Breaking Bad Season 4

I thought she looked a little hotter than usual.
Okay, what the **** is up with Skyler? She looks chubby and swollen and its weird. No time is supposed to have elapsed between season 3 and 4 and she looks entirely different to me. I thought I was just imagining it at first.
Happens when you have children. Also could be she is eating too good.
She looks botox'd.
No that does the exact opposite by removing wrinkles.

IMO it looks like she has put on some weight and they are putting far too much makeup on her.
I may be alone, but I really wish they'd get rid of Jesse at this point. His antics are just getting ridiculous (even more than usual).
IMO I think Jesse will atone for his actions and will survive. Jesse knows what moral values are and actually has a heart.
In some way it was interesting to see his self-destruction, but it was really getting boring. Now that he's being taken away, I am eager to find out what they do to him.
Happens when you have children. Also could be she is eating too good.

You don't just wake up chubbier than you were the night before weeks after having a child.
This was a great episode. Excited to see what goes down with Jesse. I think I may have some notion about whats going to happen, I'll post it in the spoiler below. One thing I would have done differently was prolong the "where's Jesse" thing. I would have ended the episode with Walt saying that into the camera. With him running around to find Jesse and finding the cell phone, it was really suspenseful because you didnt know what had happened and whether or not he was alive or dead, but then they killed the suspense with the last shot.

Ok, so here's what I think might happen. I think they may try and get Jesse to become a hitman/cleaner like Mike. Jesse's pretty much given up on life, so Gus/Mike may think he'd be open to it. But what put the thought into my head was when Jesse noticed the blindfold thing, and Mike just stood there with that ponderous look. He clearly didn't realize Jesse was that astute and knowledgeable about that sort of stuff, and they know Walt is going to **** shit up as usually if they mess with Jesse. It makes some sense to try and forge Jesse into something useful to them, using his despair as an conduit.
I always thought Skylar got some plastic surgery done, face is pretty puffy most of the time and looks odd. Recent episode was alright too.
Ok, so here's what I think might happen. I think they may try and get Jesse to become a hitman/cleaner like Mike. Jesse's pretty much given up on life, so Gus/Mike may think he'd be open to it. But what put the thought into my head was when Jesse noticed the blindfold thing, and Mike just stood there with that ponderous look. He clearly didn't realize Jesse was that astute and knowledgeable about that sort of stuff, and they know Walt is going to **** shit up as usually if they mess with Jesse. It makes some sense to try and forge Jesse into something useful to them, using his despair as an conduit.

I like this idea, but I don't see it happening. Jesse definitely has the smarts, and having "dead eyes" like Mike is certainly a path he could go down, but I am not sure he is meticulous enough. Every problem that has come up in the show in regards to Jesse has been because he's not careful and doesn't think things through. I don't see that changing, especially since how he may have even recently left fingerprints at Gale's.
Remember Mike's speech to Walt about taking a wifebeater out to the desert to kill him, and giving him a second chance? He said he would never make that same mistake again.
But they know if they harm Jesse they're going to lose Walt. Especially after what Walt said into the camera. I don't think he's taking him out there to kill him.
I like this idea, but I don't see it happening. Jesse definitely has the smarts, and having "dead eyes" like Mike is certainly a path he could go down, but I am not sure he is meticulous enough. Every problem that has come up in the show in regards to Jesse has been because he's not careful and doesn't think things through. I don't see that changing, especially since how he may have even recently left fingerprints at Gale's.

Yeah, thats certainly a valid notion. I think though that if they turn him into a murderer, they'd be able to exert more control over him. They could also want to just put him in a position where he'd get himself killed. There's also the chance that Jesse's family will come back into the picture, something I don't think Gus would have any problem with.
But they know if they harm Jesse they're going to lose Walt. Especially after what Walt said into the camera. I don't think he's taking him out there to kill him.
Neither do I :p I think they're going to use him as a hostage to keep Walt from doing anything drastic. That new black guy henchman whose name I've forgotten might be his new lab partner. It's a mistake to give Jesse a second chance, so they're just going to not give him or Walt any chances to do anything.
Mike's too valuable to be babysitting Jesse, especially since we know from the opening scene that there's still some cartel business going on. If he's taking Jesse out into the desert, I feel like it's more than just a bluff. That's not to say Jesse won't get away.
But it's not a bluff, at least not on purpose. Neither of them can be killed, yet Jesse can't be allowed to live freely and get himself incarcerated. Gus and Mike know that Jesse is expendable in terms of the manufacturing process, and that Walt cares about him only on an emotional level. As long as Jesse is alive, Walt can be controlled, and as long as Jesse is off the streets, the meth lab won't be discovered.
They're going to trap and bury him in an underground bunker in the desert with lots of food and water and a camera so walt can know he's alive while being coerced to continue working to ensure Jesse's safety and so jesse will be unable to cause problems.

Prove me wrong AMC, prove me wrong!

I'm probably waaaay wrong.
Mike's too valuable to be babysitting Jesse, especially since we know from the opening scene that there's still some cartel business going on. If he's taking Jesse out into the desert, I feel like it's more than just a bluff. That's not to say Jesse won't get away.
That opening scene was a little vague at first (to me). So I began thinking of a new plot twist before I saw what would happen later in the episode. I figured Gus had Mike go on some assignment where he would have to sit in one of the chicken cooler trucks and protect it. Gus, now a little annoyed about Walt trying to kill him and attempting to team up with Mike, was growing increasing worried that Mike would actually assist Walt. So, he sent Mike on this assignment and ordered two guys to spray the truck with sub-machine guns. In this case, Mike would now definitely assist Walt in killing Gus.

Of course, that didn't happen. Just thought I'd share.
Something tells me they are going to try and threaten to kill Jesse but Jesse will somehow play fear into Gus and they will make a deal.
Btw it happens when you get pregnant with the blotchy skin, bloated look, etc.
I watched all of Season 1 for the first time last weekend with my girlfriend, going to watch Season 2 this weekend.

<3 <3 Breaking Bad <3 <3
AMC Renews "Breaking Bad" for Final 16 Episodes

Vince Gilligan said:
“It’s a funny irony -- I’d hate to know the date of my own last day on earth, but I’m delighted to know what Walter White’s will be (episodically speaking). This is a great gift to me and to my wonderful writers. It’s knowledge which will allow us to properly build our story to a satisfying conclusion. Now, if we don’t manage to pull that off, we’ve got no one to blame but ourselves.

“‘Breaking Bad’ has been a dream job these past four years. Working with the best cast and crew in television has no doubt spoiled me for future projects. I’m lucky to get to work with them on sixteen more episodes, and I will always be grateful to both AMC and Sony Television, who from the beginning, believed in our show and supported me creatively and professionally. We have been able to take risks with ‘Breaking Bad’ which would not have been possible on other networks.”

Since this was all about money, I'm betting we get two 8-episode seasons. I'm think I'm okay with that.
Yeah, I called it. They're totally working Jesse into a hitman.
Glad we're at least not getting one 8 episode season.
Something about that doesn't seem right though, Krynn. Why would he say "Jesse was a hero like you wanted" if they were just testing him? I don't think he would put it that way. The way he says it, it sounds more like they're trying to build Jesse's confidence or something, and deliberately made it easy for him to seem like he saved the day.
To what end though? Just to make him stop being suicidal? He'd still be a nuisance just like he was before. They've got a use for him, and its going to be something beyond assistance cook
I don't know the reasons, that's why I'm confused. But something just doesn't add up. Just a feeling.

Just to be clear though, I was so excited to see Jesse do that shit, and I hope he does become some awesome dude.
I just got into this show. I remember when I saw an episode way back when his lab was in an RV, made me chuckle. Now suddenly I see these two working in a mega lab. Never in my days did I ever see anything like that megalab in real life. That would be so crazy. This story has become pretty deep and I enjoy the series.
Gus is trying to make Jesse capable of murdering people without blinking and giving Jesse some kind of illusion that he matters. When the time comes Gus will ask Jesse to kill Walt. Why? Gus will fill Jesse head with so much grandeur, money and convince him that Walt causes problems. It's not a secret that there is a love & hate relationship between the two. However Gus never deals with a drug dealer even if Jesse was one. Jesse is also very random.
Why would he need Jesse to kill Walt? That's just silly.
Yeah, I dont think its to kill Walt. Mike can do that easily himself, and the whole reason Walt is still alive is because Gus has no other cook. I think, right now, Gus' end-game is just to get Jesse under control without having to kill him (and suffer Walt's wrath). Where it will end up going, I have no idea. Obviously it wont go according to Gus' plan.
See, I know Mike sent those guys there to the last drop. I thought it was a setup to kill Jesse, but in a way that made him out to be a hero. Like he gave his life to save Mike's or something. So Walt wouldn't see it as Jesse being murdered. I don't know, but that doesn't seem completely right either because it's too complicated. Mike could've done it himself on the way back to the car at any one of those drops. Though the way Mike and Gus were talking made it sound like they were expecting a different outcome, even if a little disappointed.
I'm pretty confident that the plan was for Mike to kill the assassin, so that Jesse would feel protected when working with Mike or Gus, and feel more on "their side" than Walt's, with whom his relationship is straining. It seems like Mike was just waiting on the other side of the door for footsteps, and was surprised and confused by the sound of his car driving away. Not wanting to risk himself, he waited to reveal himself until the car sounded distant, at which point it was too late to do anything.
Nah, that can't be the case, because it wouldn't make sense considering when Mike and Gus were talking, and Mike said Jesse "was a hero, just like you wanted." Jesse was supposed to fight off those guys.
It sounded kind of sarcastic to me. Like Gus wanted him to feel empowered and safe, while Mike just wanted him dead the whole time. Maybe he was banking on Jesse not being able to defend himself?
No, Mike definitely arranged that whole thing (or at least knew they would try to rob them, and intentionally left it for Jesse to deal with). He seemed a bit disgruntled with Gus and even said something to the effect of "I don't understand why you had me do that, but I won't ask". Gus definitely purposefully engineered that situation because he wanted Jesse to have that experience for whatever ****ed up psychological manipulation he's getting up to.
That still works with what I'm thinking :p Gus was the delegator, and Mike was the planner-handler, and he thought he could let Jesse die through neglect - leaving him alone, leaving him without a weapon, not keeping an eye on him. But he can't say that to Gus, so all he can do is seethe, not mention details about how it went down, and profess his confusion about why Jesse is so important.
he thought he could let Jesse die through neglect - leaving him alone, leaving him without a weapon, not keeping an eye on him.

Don't think so. He wouldn't have left the car keys. It was more about seeing how resourceful Jessie could be, I think. Don't forget, Gus put Hank in a very similar situation.
Gus is trying to make Jesse capable of murdering people without blinking and giving Jesse some kind of illusion that he matters. When the time comes Gus will ask Jesse to kill Walt. Why? Gus will fill Jesse head with so much grandeur, money and convince him that Walt causes problems. It's not a secret that there is a love & hate relationship between the two. However Gus never deals with a drug dealer even if Jesse was one. Jesse is also very random.
I still stand by my original post. :)
After tonights episode, I don't think that's Gus' primary objective here, hool. There's a reason they've been showing the truck heists, and now I'm almost positive Gus wants Jesse to help deal with it. He saw at the end of last season that Jesse could kill someone if needed, and that Jesse sort of gave up on life. Rather than let him self destruct (with the risk of compromising their operation), Gus saw a use for him. They are drumming up some conflict between Walt and Jesse, what with the whole "its all about me" thing Walt said. So maybe, ultimately it will lead to a confrontation between those two, but I bet thats not what Gus wants, given Walt's importance to the operation.
its not like gus cant just hire a bunch of dudes for a war, mike even suggested it. i sincerely doubt that gus is thinking jesse will somehow fix that much bigger conflict. i think its as simple as walt called it, except less arrogant. gus wants to separate jesse from walt but not kill him, and saw his semi-usefulness as an expendable partner for mike's use. except, after the undeserved killing of mike's last partner, mike is apparently getting a bit soft
They're doing a good job this season of making Walt harder and harder to relate to by turning him into a petty, arrogant douchebag. I wanted to punch him with the "As-is." comment with Bogdan's first $1 he ever made, with the vending machine and all... this might be the best season yet. Phenomenal episode.