Breaking Bad Season 3

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I am still confused about why the **** Walt was attempting that on the road. That seemed incredibly silly and out of character for Walt at that moment.
I am still confused about why the **** Walt was attempting that on the road. That seemed incredibly silly and out of character for Walt at that moment.

Considering the conversation he had with Gus I'd say he just felt like a bad ass and felt like releasing some inner "HELL YA".
He shown to be over whelmed by things before, I think he wasn't expecting 15 million.

I LOL'd in RL at the whole Jesse with his friends in the drug addiction meeting.

And Jesse is going to be a problem this season from what I see.
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I am still confused about why the **** Walt was attempting that on the road. That seemed incredibly silly and out of character for Walt at that moment.

I think he wants out but he finally realized that he's reached the point of no return after the conversation with Gus.

Pinkman continues to be a **** up as usual. I thought that he had evolved after last season but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I think Walt has a chance at redemption by using some of his money for some good... but I think Jessie is gonna **** it up stealing and ruin their not-all-that-great deal. Gus made himself a good situation but he seems like he could just as easily destroy Jessie without blinking if he tries to compete with him.
Considering the conversation he had with Gus I'd say he just felt like a bad ass and felt like releasing some inner "HELL YA".

Except he acted scared... like he wanted to take his own life by crashing into another car... by closing his eyes and bracing himself... and then getting completely ****ing scared when he realized he was going through with it.
I laughed so hard when Jesse was advertising at rehab.
I wish Walt would grow some balls and just get Gus to take Jesse out... such a little bitch.

I loved the last episode, not as tense and action-packed as the few before it but great character development all around (Skylar's cover story, Walt+Gus's intense conversation, etc). Jesse's boys advertising at the drug treatment group was ****ing LOL
I was really impressed with Walt on how he figured everything out. At this point I wish they would just kill Jesse and be done with it.

Yeah, I couldn't stop laughing when they showed up at rehab.
I wish Walt would grow some balls and just get Gus to take Jesse out... such a little bitch.

Wow, really? I've always found Jesse to be a far more sympathetic character and have always rooted him on. Especially now, since Walt's greed and general dickery has progressed to absurd levels. If I had to choose between him and Walt I wouldn't even have to think about it.
Walt's greed? General dickery? Compared to Jesse?

You watching the same show as me?
Wow, really? I've always found Jesse to be a far more sympathetic character and have always rooted him on. Especially now, since Walt's greed and general dickery has progressed to absurd levels. If I had to choose between him and Walt I wouldn't even have to think about it.
Did you even watch the episode? Didn't Jesse bitched at Walt about not getting paid enough even though they are getting paid one ****ing million dollars?

Now he is risking himself and Walt and the entire operation by going behind both Walt and Gus's back and selling their meths for his own profit. If that isn't greed, I don't even know WTF that is.
I was sympathetic towards Jesse right up to the first episode of this season. Ever since he "accepted himself" he's been nothing but a malicious son of a bitch.
All Jesse does is cause problems with the flow of stuff. It's always his immaturity and stupidity that get them in trouble... I mean where do you think this whole new subplot with him selling meth with his boys again is headed?
Me? I know that. But being troublesome and immature never really got in the way of me feeling sympathy for him. He used to just be a kid struggling to survive, and his previous greed was never completely unjustified. Plus he always had a moral side to him, like with the child with the meth head ATM thieves. But now he has everything he ever wanted, but he just wants more and is perfectly happy ****ing people over to do it. Hank, Walt, the recovering addicts, he just doesnt give a shit anymore since he got out of rehab. Hes completely unlikable now.
I don't like Jesse too much anymore either, especially during this latest ep.

Is your reading comprehension that poor?

Anyway. Now that he has taken matters into his own hands, there will clearly be some heated up rivalry between Walt and Jesse. He's way over his head though. He's cocky but he ain't too bright. He'll end up getting both of those lackeys of his killed. Just like Combo.
Wow, really? I've always found Jesse to be a far more sympathetic character and have always rooted him on. Especially now, since Walt's greed and general dickery has progressed to absurd levels. If I had to choose between him and Walt I wouldn't even have to think about it.

I don't think Walk is the one stealing meth from their operation then selling it to people in rehab with his 2 mentally retarded buddies.
I don't think Walk is the one stealing meth from their operation then selling it to people in rehab with his 2 mentally retarded buddies.

Do you think a drug kingpin cares who is individually responsible for the kink in an operation? No... he's gonna crack down on the leader of that operation and that leader needs to solve the problem. And Walt is going to have to be the one responsible for Jesse stealing as a result.
Do you think a drug kingpin cares who is individually responsible for the kink in an operation? No... he's gonna crack down on the leader of that operation and that leader needs to solve the problem. And Walt is going to have to be the one responsible for Jesse stealing as a result.

No doubt. But I think Gus will be alot more sympathetic to Walt than he will be to Jesse. That is if Walt doesn't pussy out when he finds out and tries to cover for Jesse so that he doesn't have to kill him.

One thing I didn't mention is that I was really suprised Walt didn't seem to care that his brother in law was shot to protect him. He seemed happy about it.
One thing I didn't mention is that I was really suprised Walt didn't seem to care that his brother in law was shot to protect him. He seemed happy about it.

I think he was playing politics, trying to show a strong face, hide weakness.

Yes, I'll admit, the last episode or so has not portrayed Jesse too kindly, but in the larger scheme of things Walt has always been the most selfish, manipulative, dishonest, and recklessly ambitious. Jesse has always been hopeless without him but still suffered because of Walt's poor judgement calls. His awakening at the start of this season with him taking control of his life and pursuing his own ambitions I find awesome. "Oh no, he's complicating Walt and Gus's operation!" Oh yeah, because I care so much about Walt and Gus. If Jesse dies I'll definitely lose a lot of interest in the show.

And as for the ?????, I just find it incredible that you don't think Jesse has developed at all.
Jesse turned from a guy you felt sorry for (parents, brother, home, girlfriend) and couldn't help but see something positive in the relationship between Walt (as a mentor/father figure, tough love teacher), to a guy you can't help but dislike. Seriously, pushing skimmed drugs that don't belong to him to recovering junkie peers, jeopardizing his big time shot and his life, and his friends lives.
Yeah, his actions have risks, but Walt's been doing the same things from Day 1 and no one seems to have any problems with him.
Because there wouldn't have been a show if Walt (who had months to live, mind you) didn't risk - what he thought was only his own life and freedom (which wasn't worth much since he was dying) in the selfless act to provide for his family.
Yeah, but it doesn't take a genuis to see that what began as a selfless act was taken over by his ambition for power and money. It's easy to see how Jesse, who had no purpose in life originally and had less of one after S2 ended, is only following in Walt's footsteps and using what he learned from him. Jesse's being cheated now and he knows it, Walt would never have taken that kind of deal before.
Yeah, but it doesn't take a genuis to see that what began as a selfless act was taken over by his ambition for power and money. It's easy to see how Jesse, who had no purpose in life originally and had less of one after S2 ended, is only following in Walt's footsteps and using what he learned from him. Jesse's being cheated now and he knows it, Walt would never have taken that kind of deal before.

How is jesse being cheated? He should be dead. Yet Walt came out and instead of killing him gave him half of all his money.

Seriously, I don't see what you see in Jesse. The guy is a douchebad that is destroying the entire operation.
I miss the early Walt, the one who brought the chemical explosive to Tuco and blew the ****ing building apart. I hope to see him get badass again.
How is jesse being cheated? He should be dead. Yet Walt came out and instead of killing him gave him half of all his money.

Seriously, I don't see what you see in Jesse. The guy is a douchebad that is destroying the entire operation.

How should he be dead? And Walt really does owe him half of his money for being the only reason Walt ever made any money in the first place and having him forcibly put through hell in the first place. Jesse has pretty much every right to ignore Walt and cook on his own. And as I said, I don't give a shit about their operation.

What I find most baffling is not that some people dislike Jesse though, but the fact that pretty much everybody roots for Walt. If anyone has been a douchebag in the past season, it's Walt.
I don't dislike Jesse, really. I just think he's become a total ****er. But, if he hadn't, then the show might consist of Walt and Jesse going to work everyday and we'd be watching the most boring shit ever.
So are we going to see Jesse go independent ? And I am with these guys. At first you felt for Jesse. That street wise hustler-gangster thing he pulled early on in the show didn't work because he wasn't violent enough. He had issues with his parents, and when he took the blame for his little brother at that point I felt sorry for him. Even more so when his girlfriend died.

That's why I love this atm, all the main characters can be considered to be douchebags to a certain extent.
So are we going to see Jesse go independent ?

No, he's skimming off the top, and so he needs the job with Walt and Gus.

He pretty much signed his death warrant, should he be caught. If you've ever watched an organized crime film, this seems to be the number one reason people get killed.
Walt has a brain and uses it. Jesse has bits and pieces of a brain and wouldn't be caught dead using it. That's pretty much why I like Walt a lot more. I'd be sad if Jesse died but at least I'd stop facepalming every time he has some emo whiny freakout followed by a completely reckless and foolhardy decision that causes huge problems (OMFG DUDES TAKIN MY METH LAB IM GONNA PEAL OUT OF MY DRIVEWAY AND LEAD THE DEA STRAIGHT ****ING TO IT). Also him getting all butthurt latest episode about Saul getting him a front for his money. Kid just is incapable of understanding how to be a criminal and not get caught. Walt did some dumb shit (and sure he's greedy) but at least he's learned how to handle his position - Jesse seems to have some kind of death wish.
Jesse didn't know Hank was watching his house, the fact that he was followed to the trailer is definitely Walt's fault. Jesse has some definite delusions of granduer, to be sure, but his recklessness and lack of fear are what make him a much more interesting character.
No, it's not Walt's fault. That's amazing, Sheepo.

Jesse drove the RV to a gas station which was under surveillance at the cashier's counter (camera wasn't working) and at the ATM, (and gas stations usually have outside surveillance as well) and traded blue meth for fuel... with a police officer standing behind him in line.

Which lead the DEA to Jesse Pinkman. He's a moron.

Besides, Walt didn't have time to explain every detail to the whiny bitchy Jesse because the DEA was BOLO for the Rv. And what did Jesse think the RV was being destroyed for, out of spite?