Brawl Media Update


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
The impressive modification Brawl seems to be coming along very well. In the latest update, team leader Bluewolf shares with us two close range weapons; pepper spray and a tazer, which can be used to stun and temporary cripple your opponents in the ring.[br]

[br]For those who haven't heard of Brawl, it's in short a modification focusing on gritty, ultra-realistic hand to hand fighting a lá the movie Fight Club.[br]</br>
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pepper spray and taser..........ohhhh the fun!!!

TIP: make sure you make the very best "pain noises"
And nice map :)
i cant wait to see hows this kind of mod turns out. a 3rd person fighter in the HL2 engine sounds interesting.

Nice models and textures aside......has any progress actually been made on it yet? Im guessing turning a FPS into a beat-em up takes a fair bit or tricky coding.

Edit: Having looked at their Team page, im guessing the answer is a firm NO. As they dont have any coders yet *sigh*
The models look nice, but the taser looks...odd. The yellow bit is really going to piss me off if the mod ever comes out. The map looks good though, and I like the pepper spray.
Looking good, should be a good stress relief mod :)
I've been watching this mod for some time and it really does look extremely interesting. I hope that they will release a playable version soon. "Brawl" in Source is much more safer idea than fighting in real life, anyway ;).
Nice, but doesn't the pepper spray and taser take away the whole point of fighting melee, since those are projectile type weapons? I know the range on the mace will be short, but those models of taser can shoot a projectile thats accurate over 40 feet.

And FrenchToast, I don't know what your problem of the yellow is, it seems fine with me usually tasers come in a really loud yellow, to designate that it is not a firearm.
I dont think the pepper and taser take away. They are short range and you may not use them all the time.

Someone suggested that we do a Nail Air Gun? What do you all think!
Do it, but but make it a secret or something options to remove the weapon. Else you'll have to change the name to "Brawl: Crude Weapons Mod". Which everything is, with the exception of the taser. I've seen nail gun injuries, and yes they travel far and deadly, if you do it wrong.

PS: You have GOT to include a dominatrix model with a whip, chains and lasoo! :p