Breen's Early Monologues Demonstrate Valve's Greatness



As my first post at this forum, I thought I'd start by singing the praises of Half-Life 2 and congratulating Valve on a job well done. Although I'm not currently very far due to uni work (read: socialising) and a VERY ANNOYING memory leakage bug which Valve need to fix ASAP (it corrupted my save games and has also caused the game to crash out), what I've seen and played through so far has deeply impressed me.

One of the first things to truly impress me playing Half-Life 2 were Breen's monologues. I'm talking specifically of those that occur in the opening chapter and they reminded me of why no one else could have made this game.

Dr Breen's monologues are - both in content and method of delivery - superb. First and foremost, they are written and voiced to perfection. It's rare for a PC game (and certainly an FPS) to contain dialogue so articulate or a vocal performance so incredibly nuanced. These are definitely on a level with the equally genre-defying Black Mesa train speech in Half-Life. They feel 100% realistic and establish an equally realistic tone for the game itself.

Secondly, the way they are delivered is just as impressive. The big, impossible-to-miss, elongated, 1984-ish video screens look odd yet believable - high tech in appearance yet shaped into an oblong as opposed to the conventional television ratios of 4:3 or 16:9 and slightly unusual as a result. The video images themselves look to be projected (you can see them from either side of the display device) rather than modulated as a CRT or TFT is. To cap it all off, there's even a barely perctible flicker. When Breen finishes speaking on the first monologue (his "Welcome to City 17..." speech), the image momentarily swtiches to a static logo of some kind which again adds to the feel that you're part of an Orwellian future in a city with its own communication system.

Breen's actual speech on procreation is sublime and highlights both his own self-deluded mind and the totalitarian politics Gordon and every other citizen is up against. It definitely brings the darker side of human nature - Communist Russia, Nazism etc - to mind. Hitler was known as a truly great speaker; Dr Breen comes across as equally composed and assured (though where Hitler shouted, Breen calmly expounds).

Only Valve could make the idea of a ruthless dictator speaking directly to his citizens come across so chilling and realistic. If anything, the fact that City 17 is somewhere in Europe makes it seem a little TOO real. Germany still has problems with Neo-Nazism and a Far Right candidate (Jean-Marie Le Pen) almost became France's leader two years ago. Black Mesa was atmospheric in parts, but even at its best, it wasn't a TENTH as good as this.

Half-Life 2 is an amazing accomplishment. Nothing, to me, demonstrates that more than the monologues. In addition to their own brilliance, they simply wouldn't work if the world itself wasn't modelled and textured in such detail or the Combine or even the distraught citizens so carefully realised. And that's another thing. Have you noticed how WORN the citizens' faces all look? As if they've been under Combine rule for quite some time and are rationed almost to the point of death? Very clever stuff.

Valve = genius.
Cryogenic said:
Have you noticed how WORN the citizens' faces all look?

As my flatmate said when i let him play the game: "wow, they really do look like they've been trodden on to breaking point"

Your well voiced post exemplifies the brilliance in Valves realisation. Their achievement far exceeds that of any other game in the genre purely because of their artistic desire to fully realise a living, breathing, punishing world.
Just you wait. The beginning doesn't even show but a tiny hint of the atmosphere and strength of setting to come. The final three chapters of the game will make your jaw drop.
Germany still has problems with Neo-Nazis? Why did you point that out? The rest of your post was good but don't talk about things you don't know anything about. City 17 is located in eastern-europe/russia (check the walls, most of the articles are in Kyrillic lettering).
favorite line/line-reading (only for people who have finished):

Breen's laugh at the gravity gun
Prone said:
Germany still has problems with Neo-Nazis? Why did you point that out? The rest of your post was good but don't talk about things you don't know anything about. City 17 is located in eastern-europe/russia (check the walls, most of the articles are in Kyrillic lettering).

Yes, a non-sequitor. I think Germany's only problem with neo-nazi's (aside from their occasional crimes) is the way Germans over-react to Nazi imagery and symoblism to the point of outlawing it. Also, LePen came no where near the office and has about the same chance as Ross Perot did (in other words, he mostly got protest votes, not serious support).
Germany still has problems with Neo-Nazis? Germany still has problems with Neo-Nazis? Why did you point that out? The rest of your post was good but don't talk about things you don't know anything about.

I didn't mean to single Germany out; it just came to mind for the purposes of what I was talking about at that specific point. Ultimately, all countries have their radical elements operating within otherwise stable democracies (the UK, with both the National Front and BNP, is certainly no exception).

Anyway, my post wasn't designed as a political discussion... so I'd appreciate it if you'd just accept my explanation and drop it.

I'm looking forward to eventually completing Half-life 2. But for me... however good the rest of the game is, the opening shall stick in my mind. The start of a game informs the rest of it, so no matter how good the bulk is, the opening HAS to be up to scratch. This is why Halo utterly failed to hold my interest.
I liked the bit where he talks about the combine repressing peoples sex drives.

Major bit of the story there.
Venmoch said:
I liked the bit where he talks about the combine repressing peoples sex drives.

Major bit of the story there.

Are you talking about the moment when you exit the trainstation the first time?
It sure sounds like it. That's certainly the monologue to which I was referring.
Aye, it's brilliant, no doubt. "I received a letter..."

Btw: are there any transcripts of it?
Not really but you can listen to it if you go into the source sounds .GCF and look in vo and then breencasts.

To get the program to look at GCF's just do a google search for GCFScape.

I think I am missing something when it comes to the final 3 chapters. Was there something great here? Or was it just boring, climbing a skyscraper with all the walls the same.

Then finding that you just destroy the teleporter and it all ends.

It's kind of like the first one in this senese, only not as good because you knew what was coming. HL2 was hyped to much, the grfx are great, but the story is lacking sounds effects, yes great. But to what end, not much really.

As for steam, I sometimes just feel like Sh**ing on it.
I agree. The dialogue is fantastic, and the voice-actor is right up there with my all-time favorite: the journal-keeper from Myth/Myth II.

When you reach Nova Prospekt, his 'pep talk' to the trans-human members of the Overwatch is particularly excellent. His use of "big words" never seems forced, but instead he simply comes off as a refined, intelligent gentleman with eloquent speech.

Good stuff.
totaly true, the monologues are splendid!

it's almost of topic, but here's one o my favourites:
(with CGFScape @ source sounds.cgf)

QUOTE from jakenoble
I think I am missing something when it comes to the final 3 chapters.
Was there something great here?
Or was it just boring, climbing a skyscraper with all the walls the same

uh? it was the most impressive sf-scenario ever presented in a game so far (IMHO)
these claustrophobic alien-futuristic endless high walls, the ride through the entire facility with all enemies (and unknown ones).. and so f**in on and on and on
after all that action it was perfect (or perfecter) to finish this story
Last couple of chapters get really good... I actually laughed in AWE when i played chapter 11.
Mr Neutron said:
favorite line/line-reading (only for people who have finished):

Breen's laugh at the gravity gun

HAHA. Agreed.

"What's this, put it over there" The pronunciation and timing was on ****ing point. That guy is a true work of art.
Agree'd, I have never felt so totally apart of the story, and likewise have never seen a game be so theatric.

Breen's charectar was a work of art. The voice especially.