Breaking Bad Season 4

Amazing episode.

Anyone else hoping Skyler kills Ted?

Yes. He is ridiculous. I don't know why she didn't just get Saul to take care of that in the first place.

Do explain with factual evidence I am wrong. Also no, I am not the wife of Bill Gates.

Just to be clear - I have to use factual evidence to explain when you're wrong, but you can call the show wrong without presenting any evidence yourself? Now, I don't presume to know what they used in the show, Melinda, but here's an example.

Ethylene glycol is used in anti-freeze. It's odorless, colorless, syrupy, and sweet-tasting. In Stage 1, you appear intoxicated, with slurred speech, confusion, and possibly vomiting. In Stage 2, your heart usually fails. If you live through that, then in Stage 3, your kidneys fail.

Now, Ethylene Glycol takes days to kill, so I'm not suggesting that that is what they used. Many poisons do not induce vomiting, many do not induce heart attacks. Your suggesting that being poisoned results in foaming at the mouth and falling into a coma suggests that you only poison you are aware of even existing is Sarin nerve gas.

Offhand I don't know of a poison that kills in such a way as occurred on the show - but I also have never studied either poisons or medicine, and since I don't think you have either, your entire basis for suggesting it's "wrong" comes from your own misguided views. Maybe you should open a book before you call yourself "confident" and other people wrong, Melinda.
Anyone else hoping Skyler kills Ted?

Pretty sure thats not going to happen. I think Skyler will take it to the next step though, and begin threatening him, which, combined with the fact that she's got a shit load of suspicious money, will work on Ted. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to turn it around on her and report it for some reward money or something. Hes stupid enough for that.
Awesome episode. I supposed that

Gus would have swallowed some sort of antidotum beforehand (if that's even possible), rather than rely on vomiting, which I assume is not a reliable way of getting rid of most types of poison (as it also turns out). Also it was probably a bit of a stretch that everyone was affected at the same time, people having different metabolism and all, but I guess it was required to make the scene spectacular.
Yes. He is ridiculous. I don't know why she didn't just get Saul to take care of that in the first place.

Just to be clear - I have to use factual evidence to explain when you're wrong, but you can call the show wrong without presenting any evidence yourself? Now, I don't presume to know what they used in the show, Melinda, but here's an example.

Ethylene glycol is used in anti-freeze. It's odorless, colorless, syrupy, and sweet-tasting. In Stage 1, you appear intoxicated, with slurred speech, confusion, and possibly vomiting. In Stage 2, your heart usually fails. If you live through that, then in Stage 3, your kidneys fail.

Now, Ethylene Glycol takes days to kill, so I'm not suggesting that that is what they used. Many poisons do not induce vomiting, many do not induce heart attacks. Your suggesting that being poisoned results in foaming at the mouth and falling into a coma suggests that you only poison you are aware of even existing is Sarin nerve gas.

Offhand I don't know of a poison that kills in such a way as occurred on the show - but I also have never studied either poisons or medicine, and since I don't think you have either, your entire basis for suggesting it's "wrong" comes from your own misguided views. Maybe you should open a book before you call yourself "confident" and other people wrong, Melinda.
Nor am I but I'm just basing it off Arsenic: Who in the world again is Melinda?!?! Really ask yourself why you even had to make your original post. There is absolutely no reason. Would it make your ego feel better for me to say your right?

Awesome episode. I supposed that

Gus would have swallowed some sort of antidotum beforehand (if that's even possible), rather than rely on vomiting, which I assume is not a reliable way of getting rid of most types of poison (as it also turns out). Also it was probably a bit of a stretch that everyone was affected at the same time, people having different metabolism and all, but I guess it was required to make the scene spectacular.
Typically you want whatever you ingested out ASAP as far as I understand but you should call 911 (it could do more harm coming back out). I would liken it to people who have drunk far too much alcohol and have to literally pump it out of their stomach. Personally my whole view on who makes it, who doesn't is that
Gus dies while Mike survives. However I believe Gus saw potential early on with Jesse and in a way Jesse is a sales man. I do believe that Gus last wish is for Jesse to take over the business. Not too many people have the balls that Jesse has shown through out this show.
Jesse is going to have a chance to kill Gus in his weakened state.

That's what's going to happen... I guarantee it.
Nor am I but I'm just basing it off Arsenic: Who in the world again is Melinda?!?! Really ask yourself why you even had to make your original post. There is absolutely no reason. Would it make your ego feel better for me to say your right?

I will break it down simply for you, because I know you have trouble with words.

- Basing being "confident" about poisons off of one type of poisoning is beyond stupid.
- Which means that your post was even more stupid than mine.

- You are Melinda, and I imagine you as a little girl, with pigtails.
- That your mum does for you, every morning.

- My ego is, luckily, not dependent on silly little girls like you.
I will break it down simply for you, because I know you have trouble with words.

- Basing being "confident" about poisons off of one type of poisoning is beyond stupid.
- Which means that your post was even more stupid than mine.

- You are Melinda, and I imagine you as a little girl, with pigtails.
- That your mum does for you, every morning.

- My ego is, luckily, not dependent on silly little girls like you.

Orangutans are ****ing weird looking mother****in apes yo.

I'm really left wondering though... how loyal Jesse is going to be towards Walt this season. I can't for a second think that Jesse is going to stay faithful to Gus. From the way he told Walt that he'd do it... especially after all the shit that made Jesse want to do it in the first place, I can't think he'd back out on any of that no matter what has happened. He hates Walt... but it's more of a love/hate relationship compared to the one he has with mike and gus.
wow that episode. so many good.

But yeah the huge fat dudes succumbing to poison at the same moment as everyone else.... also apparently none of the girls had a sip? i wouldve loved to see a dead girl.

and yeah i totally read that last thing over and decided to keep it, what?
Speaking of those girls we need some gifs up in here.
Anybody else feel so uncomfortable during the Walt crying scene? I thought it was just a facade for Junior, playing the gambling story, until Walt called him "Jesse."

Also I think Ted is going to work out where Sky got the money from, he's an asshole but he isn't stupid. He knows Walt is a chemistry genius, and he's seen Walt act crazy, when threw the flowerpot into his office door, it shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

And the proud look on Gus & Mike's faces when Jesse told the Mexicans what to do, I don't think Jesse taking over is much of a stretch at all.
I'm really left wondering though... how loyal Jesse is going to be towards Walt this season. I can't for a second think that Jesse is going to stay faithful to Gus. From the way he told Walt that he'd do it... especially after all the shit that made Jesse want to do it in the first place, I can't think he'd back out on any of that no matter what has happened. He hates Walt... but it's more of a love/hate relationship compared to the one he has with mike and gus.

I'm not sure I agree. Walt has been a pretty colossal douche lately, which he finally realizes/admits in his scene with Junior. Meanwhile Gus and Mike have been treating Jesse really well. Things like "Either we're all going home or none of us are" make a big impact on Jesse.

Jesse and Walt haven't always gotten along, but Jesse always respected Walt. I'm not sure that's the case anymore. I think Jesse would be incredibly justified in feeling used by him.
Pretty sure thats not going to happen. I think Skyler will take it to the next step though, and begin threatening him, which, combined with the fact that she's got a shit load of suspicious money, will work on Ted. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to turn it around on her and report it for some reward money or something. Hes stupid enough for that.

Although it probably goes totally against her character I think the writers are perfectly capable of throwing a curveball like that especially when you consider the fact that her main priority is protecting her family. That has been made clear a couple of times this season I think and I really don't see alot of options she has at this point. It will be either her that does it or Walt will find out and he will be the one to take care of it.

Then again I'm no writer and they may come up with another solution to this problem, but I think the most likely scenario is that Ted ends up being killed.
That was the best thing I have ever seen on television.
That was ****ing unreal. God damn I didn't expect something so over the top.
Holy shit... most intense episode ever.
That is what they call a god damn climax. To the series. WOW.
Yeah, I was completely in awe at the end of this episode. The way Walt just lost it... I think... well, I think we may have just seen the end of Walt's sanity right there. That was a completely psychopathic break-down. There's no way he's coming out of that sane. And Skylar, holy shit. She was absolutely mortified. That was a really, really incredible bit of acting, her reaction made it so real and it sent chills down my spine.
lol Ted killed himself like a moron.

Also seconding everything already said, that was unbelievably intense. And yeah, I think Walt might be done for.
**** me, my heart was god damned pounding at the end.
Same. My reaction was pretty much this:


I love the way they've paired grinding synths and slow-panning shots lately.
I skipped about 4 episodes ahead to watch this episode! now I want to go back and understand how it all went down. I had to watch it because we were running out of room on the DVR and I'm going to watch the rest of the episodes I missed on my laptop and watch the remaining two episodes of the season on the big screen. This show is easily becoming one of my favorite of all time and I'd put it in my top 5 best tv shows of all time category if not Top 3
You skipped FOUR EPISODES?

Dude what the ****.
Especially the last four, you probably ruined it for yourself since you couldn't have had any idea about what was happening and got none of the build up. GG warped.
What a retard.

Also: Why does Warped have two accounts?

He lost his password or something of the sort.


Holy f*cking shit that episode! How is Season 5 even going to happen now? Everything is coming to a screeching halt.

Also, Gus is such a f*ckstick.
Season 3: "Are you asking me if I ordered the murder of a child?"
Season 4: "I will murder your infant daughter."
Especially the last four, you probably ruined it for yourself since you couldn't have had any idea about what was happening and got none of the build up. GG warped.

I've done it before with this show and it didn't really screw it up. I've watched LOST and that was much more confusing at first trying to sort it all out. I'll probably even rewatch the latest episode because it was so amazing....and no it won't ruin it for me because I still don't know what'll happen next week plus
I still want to find how Walt lets Hank get so damn close to the lab, why Gus has even more mistrust with Walter, how Mike got shot, etc etc.
Yeah but you completely destroyed the pacing. I just can't fathom why you'd do it with any story-centric show.
Yeah its story centric but even this show did a little bit of flashbacking to show what happened before hand. I for one don't mind it when I do it once in a while. I wanted to watch it in HD rather than on my laptop and our DVR was getting full so I decided to watch it. I am also glad I did
At this point I really don't see a way out for Walt. In case you don't like watching previews for next week's episodes I'll put this in the spoiler tag:

Walt says that he alone must face the consequences for his actions in the preview for next week. Yet clearly that can't happen because he tipped off the DEA and as a result he knows Gus will be going after his family, so he can't simply disappear alone. Yet in the preview he has his bags packed and is the only one leaving. Makes no sense unless he means he will go out and try to kill Gus on his own (how likely is that?).

His only realistic options seems to be to go to the DEA or to have his entire family disappear. Considering there is still another season of this show left I doubt either one is realistic. So I can't wait to see what they come up with.
I've watched Crawl Space twice today, and Walt's breakdown three times, and I noticed a few things.

I don't think Ted is dead, he twitches after colliding face first with his bench.
More importantly, as Walt is coming home he coughs that distinctive cancerous cough of his. I think he is coming out of remission. Though it's hardly a big deal considering what's on the verge of happening.

Also, I hope Mike dies. Jesse loyalty lies more so with him than it does to Gus. If Mike were to go Jesse might think twice about working for Gus, particularly if Gus makes good on his threat of killing Walt's kids. Jesse has a soft spot for kids, clearly shown with him playing Xbox with Andrea and her kid (I forget his name) which happens literally a minute before Walt gets tazed by Tyrus.

I'm calling now that Walter Jr. (or Holly, though that would be horrible) is going to be either killed or injured in the next episode, and Jesse will break his loyalty to Gus. Then either Hank, Walt, or Jesse will kill Gus (and hopefully Tyrus) in the season finale.
I don't think Ted is dead, he twitches after colliding face first with his bench.

I only saw it once, so you could definitely be right, but it looked more like an involuntary spasm to me.

In theory that Ted's neck is, in fact, broken, as seemed to be the case, his central nervous system could still send out a pulse, even after he's technically dead. You can see that kind of thing in heart attack victims too, where even though the heart has stopped beating and the person has died, they can still twitch. It's pretty unsettling.

Saul's reaction, and his response to Walt barging in also seem to trend towards Ted actually having killed himself.

More importantly, as Walt is coming home he coughs that distinctive cancerous cough of his. I think he is coming out of remission. Though it's hardly a big deal considering what's on the verge of happening.

Yeah, they've hinted at that possibility a few times this season and I really hope it's true. The cancer was such a big part of this early on and I'd like to see it come back.

It's interesting to note that this season is the first one where I've genuinely begun disliking Walt. I'm not sure how many of you feel the same, but especially in his dealings with Jesse (and even Saul) as of late, he comes across as incredibly self-centered. I mean, I guess he always has been, but in general he seems much more of a bastard lately.
Bodies sometimes twitch when they suffer a sudden death. In fact, I actually took it as a signal that he did in fact die, and wasn't just knocked out which is what I though happened initially. I also like how they got Skylar to kill him indirectly and accidentally, thus keeping her in-character and yet solving that problem haha.

And yeah, Walt is definitely becoming a real cocknose. The way he just automatically interprets everything thats happened to Jesse as solely a manuever against his own self is really grating. It only makes it worse that he's pretty much right. I like that they're doing that to him, making him more of a bad guy, but were still trying to show his good side with his confession to Walt Jr. Then they blow it all away with this breakdown. I really have no idea where he is going from here, but I wouldn't be surprised if he takes a nearly suicidal delve into an even deeper criminal life and makes it his sole mission to kill Gus, possibly even trying to take over (since his cancer might be coming back so he'll need more money).