bowling for columbine



I just saw bowling for columbine, and i must say that this film has touched me. And im not saying that in some gushy way, i mean it.

I really recommend this movie, though it isnt for everyone.

Any thoughts anyone?
not this again :( i think you should head over to the fahrenheit 9/11 thread.

personally i thought the movie was funny, mostly because i dont like michael moore.
Bowling For Columbine was a joke as Fahrenheit 9/11 will be.
moz4rt said:
yea i know, most of it seemed faked, i mean the dog part was so fake... like if the camera man sees that his friend got shot, why would he just continue filiming?

but still, the cartoon part was halarious..
i realy liked the movie

*awaits to be linched
wow thanks for the site, it really opened up my eyes
I liked it. Yes, that site is interesting, but the site mitself makes some very poor points, nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking.

The movie does make some very good points, and that site might make one or two good points. But most of thier points are silly.

Many of theese parts where this site says Moore was "boldly deciveing his audience"....he said things to make his point. He didn't lies about these things, or exagerate them. If somone was fully decived by soemthing morre says, then they are on the level of the gun toting rednecks.
I thought the cartoon was pretty funny too. :D
The only annoying thing about it is that the NRA and KKK are mortal enemies and always have been, but it implies they're the same people.
I just saw it too. It was pretty nice. Even though some of the stuff can be critisized, some of the stuff was pretty neat. It almost made me shed a tear when the girl talked about having a gun pointed to her face. ;(
I think it doesn't matter if you believe the validity of the film or not, America still has over 16,000 more gun-related deaths a year more than any other civilised country - You people have to ask yourselves why you have guns anyway.

The guy made a good point - A Semi Automatic is not used for hunting deer!!!

I think anyone arguing agaisnt the content of the film is arguing against common sense itself. National Rifle Association? WTF.
SidewinderX143 said:
Many of theese parts where this site says Moore was "boldly deciveing his audience"....he said things to make his point. He didn't lies about these things, or exagerate them. If somone was fully decived by soemthing morre says, then they are on the level of the gun toting rednecks.

I will just say that a lot of people who went to see Bowling For Columbine, believed every word Mr Moore said.
the only real claim to moore stretching the truth was when he said Willie Horton commited a murder when in fact all he did was assualt and rape someone... :upstare:

the rest is nitpicking...Moore's style is somewhere between gonzo journalism and satire, I wouldnt classify him as hardline documentary film maker. If I want facts I seek out Noam chomsky, if I want to be entertained I read moore
I suppose the issue is that many, many people aren't as discerning as yourself. Would if I could wish they were.
yes I agree but I think the average person who watches Moore's films are discerning enough to take it all with a grain of salt. Conversly anyone who gets angry after watching one fails to see the humour in what he does...he's one man taking on institutions and corporations usually with great success....that classic segment from the awful truth when he confronts Nike owner for using child labor is priceless. He embarrasses them into action, oh if only more film makers/journalists would follow his example (in the 60's this type of ambush journalism was quite popular, that is until the news became info-tainment)
Well **** it if some of the scenes are staged! Of course there'll be staged scenes in a documentary or maybe even recreated scenes! I love the movie because it shows how sick some American people are! Seriously, some of them are fncked up!
What made a lot of people annoyed with him is that he often does these things at the expense of others. Charleton Heston is the best example. The guy's not a saint or anything, but hes nothing like in Columbine. Moore HEAVILY edits everything he says in the movie, and even insinuates that he came and gave that speech in Michigan only two days after that child shot a classmate. In reality Heston came 8 months after the incident and was unaware of it, and Moore had himself spoken there several weeks before.
I will give my thought...I really can't stand michael moore. He acts like anybody can buy a gun anywhere at any age..which is total bullshit. He is pretty much anti- everything that is american.


Why is it a bad thing to ahve guns? It is the people that commit the crimes, not the gun. many people collect them because of the craftsmanship that goes into creating them. They are also valuable collectors items

Also, we have 16,000 more gun related crimes a year becuase we are about 16 times the size of any european country! Now, if that number has been scaled with the # of incidents in europe, I stand mistaken
I wouldnt say that...he's certainly for free speech and freedom of the press. :D many people catch in the first segment of the movie that between shots he has to wait for a five day background check? Moore seems to leave that part out.
I distinctly remember the bank teller saying to him that he had to wait the standard 5 days...but who really cares because the point is that you get a gun for opening a freakin bank account, are americans the only ones who dont see how absolutely bizarre that is?
It's bizarre, but not bad. As Moore points out plenty of other countries have as many weapons per person as the US, but don't have the gun death rate. So its not really the guns that are the problem.
And you're right that the teller does mention the wait...but its never mentioned beyond that and none of the people I watched the movie with picked up on it except for myself because I was specificly listening for it.
I don't care how much Moore may or may not strech the truth. He is funny and he makes a good point about one thing and that is America have too much people killing each other with weapons. Mainly because they are afraid and they can easily get their hands on weapons. So what if he streches the truth on other things? The main point is still there. Give up in blaming him for making this film, he makes us aware of very important facts that ARE true.

As he said, why would he lie? Then the FBI wouldn't aprove the film, would they? He would have got lawsuits and other shit, etc.
it is bad if you take into account the number of gun related deaths in the US. Americans live in a gun culture so for them it's no big deal but to an outsider it's a downright scary. I've never seen a handgun in my 30 + years unless it was in some cop's holster, can the majority of americans say the same?
The FBI warning a warning against copying it, not an approval. :D
I suppose he plays with some stuff just to make his point more persuasive, and thats actually one of the things that annoys me. He has a great basis for most of his arguments, and these issue are important.
So why does he point fingers all over the place? Why make other people look bad who have nothing to do with it? Why lay such the guilt trip and try to appeal to people's dissatisfaction?
There IS a gun problem in the US. So why not just lay down the facts?
Edit: Never seen a gun either outside of a few collector pieces and police officers.
because people have been saying this for years...look Moore has been more successful in making people aware of the gun problem in america more than any other person. He recieved more attention for attacking the gun culture than Bradley fighting for tougher guns laws after nearly getting killed by that lunatic Hinckley. Nobody called Bradley anti-american for lobbying for waiting periods to purchase guns

edit: direwolf, I take it you're american and you've never seen a gun? my cousin is from Florida, he works at the University of Florida as a techician and carries a handgun in his does his brother and even my 68 year old aunt

I have studied the thing myself, and no reliable source has ever made one good evidence that any fact in the film is fabricated, I have posted the link to Bowling for Truth in this site. I was the one to influence these above me that now I know to be wrong. ABSOLUTELY AND POSITIVELY WRONG.

Michael Moore states that in his own site, NRA has never made a move on him. If in truth there was all that "suspicious editing" and "misleading facts", HE WOULD HAVE BEEN SUED. NRA WOULD NOT LET IT GO.

I was mistaken in those same errors of beliving taht Bowling for Columbine had been misleading. IT IS NOT MISLEADING. EVERY FACT WAS CHECKED BY A TEAM OF 20 LAWYERS. And the studio confirms it, that they could not allow it to become a jeopardy for them, so they double-checked everything. THE STUDIO WOULDN'T WANT NOT BE SUED. THEY RE-CHECKED EVERYTHING.

There you have it.
no need to shout, Direwolf hasnt resorted to insults or belittling anyone, actually he's probably the only person who doesnt agree with Moore who's had valid points. We can have a civil conversation without getting too worked up
I'm just glad to know that nothing of it was made up after all. :)
Also, we have 16,000 more gun related crimes a year becuase we are about 16 times the size of any european country!

The UK has, as an example, a population of (approx) 60 million, while the US has 250 million. Not quite 16 times bigger; but, I guess, it's because we do our best to ban firearms outright.

Can't help thinking that the rather nasty stereotype of the American with no concept of irony or the abstract applies to some of the complaints aimed at Moore; some parts clearly seemed staged and/or exaggerated in a tongue-in-cheek fashion to me, no surprises there.

I have to admit that BFC didn't really reveal all that much extra to me, although by the same token its a well formed documentary as far as exposing information goes. Still wonder at F-911 of course; yet to even see its trailer.
I didn't read much of this thread, but I know the whole story..basicly.

I think regardless of the movie's falicities, the point still stands; guns are too plentiful in the United States. It needs to be controlled. In the words of the great Chris Rock: "Just charge $5000 a bullet" (not exact quote).
Listen bozos, it's like this:
Michael Moore's documentary style may not hold up to the rigors of journalistic ideals, but his work is essential for two main reasons: 1- He's the only significant popular voice of dissent against the US government in America. This is VERY IMPORTANT when the mass media is so tightly controlled by the government and their industrial sponsors; 2- He's a filmaker who's basic motivation (at least to start with) was exposing injustice and BAD PEOPLE!

If you really think that the fact that he exagerates and misinterprets stuff is reason enough to slander him, you're really missing the point, and you're just supporting the fascist (yes, fascist, look it up and see how the current administration compares) bastards who are trying to crush all attempts to oppose them or make them accountable.
Whether you like him or not is immaterial; if you don't support him and people like him, you're siding with people who will lead us all into poverty, misery, war and death.
It takes longer then 10 minutes to have got that gun.

That's another reason why i dont like Micheal Moore he seems to edit stuff to make other people look bad so his point comes across more valid when in fact if you got the whole story you realise his message is pretty much BS.

I only take notes of someone trying to put a point across in a serious manner and as a powerfull matter like Micheal Moore does. When he dosent play around with the facts trys to mislead the viewer and takes certain quotes waaaay out of proportion.

Woah just read the persons above me post. Way to debunk your own comments by calling everyone a bozo. I wont even start with your other "points"
Hey, who said I was referring to everyone? Nice way to not bother considering what I said.
CptStern said:
it is bad if you take into account the number of gun related deaths in the US. Americans live in a gun culture so for them it's no big deal but to an outsider it's a downright scary. I've never seen a handgun in my 30 + years unless it was in some cop's holster, can the majority of americans say the same?
i can't say the same stern...I'm american and ive shot 3 different handguns 17 too (jolly good fun it was too!)