Breaking Bad Season 3

Great episode, prefect character piece.

I was so gripped when walt was about to spill the beans.
I loved that episode. Really good look into both Walt and Jesse. I feel about 10x more sympathetic to Jesse after this episode despite that he's still a ****tard that's going to mess everything up. Was the discussion about Jesse's aunt and the last scene of the ep where Walt sees the fly as he's going to bed supposed to imply that Walt has some kind of brain tumor?
I thought the first half of the episode sucked, particularly in comparison to the second half.

I mean god damn... all that for a fly. You're nuts walt.
I loved that episode. Really good look into both Walt and Jesse. I feel about 10x more sympathetic to Jesse after this episode despite that he's still a ****tard that's going to mess everything up. Was the discussion about Jesse's aunt and the last scene of the ep where Walt sees the fly as he's going to bed supposed to imply that Walt has some kind of brain tumor?

For some reason I got the impression it meant he is being watched. He did say he is seeing his doctor on a regular basis and his cancer is still in remission (unless he lied).
Great episode, prefect character piece.

I was so gripped when walt was about to spill the beans.

This episode bugged me. From Walt losing his ****ing mind over a fly, hanging off the rafters, risking damage to the equipment... to Jesse drugging him, back to Walt almost telling on himself, and wishing he had died ... The show just bugged the shit out of me.

I wouldn't say it was a bad episode, I'm just like what in the ****, Walt. Walt has lost his ****ing mind. He had no excuse for the stupidity of swatting that fly with his clipboard ... at least before he stayed awake all night trying to kill it.

I think it's pretty obvious Walt is going crazy. (Not that he doesn't have reason to). A dangerous amount of Paranoia. Welcome to organized crime.

I can see him taking everything apart in the next episode, trying to find any surveillance devices. And I'm not sure it's a good idea to find any in the lab. What if he does find one? What then? Yeah.
Walt sign on for quick and easy (didn't quite go that way mind you), each step has been a **** up along the way, there were a few good steps, but it doesn't help with the next step leading to the same bullshit.
So, an episode surrounding Walt and Jesse battling a fly... is quite possibly an Emmy contender? I'm interested enough to want to catch up on the show.
So, an episode surrounding Walt and Jesse battling a fly... is quite possibly an Emmy contender? I'm interested enough to want to catch up on the show.

It's better than the Lost finale.

That said... I thought the episode was stupid, except for some of the Walt talking near the end.

Made no ****ing sense for logical Walt to go so bat shit crazy over a fly. He's losing his ****ing mind in a fairly ridiculous way.
Cousins are dead, Hank is out of the picture, Gus is happy, Mexican gangs are off the trail, DEA has made no progress, Walt fell and didn't die, Jesse is still fine. Tension status: CONFIRMED GONE. This show needs to pick up the pace next week.
IMO, the plot is predictable from this point. Jesse will continue to steal the products from Gus and use them as his own profit, Gus finds out about this and wants him dead or disappear from his operation. Walt, as usual, feel obligated to help his miserable, pathetic sidekick and do something that will anger Gus and causes Gus to go after them and Walt's family. And all shit breaks loose.
As virus said, Walt might be getting paranoid here. The funny thing about organized crime is 90 percent of the time the people end up dead. Or they get arrested.

In this line of work, karma is always a mean bitch.
Ever heard of a concussion?

Except he was acting the same before he took his spill... irrationally and stupid. I mean... come on, look what he was ****ing doing to try and kill a single ****ing fly. His stupid ass should have quit once he broke the light.
He was acting considerably more irrational after the fall. Before that, was understandable, because it started as something very light, and it slowly built up. The slow build up is what makes it possible. Obviously climbing out on a railing is not the first thing he would have done, but there was a buildup to it and he was getting more and more frustrated, always feeling like if he tried a bit more the problem would be solved.
Except he was acting the same before he took his spill... irrationally and stupid. I mean... come on, look what he was ****ing doing to try and kill a single ****ing fly. His stupid ass should have quit once he broke the light.
I think he should have realized how stupid he was being after he bent the clipboard - if not then, then at the very least, at the point when he accidentally turned on one of the machines.
Understandable? It wasn't understandable. He was acting like somebody ****ing determined as all hell to kill a single fly. We find out after the fall that it's because he's paranoid it'll contaminate the batch.

He wasn't acting rationally before or after the fall. Period.

Also he didn't hit his head.
Wow, this episode was fantastic. Maybe it's just me, but it seemed like everyone's performance was unusually excellent. Even minor characters like Skinny Pete managed to shine. Also, I can't wait to see what Jesse does next.
Did anyone else notice that the schedule was ****ed up and the show didn't start until like 11:30? Anyway, loved it.
Gus is too interesting of a character, need more cleaner scenes, and jesse is probably going to revenge combo's death on those gangsters.
Was Gus talking about Jesse when he warned Walt not to make the same mistake twice?

I am actually starting to gain a little bit of sympathy for Jesse but it looks like now he wants to start a gang war, this guy isn't too bright.
I never would have expected this with Jesse and those gangbangers that killed his friend. This is the most interesting plot development all season. Oh, man. This is going to be epic.
Was Gus talking about Jesse when he warned Walt not to make the same mistake twice?

I think so considering the dialog between the two when Jesse mentions the missing product as Walt points to the ceiling.

I am actually starting to gain a little bit of sympathy for Jesse but it looks like now he wants to start a gang war, this guy isn't too bright.

He annoys the hell out of me but I still manage to like him. This episode basically redeemed him from his past shenanigans but it's almost certain he'll seek vengeance for his friends death.

This was one of the best episodes so far in my expert opinion. Skylar went from a conniving super bitch to wife of the year, Jesse found a new possible love interest AND found his friend's killer. On top of that we see the progress in the relationship between Walt and Gus, even though there was an inherent threat in the dinner.

What annoys me (and I'm guessing this won't persist) is how Jesse, despite becoming a millionaire, feels the need to peddle a negligible amount of meth at meetings for what would essential be pittance compared to what he's making from Gus. He's literally risking not only his life but Walt's as well.

Hank is starting to annoy me with his he just scared and doesn't want anybody to see him in a vulnerable position? I feel like it's deeper than that but who knows...
I think Hank is in denial about the fact that he is paralyzed so he is going bat shit crazy over it.
I agree, really great episode. Looks like the beginning of the tension that will culminate in the season finale is beginning to make itself known. Skylar was awesome in this episode, Jesse is going to stir shit up BIG TIME, and Gus obviously knows everything, although I don't know if what he was referring to was Jesse or Skylar with the "same mistake twice" business.

I really love Gus as a character, I can't wait to see where things go with him. Thus far he's been 100 percent infallible, always one step ahead of everybody else and completely on top of his shit.

Hank isn't paralyzed, he's just extraordinarily weak in the legs and needs rehab. I think his issues are mostly due to him feeling vulnerable, but I think some of it has to do with mental anguish over the idea that he was a player in someone's big game (Gus's) that he doesn't know shit about (the warning before the shootout).
I think Hank is in denial about the fact that he is paralyzed so he is going bat shit crazy over it.

That's probably true but there's an underlying issue with him. Between giving up the job offer and his apparent anxiety attacks it's seems like he's losing his grip.

Theory: Hank will find out how Walt is paying for his medical bills and will save Walt's ass sometime down the line.

Edit: I agree with you Ennui. I feel like he's going to "pop" soon and make things even more interesting.
Interesting idea. I've been oscillating back and forth for the entire series on the question of whether or not Hank would take Walt down or not if he found out the truth. I still have no idea, but I'm certain that's going to be an issue at some point in a future season.
Great episode.

I find myself rooting for Jesse again, which is what I think the series needed. Jesse is supposed to be somebody we can cheer on, just like Walt.

I hope Jesse destroys that corner gang and that little gang banging kid.
It's interesting that with this season, they started with the "previously on Breaking Bad...", and with the showing of relevant memories (things that already happened). Unfortunately, it makes the episodes shorter, but this can give them a lot of extra time to write. So the plot is unfolding slowly, but it's pretty astonishingly well done, I think.

As someone pointed out, the acting was really good this past episode, (I felt Hank over-acted a bit regarding the hospital bed, but that's just my opinion) Anyway, the point is, did you see Jesse's face after buying the meth from Thomas? That's probably exactly how someone would have reacted in reality. So convincing. Well that's probably the reaction I would have had anyway.

Ok, so enough of that, what I want to get to is the part where Jesse is playing that new girlfriend of his, but then he is seemingly getting feelings for her. But now that he knows her little brother shot and killed his friend Combo - now what? If they would have slowed the plot down to where he found out after he loved her, then it could have been pretty dramatic, and it would have been really difficult for him. But now that he knows (and importantly - noone else does), now what?

NOW WHAT. Jesse has showed time and again to be very caring and protective when it comes to children... so this could be very interesting regarding Thomas.

Personally, I think he's going to want to "save" Thomas from the gang life somehow, but take on the rest of the gang. His posse is really small, so he will have to really take advantage of the fact that nobody knows him. This is going to take all season because he's really going to have to think this through - mostly, how to deal with Thomas.
Was Gus talking about Jesse when he warned Walt not to make the same mistake twice?

I am actually starting to gain a little bit of sympathy for Jesse but it looks like now he wants to start a gang war, this guy isn't too bright.

a) Yes, I'm pretty certain.

b) It really isn't a matter of intelligence.
b) It really isn't a matter of intelligence.

Well clearly, because he has none.

I'm not saying he should just drop the whole thing. But he is out to start a gang war without knowing a damn thing about what he is doing. When he attacks them the gang will blame Gus for it since at this time Jesse works for him.
But he is out to start a gang war without knowing a damn thing about what he is doing.
OK wait a minute. He found out the people who killed his close friend, who are also rival meth dealers, and etc. It's not going to be easy to think clearly, but I personally believe he will think this through a while, consorting with Skinny P and the other dude, and making a plan.

Granted, they are all dumb as **** and burnt out, but they have a little bit of street-smarts - especially Skinny.
OK wait a minute. He found out the people who killed his close friend, who are also rival meth dealers, and etc. It's not going to be easy to think clearly, but I personally believe he will think this through a while, consorting with Skinny P and the other dude, and making a plan.

Granted they are all dumb as **** and burnt out, but they have a little bit of street-smarts.

But he's an idiot. His big idea was lets steal meth from the most powerful drug dealer in the state then sell it in rehab when said meth dealer is already paying him a shit load of money.

So no, I don't think he should drop this. But I don't have faith in him that he will do this correctly.

How powerful is that gang? I don't rememeber if they ever said anything about them in the prior seasons. But given the fact they were willing to kill someone on their turf I would assume they aren't small time. And anything Jesse does will have blowback on Gus and probably Walt.
Well clearly, because he has none.

I'm not saying he should just drop the whole thing. But he is out to start a gang war without knowing a damn thing about what he is doing. When he attacks them the gang will blame Gus for it since at this time Jesse works for him.

Gus isn't remotely threatened, he's about 12 rungs up the supply ladder from street-level dealers like the ones who killed Combo. Gus could wipe that gang out no problem. He won't appreciate the attention it attracts if Jesse starts killing gang members though... I think a big part of the drama at the end of this season (2-3 episodes left, can't remember if there are 13 or 14 this season) is going to be Gus wanting to squish Jesse and Walt defending him.

What I don't fully understand is why Gus, who clearly knows pretty much everything about everyone, was cool with Walt appointing Jesse as his partner in the first place. Gus certainly should know that he's a complete moron (or at least an unpredictable and foolhardy loose cannon), what with the RV fiasco and the conflict with Hank...
Gus isn't remotely threatened, he's about 12 rungs up the supply ladder from street-level dealers like the ones who killed Combo. Gus could wipe that gang out no problem. He won't appreciate the attention it attracts if Jesse starts killing gang members though... I think a big part of the drama at the end of this season (2-3 episodes left, can't remember if there are 13 or 14 this season) is going to be Gus wanting to squish Jesse and Walt defending him.

What I don't fully understand is why Gus, who clearly knows pretty much everything about everyone, was cool with Walt appointing Jesse as his partner in the first place. Gus certainly should know that he's a complete moron (or at least an unpredictable and foolhardy loose cannon), what with the RV fiasco and the conflict with Hank...

Did any of the episodes talk about the gang that took out Combo? As you said just the police attention would be a big problem.

And I think it had to do with the fact that Gus told Walt he would get to choose his partner when they made their deal. So being the man of his word he didn't want to back out of an agreement.
I think a big part of the drama at the end of this season (2-3 episodes left, can't remember if there are 13 or 14 this season) is going to be Gus wanting to squish Jesse and Walt defending him.
I think you're right. Did you notice Gus' house number? 1213. The next two episodes are going to be pretty Gus-heavy.

What I don't fully understand is why Gus, who clearly knows pretty much everything about everyone, was cool with Walt appointing Jesse as his partner in the first place. Gus certainly should know that he's a complete moron (or at least an unpredictable and foolhardy loose cannon), what with the RV fiasco and the conflict with Hank...
I remember Walt saying something along the lines of "My lab, my partner", and Gus, being extremely honorable, allowed this. Although he seems to be regretting the outcome of that decision.
Did anyone else not notice that Gus is quite possibly gay... and now, possibly for Walt?

EDIT, maybe not for Walt just throwing that out there. Weird vibe initially. Anyway Walt is married. But he really likes Walt on a personal level - no mistaking that.
Well clearly, because he has none.

I'm not saying he should just drop the whole thing. But he is out to start a gang war without knowing a damn thing about what he is doing. When he attacks them the gang will blame Gus for it since at this time Jesse works for him.

Yeah, except you don't really know any of this. We don't know Jesse's intentions, nor his next move, nor his method in making his next move, nor what reactions that move will have. All we know is that he feels obligated to do something about the murder of his friend, which has nothing to do with intelligence, only character.