After about 30 seconds the Stalkers stop falling and the floor is littered with them, and you stat to hear moaning all around, and then one stands up, looks at you and charges you, then more stand up, and more, and more...

You get the idea. :sniper:
That would be aweome if all the big aliens from HL1 came into City 17. It would be like some old monster movie!
Captain M4d said:
That would be aweome if all the big aliens from HL1 came into City 17. It would be like some old monster movie!

I just hope there's some new enemies in there we haven't seen yet..
losermeetsworld said:
You know what I think would be awesome? You're running down from Breen's office, flight after flight of stairs, blowing away combine right and left, when suddenly you come upon the huge hall with thousands of pods, but everything is still and quiet... You work your way down through the eery stillness, and when you reach the bottom, and walk around for awhile, suddenly you hear a Combine alarm and then thousands of mechanical pops up and down the rows of pods as each one pops open and dumps out a Stalker, and you have to find cover quick or get hit by a falling Stalker, and when you do find cover, you just sit and watch as thousands of Stalkers fall and hit the floor... After about 30 seconds the Stalkers stop falling and the floor is littered with them, and you stat to hear moaning all around, and then one stands up, looks at you and charges you, then more stand up, and more, and more...

You get the idea. :sniper:
And imagine the lag... Although it sounds pretty cool..... God damn though it would be unplayable.
Not at all. Try it in Gmod, spawn about 150 ragdolls and 10 NPCs. When I tried it, I got about 40fps in even the hottest of the action, and I'll be the first to admit my rig isn't the best.
losermeetsworld said:
Not at all. Try it in Gmod, spawn about 150 ragdolls and 10 NPCs. When I tried it, I got about 40fps in even the hottest of the action, and I'll be the first to admit my rig isn't the best.
Holy mother ****ing shit. Still, if the area is particularly smaller than most, and consider thousands of NPC's, then I can imagine.
TollBooth Willie said:
Holy mother ****ing shit. Still, if the area is particularly smaller than most, and consider thousands of NPC's, then I can imagine.

Ok maybe not thousands. Err... Definitly not thousands. But a lot, enough to show just how bad the Combine was.
losermeetsworld said:
You know what I think would be awesome? You're running down from Breen's office, flight after flight of stairs, blowing away combine right and left, when suddenly you come upon the huge hall with thousands of pods, but everything is still and quiet... You work your way down through the eery stillness, and when you reach the bottom, and walk around for awhile, suddenly you hear a Combine alarm and then thousands of mechanical pops up and down the rows of pods as each one pops open and dumps out a Stalker, and you have to find cover quick or get hit by a falling Stalker, and when you do find cover, you just sit and watch as thousands of Stalkers fall and hit the floor... After about 30 seconds the Stalkers stop falling and the floor is littered with them, and you stat to hear moaning all around, and then one stands up, looks at you and charges you, then more stand up, and more, and more...

You get the idea. :sniper:

Meh, wouldn't work to well.

There is still plenty of Citadel room for Stalkers, mind.
Especially if it had souped up AI, like the ones from Half-Life 1 (except of course those were US assassins, but whatever)
I dont think that whould be very hard to make, A room full of stalkers. You whouldent need a thousend to make it look like a thousend.
What I wouldn't want to see is those Itchysaurs(sp?). So lets say that you escape from the city, and the explosion propels you into some ocean or river(or something), and you have to fight this incredibly huge boss version of it.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
What I wouldn't want to see is those Itchysaurs(sp?). So lets say that you escape from the city, and the explosion propels you into some ocean or river(or something), and you have to fight this incredibly huge boss version of it.

Yeah, that whould be awsome.
it'd be cool if you were driving a little zodiac boat or a small fishing boat and had to fend off an over grown icthy
Flyingdebris said:
it'd be cool if you were driving a little zodiac boat or a small fishing boat and had to fend off an over grown icthy
Yeah RE4 style where you fight that giant salamander in the lake. Big ichty ftw! :D
i'd like to go through the tunnels are u see glimpes of the hydra running through the tunnels and combine getting killed by it , and rebels and then near the end of am u have to fight it.....teh sechs
UltimaApocalyspe said:
What I wouldn't want to see is those Itchysaurs(sp?). So lets say that you escape from the city, and the explosion propels you into some ocean or river(or something), and you have to fight this incredibly huge boss version of it.

:eek: I wouldn't survive.
maybe you, alyx, and the combine could work together. in some levels, soldiers would follow you. others would have gunships or striders or some other combine synth following you or whatever. and a boss could be........ ... umm... lemme think for a second. oh! uh maybe creatures that would've been scheduled to become synths would break out of the citadel and fight? nah! thats terrible. maybe bullsquids and the sand barnacle. maybe some combine guards would fight you at first, you show them that you are on their side by killing alien creatures, and they dont give a damn and try to kill you. sorry, im having a blonde day today:dork:
I want to see a crab synth face off againt an entirely new Xen creature that is roughly as big as it.
One of them things ye saw on the walkways on your way up the citadel in your prison pod.
I already said that! :p

Icthyosaurs Vs Hydra!
azumi said:
don't expect any conclusions, I bet its another cliffhanger just to keep us jumping up an down until HL3 is here :bounce:

i read in Edge that there will not be a half life 3, this was an interview with the main valve guy, i forget his name. he said that the half life series will span a number of expansions and then be concluded.
Hehe... old news, rambler. Plus debatably false. Use the search function, you'll unearth something.