Brawl Media Release: Junkyard Map


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
If you’d got yourself into a rather ugly brawl with a Mexican wrestler who’s got testicles bigger than your biceps and a face that would make even a mother cringe, where would you want to fight? I’d want to be somewhere with lots of blunt objects, preferably near me, so I can hit him with stuff. That’s probably what the Brawl team were thinking when devising this new Junkyard map; it’s full of… well… junk. Hopefully the mod will allow you to wield lots of the inanimate objects scattered around the maps in a similar fashion to Half-Life 2, because I’d hate to run at this guy with just my fists. [br]

[br]You can visit the Brawl website here if you want to find out more about this fist-fighting mod.
X_i_Z_o_R said:
Love the stack of cars :)
There's huge gaps inbetween them. I say they merge all those models with proper collision into one model. They can even delete the rooves (Meh?) that won't be seen to save resources. I just don't like those holes there.
I'm really interested to see how the gameplay of this mod turns out. Looking forward to it, especially after seeing their grade-A work so far :D
Were going with 3d person. Two gameplays. Thanks for the nice words!
I was going to post this but I was packing.

Rargh! Sulk smash!

/me throws cars at people
A while ago I suggested a cowgirl and dominatrix player characters. Now after checking back I see you've done them both! :)
Looks great :O
I'm going to have so much fun smashing in people's heads :p
car stack and skybox are ugly but the rest is pretty good.
I want this to come out. I'm fed up with all the mods that, well, are first person shooters! This might be the one I'm looking for...keep it up, guys...
That junkyard looks really compelling, I'm buzzing now I've looked at those screenies. Or maybe it's the fact I haven't had caffeine IN ALMOST FIVE DAYS!!!

Nope, it's the screenshots.