Breaking Bad Season 3

Yeah... but she still is laundering the money, which is an action.
Are you sure? I thought she hadn't started yet, since Walt keeps on telling her to take the money without asking about it.
As far as who ordered the kid killed I can see it going to ways:

Gus ordered the child killed since letting him just go back home would probably be a huge risk.

Or the dealers did it to **** with jesse knowing they're under Gus's protection. They looked like they already knew Jesse was going to show up that night, and im sure if they had killed him they could've just told Gus that Jesse decided to come after them regardless of the whole "keep the peace" talk.
Yeah but Walt also talked about how they aren't killers. Yet he didn't hesitate for even a fraction of a second before pulling that trigger.

Except Walt already is a killer. Season 1, Jesse's basement.
Except Walt already is a killer. Season 1, Jesse's basement.

There's a difference between having killed someone(or multiple people like Walt did in Season 1), and being a "killer". Walt wasn't a "killer" when he killed those two guys. He did however have that cold distinction when he executed those two guys in the last episode.

Philosophical differences anyway.
No she's not. Her whole speech to Walt and Saul was nothing but talk. She was researching money laundering so she doesn't appear immediately clueless when it comes time to actually launder Walt's drug money.

I found that odd too, why would she need to look that up on wikipedia? But she does have experiance in this type of thing, she caught accounting fraud at her job when that one guy she was boning was doing it. So I don't think she's clueless, but looking up money laundering on wikipedia was a bit odd.
Are you sure? I thought she hadn't started yet, since Walt keeps on telling her to take the money without asking about it.

They struck a deal cementing her involvement when they were talking outside their home. That whole "dinner 4 days a week with notice" deal.

And yeah, I thought it was odd she was looking that up, since she had experience with it already. They probably showed that to bring home the fact that shes still an amateur.
They struck a deal cementing her involvement when they were talking outside their home. That whole "dinner 4 days a week with notice" deal.

And yeah, I thought it was odd she was looking that up, since she had experience with it already. They probably showed that to bring home the fact that shes still an amateur.
Ah yeah, forgot about that deal. Maybe the laundering begins with Walt's next payment to Skyler?
And arguably Season 2, Jesse's bedroom.
Shit, how the hell did I not remember that one.
There's a difference between having killed someone(or multiple people like Walt did in Season 1), and being a "killer". Walt wasn't a "killer" when he killed those two guys. He did however have that cold distinction when he executed those two guys in the last episode.

Philosophical differences anyway.
If that's what a 'killer' is, I'd rather be a killer. He did what really had to be done, he saved his friend's life, in the heat of the moment, that man had to die, and he wasn't exactly the nicest guy anyway. In season 1 he choked a man to death after keeping him prisoner in his basement for a week. In season he watched as a woman choked to death on her own vomit, deciding to let it happen.
Shit, how the hell did I not remember that one.

If that's what a 'killer' is, I'd rather be a killer. He did what really had to be done, he saved his friend's life, in the heat of the moment, that man had to die, and he wasn't exactly the nicest guy anyway. In season 1 he choked a man to death after keeping him prisoner in his basement for a week. In season he watched as a woman choked to death on her own vomit, deciding to let it happen.

In both situations in Season 1 he was saving his own life. In the RV when he gassed the guys... and when he choked the guy to death. The guy attempted to kill him with the plate shard, don't you remember that? He was going to let him go.

And yes, I know he was also protecting Jesse in that situation with the car... but he wasn't hesitant at all about killing them, like he was in those other situations.

And the situation with Jesse's girlfriend choking to death, that was also a situation where he was protecting Jesse in a way. It was also one of the moments where we saw Walt becoming more and more of a criminal, because of his willingness to let that happen. All of that stuff is part of what has made Walt the man who was able to run those two down and shoot the one in the head with such calculation. He killed those two guys without a hint of hesitation, because as I said before... he knows now he can no longer accept half measures, as well as his fondness for Jesse as kind of a son. That was the whole point of the episode.
I can't say I disagree with what you just said, I'm just saying I think the first couple times Walter killed people it was under far less demanding and defensive circumstances. Interesting to note that Jesse has never really killed anyone while Walt often goes out of his way to do what is 'necessary' for Jesse to get by and keep some of his innocence.
that was the greatest moment of television i have seen in years.
I can't say I disagree with what you just said, I'm just saying I think the first couple times Walter killed people it was under far less demanding and defensive circumstances. Interesting to note that Jesse has never really killed anyone while Walt often goes out of his way to do what is 'necessary' for Jesse to get by and keep some of his innocence.

Well he was pretty certain the guys in the RV were going to murder him and Jesse after he made the drugs, and if not then, definitely later. And the guy tried to kill him with a shard, and ended up stabbing him in the leg.
Interesting to note that Jesse has never really killed anyone while Walt often goes out of his way to do what is 'necessary' for Jesse to get by and keep some of his innocence.

Jesse killed Tuco, didn't he? I don't think it was Walt.

Great episode.

Regardless of the good relationship Gus and Walt have, I think this is a very serious mess because I believe those two dudes were gang leaders.

Despite the fact that none of the other gang members know Jesse or Walt, other gang members could find out since Jesse is ****ing Thomas' sister. On the other hand, his girlfriend will be glad to find out the men who killed her little brother are dead. Anyway, very messy situation. She lives in the gang controlled neighborhood.
Jesse killed Tuco, didn't he? I don't think it was Walt.

Jesse only wounded him. Hank actually killed him shortly after that while Jesse and Walt were hiding in a ditch. Why do you think the cousins went after Hank?
Yeah, I can't remember the sequence of events, but you must be right; good point.

EDIT: I remember now - Tuco reached into his car to get his rifle or whatever it was and Hank lit him up.

I'm looking forward to watching all the seasons over again sometime in the future.
Holyshit balls!

Why didn't I watch this episode when it came out, talk about a thrilling ending.
Haha the wiki page was hilarious. The episode was great, but with an ending like that I kinda forgot about everything else.

And not just tonight.... but in 20 minutes!

I hope no planes fall from the sky!

But hey, it can't be all bad... it'll be *badasses* free. The only badass is now Walt!
Holy... ****ing... shit...

Best finale ever.

I think it's over anyway... I mean, my recording is still going, but it's some sneak preview for some show called Rubicon.

But... wow.

Don't read unless you've seen the episode.

Poor, poor Gale. I feel so bad for him... but I also feel so bad for Jesse as well... he was obviously incredibly conflicted and good hearted because he didn't want to kill him.

God damn this episode was INTENSE. Every bit of it except for the first part where they were buying the house.

So Gale wasn't in on the whole idea of replacing Walt from the beginning, like some of you thought. He was ignorant about the whole situation, and he obviously felt terrible about the idea of Walt having to die for him to replace him... since he knew Walt was going to be murdered. And now Gale got murdered... poor poor Gale.

This all means next season is going to be exciting, at least I hope so. Walt cooking under extreme pressure knowing they want him dead, and they want him dead now... as soon as they can ship in a Chemist or force walt to teach another...

It's going to be crazy!

Next season is definitely going to be about bringing the crime syndicate down, or dying trying.

EDIT: Oh and that part where the guy in the warehouse is raising his hands to indicate to the Gus's guy to raise or lower his weapon... is downright hilarious.

Also... Gus is a scary mother****er. I don't like him anymore!
Wasn't the most intense episode of the season, for sure. But thats not a bad thing. Walt's move at the end was ****ing brilliant though.
Wasn't the most intense episode of the season, for sure. But thats not a bad thing. Walt's move at the end was ****ing brilliant though.

You can't deny that this Finale blows planes out of the sky compared to last season's finale though.
Was it 2 hours long like people were saying?

Also, the show was renewed. Obviously.

No. I thought it was, but it was some stupid other show that aired under the same breaking bad name in the program guide.

Pissed me off. I was expecting a whole other hour. Oh well though, doesn't matter! It was a great episode, and I can't wait for next season.
You can't deny that this Finale blows planes out of the sky compared to last season's finale though.

I didn't have a problem with the plane thing, and I think the build up to the finale last season that went through the entire season was much better than this one.

Also, the Rubicon pilot was good.
The most intense episode all season, for sure. You're crazy if you don't think so! CRAZY!

Eh, well whatever, there were plenty of intense episodes. That's cool. The season started off a little disappointing, but by like the 3rd episode they were coming thick and fast.
Man, the vibe of this episode was down right cold.

And just as I said before, Gus is sleeping dragon, the wrong man to **** with.
Great season finale indeed. It felt very intense and sinister.

I jumped at the lost shot. That's how intense just the last scene was.
they were coming thick and fast.

Awesome episode, loved it.

My favorite part was when the cleaner guy went to that place and kill those people. The shooting through the wall part was both hilarious and awesome.
Awesome episode, loved it.

My favorite part was when the cleaner guy went to that place and kill those people. The shooting through the wall part was both hilarious and awesome.
Yeah, that was my favourite scene. Mike is such a badass. I didn't expect him to be this much of a 00-agent... but I like it.
Oh god that was so good. I'm so worried about Jesse.
****ING INCREDIBLE. I haven't had internet or cable for the past two weeks due to moving, so I watched both of the last two episodes yesterday. The ending of episode 12 was amazing as I'm sure you have all already gushed. I thought the finale was intense as all hell, beautiful writing too - Walt's play at the end was completely excellent. I think everyone involved is retarded to antagonize Gus but the next season sure will be absurdly intense at this rate. I also respect the reasons for the conflict (basically, Walt being protective of Jesse despite Jesse's poor decision-making).
That was absolutely awesome, just finished watching it. This is by far the greatest show on TV right now. Jesse totally redeemed himself in my opinion as long as he doesn't become a tweaker in the next season. Sure, he's still a total **** up but he did the right thing by saving Walt after Walt saved him.

Also, Gale might not have been in on it but it would seem that Gus had the intention of ****ing over Walt from the very beginning.

Sucks that I was expecting 2 hours and it was only 1, false advertising FTL.
Would be nice, but as long as they keep delivering episodes that good, I'll take what I can get.
I'm willing to bet the next season is the last season, and brings the series to a close.

Walt and Jesse somehow survive and succeed in taking down Gus's criminal organization, and hank gets back on the case and ends up finding out that Walt is Heisenberg and the season ends with Hank reluctantly putting Walt behind bars... after he provides a financial future for his family and takes down the crime organization he helped fuel.

That's how I think it'll go anyway.
I'm willing to bet the next season is the last season, and brings the series to a close.

Walt and Jesse somehow survive and succeed in taking down Gus's criminal organization, and hank gets back on the case and ends up finding out that Walt is Heisenberg and the season ends with Hank reluctantly putting Walt behind bars... after he provides a financial future for his family and takes down the crime organization he helped fuel.

That's how I think it'll go anyway.

That would probably be best. But 10 bucks says there will be many more seasons, this show is too big at this point for them to end it.