Breaking Bad Season 3

Oh yeah, it'd be impossible for Walt to take 2 minutes to call Jesse and tell him that he was under direct surveillance. And yes, I would pretty much guarantee that's what Jesse thought, hardly a difficult conclusion when you remember Walt's incredibly jealous and childish behavior.
Yeah, because they don't tap phones.

>Call Jesse from Walt's phone and tell him the DEA is spying on him.

>Walt childish, when compared to Jesse.

I can't even take you seriously any more.
Walt sometimes may be a self-righteous asshole, but no way in hell is the guy childish compared to Jesse.
Yeah, because they don't tap phones.

>Call Jesse from Walt's phone and tell him the DEA is spying on him.

>Walt childish, when compared to Jesse.

I can't even take you seriously any more.

>True enough, I suppose, but it's not as if it would've been hard for him to give him the message some way.

>Oh yeah, Walt crying about him using his recipe and how inferior his product was because he couldn't handle that Jesse was as good as him. The peak of maturity.
>Oh yeah, Walt crying about him using his recipe and how inferior his product was because he couldn't handle that Jesse was as good as him. The peak of maturity.
That's business. How in the world is that childish?

If someone stole Pizza Hut's secret recipe back before the restaurant was founded, and then took that recipe and started selling pizzas using that recipe. That's what it's comparable to.

I mean, what? I feel like I just explained it with an explanation when it was self-explanatory. Get a clue. I've been wanting to say this for a while: YOU ARE JESSE.
How should he be dead? And Walt really does owe him half of his money for being the only reason Walt ever made any money in the first place and having him forcibly put through hell in the first place. Jesse has pretty much every right to ignore Walt and cook on his own. And as I said, I don't give a shit about their operation.

What I find most baffling is not that some people dislike Jesse though, but the fact that pretty much everybody roots for Walt. If anyone has been a douchebag in the past season, it's Walt.

Why should he be dead? Really?

How about when he threatened to rat out Walt if he ever gets caught selling meth? With his dumbass him getting caught would have been a sure thing. So not only Walt's life was on the line but so was the entire operation of Gus. Walt should have allowed Gus to put a bullet in his head, instead he went out and gave him half of his money and made him a partner. Only to see him go out and steal meth from their operation then sell it with his dumbass buddies in a rehab clinic.
That's business. How in the world is that childish?

If someone stole Pizza Hut's secret recipe back before the restaurant was founded, and then took that recipe and started selling pizzas using that recipe. That's what it's comparable to.

I mean, what? I feel like I just explained it with an explanation when it was self-explanatory. Get a clue. I've been wanting to say this for a while: YOU ARE JESSE.

Oh please, Jesse went to Walt because he's a father figure to him and he wanted him to be proud of him and gain his approval. Walt had denied Gus's offer to cook more than once at that point, he didn't need the recipe. He was just being a pathetic, jealous ****. And besides, my point was that Jesse had no reason to assume Walt wasn't destroying his RV for spite, because he'd directly condemned his operation to his face and told him (in the later conversation with Saul) that he would make sure he would never sell meth again.

Why should he be dead? Really?

How about when he threatened to rat out Walt if he ever gets caught selling meth? With his dumbass him getting caught would have been a sure thing. So not only Walt's life was on the line but so was the entire operation of Gus. Walt should have allowed Gus to put a bullet in his head, instead he went out and gave him half of his money and made him a partner. Only to see him go out and steal meth from their operation then sell it with his dumbass buddies in a rehab clinic.

Okay, so after Walt made himself Jesse's enemy and Jesse decided he would take advantage of what he knew about him (his enemy) for his benefit and Walt's suffering, Walt had to decide whether he would kill him or work with him to make up for being a **** in the past? I guess you're right, I would've assumed Walt would've just taken the easy way out and killed his problems. That's very in character for him.
Oh please, Jesse went to Walt because he's a father figure to him and he wanted him to be proud of him and gain his approval. Walt had denied Gus's offer to cook more than once at that point, he didn't need the recipe. He was just being a pathetic, jealous ****. And besides, my point was that Jesse had no reason to assume Walt wasn't destroying his RV for spite, because he'd directly condemned his operation to his face and told him (in the later conversation with Saul) that he would make sure he would never sell meth again.
What Walt did was a bit douchebaggy too. But Jesse shouldn't have cooked Walt's meth without permission first.

Okay, so after Walt made himself Jesse's enemy and Jesse decided he would take advantage of what he knew about him (his enemy) for his benefit and Walt's suffering, Walt had to decide whether he would kill him or work with him to make up for being a **** in the past? I guess you're right, I would've assumed Walt would've just taken the easy way out and killed his problems. That's very in character for him.

Right, because after Walt didn't like the fact that Jesse was cooking up his meth Jesse has every right to run to the police and rat Walt out. Brilliant logic. Jesse not only threatened Walt's freedom and well being of his family but also threatened the operation of a crazy ass gangster. If Walt didn't save his ass by making him partner Gus would have taken him out with or without Walt's permission. So Walt saved his life, and what does he get back for it? The possibility that he could now himself be killed when Gus finds out about Jesse's operation.
Right, because after Walt didn't like the fact that Jesse was cooking up his meth Jesse has every right to run to the police and rat Walt out. Brilliant logic.
"Hey, I'm going out of my way to deliberately destroy your self esteem and livelihood."

Yeah, sorry, I have a hard time blaming Jesse for not caring about Walt or his family.

And yeah, stealing meth is neither the smartest nor the most considerate way to spend your free time, but I like that Jesse is trying to do his own thing, especially because I don't give a shit about Walt or Gus.
"Hey, I'm going out of my way to deliberately destroy your self esteem and livelihood."

Yeah, sorry, I have a hard time blaming Jesse for not caring about Walt or his family.

And yeah, stealing meth is neither the smartest nor the most considerate way to spend your free time, but I like that Jesse is trying to do his own thing, especially because I don't give a shit about Walt or Gus.

Awe, poor baby. He got his self esteem hurt. And how was Walt trying to destroy his livelihood? By telling him not to rip off his product?

And that makes it ok to rap someone out to the police?

You keep ignoring the fact that if Walt hadn't stepping in and gave Jesse half of his money Gus would probably have killed Jesse. So you can keep repeating that Walt doesn't care about him but that's simply not true. And what's the thanks that he gets?

And you like that Jesse is stealing from one of the most dangerous gangsters in town then selling that stolen product with his 2 retarded buddies in a drug rehab clinic because he is doing his own thing? You can't be serious.
Awe, poor baby. He got his self esteem hurt. And how was Walt trying to destroy his livelihood? By telling him not to rip off his product?

And that makes it ok to rap someone out to the police?
Am I the oonly one who watched the first three episodes of the season? Walt pretty much told Jesse he was a failure and that he couldn't use his recipe (for no reason other than his enormous ****ing ego, mind you) and then later told him again with the addition of "I'm going to make sure you never sell meth in this town again." Yeah, sorry, I don't see any reason Jesse should feel any loyalty towards Walt at this point, I'm crazy.

You keep ignoring the fact that if Walt hadn't stepping in and gave Jesse half of his money Gus would probably have killed Jesse. So you can keep repeating that Walt doesn't care about him but that's simply not true. And what's the thanks that he gets?
You keep ignoring my point, which is that WALT CAN ONLY BLAME HIMSELF FOR JESSE THREATENING TO RAT HIM OUT. Walt wouldn't have been even slightly justified in deciding to kill him rather than offer him a job. Yeah, your actions have consequences, people have feelings. Not killing people who become problems because of our actions is the minimum of what it takes to be a decent person. Walt isn't some sort of hero for helping Jesse.

And you like that Jesse is stealing from one of the most dangerous gangsters in town then selling that stolen product with his 2 retarded buddies in a drug rehab clinic because he is doing his own thing? You can't be serious.

It certainly makes for good television.
I don't remember Walt telling Jesse that he will never sell meth in this town again, but the point is if it weren't for Walt Jesse would be a dead man. So forget all that bullshit before Walt made him partner, fine everyone is even (I dont agree but ok). There is absolutely no excuse for what Jesse is doing now, yet you seem to support him for it.
I like him and I don't like anyone else, of course I support him.
I like him and I don't like anyone else, of course I support him.

But why? Lets say that Walk screwed him over but so did Jesse. With the partnership they should be even. Yet Jesse is now out to screw over their entire operation possibly getting both of them killed in the process. What is there to like?
Jesse being reckless and making his own decisions, devoid of loyalty and fear.
Let's make bets on who dies next.

I'm going with "Skinny". (I believe that's his name)
I'd just like to point out that, while I have no sympathy for Jesse as of this season, I've had no sympathy for Walt either, since season 2. It seems intentional though, as Hank is now the one I care about. Each season seems to be geared toward having viewers empathizing with a different character.
Yeah. They're all a bunch of dicks. That's what makes the show awesome.

I like how Walt's wife has come around. She was a mega-killjoy at first. But I thought she was going to turn around faster after discovering that her boss, (who she had an affair with because Walt was just too much of a bad person) was cooking the books like a mother****er, and doing his crime out of desperation to stay financially afloat - just like Walt.
It's not that he's stupid, it's that he doesn't give a shit.

I'd just like to point out that, while I have no sympathy for Jesse as of this season, I've had no sympathy for Walt either, since season 2. It seems intentional though, as Hank is now the one I care about. Each season seems to be geared toward having viewers empathizing with a different character.

Pretty much this. The only character you can look at this season and say "He's a pretty good person and I care about him" is Hank. Unfortunately, he's pretty much down for the count now.
I don't understand. It's obviously dangerous, but if you don't care about the dangers, why is it stupid?
I don't understand. It's obviously dangerous, but if you don't care about the dangers, why is it stupid?

Why doesn't he just put a bullet in his own head instead of endangering Walt and his stupid friends as well as putting a bunch of people in rehab back on meth?

I can't figure out why you defend this asshole. Are you Jesse?
Because he can make money and get power, which are the only things he has now. It's pretty easy to see how he might have learned these values from Walt.
I don't understand. It's obviously dangerous, but if you don't care about the dangers, why is it stupid?

What Walt is doing is dangerous, what Jesse is doing is reckless. The difference between the two is stupidity. Jesse is a moron who doesn't realize how deep the bucket of shit he is in goes. He could accomplish his ends (which are, in your words, money and power) much more safely and therefore successfully if he just used his meth-addled brain a little. I see where you are coming from and Jesse sure can be seen as a sympathetic character but his problems are equal parts hotheadedness/disregard for danger and general stupidity.
I really don't think Jesse is ignorant of the danger he's in. Right now he's being reckless for money and control, because everything else has been stripped from his life. For the first time he's overcome one of his greatest flaws: the inability to act confidently in his own interest and independently of others. For the first time, he has control over his life, but tragically, only after he lost everything he had to live for. So yes, he's ****ed up, inconsiderate, and dangerous. But he isn't stupid, and I'd still take him over Walt anyday.
It's one of those things, where in a show you have a character that you personally cheer for. I think that's what Sheepo is all about. He is just cheering on Jesse (Jesse's cheerleader)

For me my favorite character is Gus.
Actually, disregard all the posts I've made, I have no justification for Jesse's action or sympathy for his situation. I'm just his chearleader.
Jesse is positioning himself as a rival against Gus - the man who controls the manufacture and distribution of meth to like 6 of the biggest states in the US. Not only that but he is stealing that meth from Gus. Let's not forget what happened to anyone who threatened Gus' operation: dead. And after all that, Jesse has threatened to roll over (snitch) if he gets caught!

This should be interesting.
This should be interesting.

Well if Jesse is smart and real smart, he can probably set up his own op and be a rival to Gus and not end up dead in 2 or 3 days. But then Gus has been at this for what ? years ?
Jesse is positioning himself as a rival against Gus - the man who controls the manufacture and distribution of meth to like 6 of the biggest states in the US. Not only that but he is stealing that meth from Gus. Let's not forget what happened to anyone who threatened Gus' operation: dead. And after all that, Jesse has threatened to roll over (snitch) if he gets caught!

This should be interesting.
Don't remind me. I really don't know if I can keep watching this show if Jesse dies.
No one has seen it yet? Everyone chose Lost instead? :(

I was watching this while recording lost and my f-ing DVR ran out of room.

But did I get the show? Are they spying on walt and jesse ? If so Jesse will be dead soon.
I did see it. Great acting by Bryan Cranston in the latest episode. He's guaranteed to win an Emmy this year again.
Jesse is going to get them in so much trouble with Gus.