Britan is now the worst place to live


****, you can't believe how much I wanted to move to the UK when I hit 18.
Damn it, they didn't include all the frigging OECD countries.
Not entirely surprising, considering the attitudes of a lot of people I've come across and their attitude to children, "I have my illustrious career to worry about."
I wasn't neglected at all as a child. I must be one of the lucky ones.
Or Wales is better than England.
NOW the worst place to live???

Lol, i remember seeing a sign in London about 3 years ago, one of those tourist information boards that read:

You Are Here

but someone put a question mark on it, so it THEN read:

You Are Here?
NOW the worst place to live???

Lol, i remember seeing a sign in London about 3 years ago, one of those tourist information boards that read:

You Are Here

but someone put a question mark on it, so it THEN read:

You Are Here?

Bullshit. So they've taken consideration for EVERY town and village in Britian and said 'No children here plz!' then? I live in a really nice village, albiet it has it's bellends, but I've had a great childhood here, and there's tones of places like my village. I agree that perhaps growing up next to a town like Wolverhampton or Birmingham may be bad, in the surrounding areas anyway (I speak mainly of Wolvo here as I know the areas) but theres hundreds of places like where I am out in the countryside.
My town's pretty good. You can roam the streets without fear of being knifed in the face. But then it is a really tiny place, where you can't do anything without everyone knowing about it.
First time I masturbated I got congratulation cards and flowers.
Slutty 14 year olds and chav infestation ftl.

I think one reason is that there is no restraint on british kids for the most part because the 'have it now' pay later culture is allowing adults and their kids to over indulge creating some kindof mind warp that lets them think they can do whatever the hell they want if they feel like it.

That and irresponsible parenting, but maybe that first reason contributes somewhat to it.
North European countries dominated the top half of the table, with child wellbeing at its highest in the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
It does kinda suck

I was on a coach load of students - 16 to 20yrs old - when that was talked about on the news. Most of them were going, "just beacuse we have fun and don't knit baskets all day doesn't mean we've had a bad childhood!!!" and they all cheered when a message from this guy, which went like "Alcohol, drugs and underage sex is what makes britain great!" was read out D:

I was in Italy - Verona - this weekend, and for once I wasn't worried about walking the streets. Even in my own town, which I know like the back of my hand, I won't walk around alone, and feel uneasy even with friends. But there, we wandered all the unknown streets fairly comfortably and didn't feel intimidated by any of the teenagers there, like we would back here in England. That's obviously not 100% representative of both countries, but something I noticed

Thing is, if you live anywhere north of..say...Bristol, you can beat up 10 of them without them getting a punch in. I mean, a windmill isnt hard to dodge lol.

But i do agree, its just chavs really. Generally speaking the south is safer (ignore London) when it comes to teenagers, you get less 'packs' down there.

Its when the bottles fly that you need to get drastic and start killing some, i mean we need to trim the heard at some point right???
Slutty 14 year olds and chav infestation ftl.

I think one reason is that there is no restraint on british kids for the most part because the 'have it now' pay later culture is allowing adults and their kids to over indulge creating some kindof mind warp that lets them think they can do whatever the hell they want if they feel like it.

That and irresponsible parenting, but maybe that first reason contributes somewhat to it.

None different than over here, sadly. Kids do what they want, and the parents are too mortified to spank the kid because someone will call the cops.
According to a survey Britan is the worst place for a child to grow up.

Have to agree, ultimately.

Big Brother was actually useful this year for showing what kind of arses we have in this country, with their ignorant views on almost everything.

I don't think spanking helps, since there were just as many chavs 5+ years ago when hitting was ok.
I've always wanted to go to the UK :(

Aint missing much...i can assure you.

Unless you actually LIKE high prices, cold, rain, old people and chilling winds...oh and chavs.

Hmm..why am 'I' here come to think of it...
I was in Italy - Verona - this weekend, and for once I wasn't worried about walking the streets. Even in my own town, which I know like the back of my hand, I won't walk around alone, and feel uneasy even with friends. But there, we wandered all the unknown streets fairly comfortably and didn't feel intimidated by any of the teenagers there, like we would back here in England. That's obviously not 100% representative of both countries, but something I noticed

Aye, my mate was in Amsterdamn last weel and he said pretty much the same. I feel intimidated walking through my town during daylight hours and still feel worried with the amount of gangs/packs that hang around on every corner, all hoods up, etc.
Oh fabulous. Let the miserable, pessimistic, "I told you so", hell-in-a-hand-basket, sensation-sans-solutions hand-wringing begin.

I expect the Daily Mail practically collapsed in on itself with near-orgasmic glee at this news.
Well when 30%+ of British kids live below the poverty line, you cannot really blame that on chavs.

Chavs are a mere byproduct of poor Families with low wages and badly educated, this creates a tough atmosphere for the mothers to raise their child.

The institutions of this country are failing the children.

We have schools with less than 10% of the pupils getting 5 A-C's, my school got 21%. When this happens, most of the kids will go straight into a crappy job or wander the streets, grow up commit crime or just struggle onwards trying to raise a family with drug dealers on the doorstep and no money to pay for decent food for the kids.

The welfare of children is societies responsibility, irregardless of if the child parents live of benefits and spend all the money on booze or whatnot. If there are children in our society living in poverty we should all be ashamed of ourselves for allowing this to happen.

There are some solutions to this problem I have speculated about:

Free childcare for low income families, encourage the parents to spend the time into a job, perhaps get social workers to meet with every family and encourage say single moms to spend their new free time working as a sectary and earning some real skills to build her family a better future.

I hope this post didn't sound classist, it shouldn't be. Just the problem lies with some working class families creating a poor environment for the children to grow up in. I however, don't blame the working class, I blame the class system.
I love how people think spanking will help. If anything, it makes it worse.

Out of the four countries that were reported to be the best coutries for children to live in, at least three (Sweden, Denmark and Finland) have banned spanking completely. (I'm not sure about the Netherlands, anyone wanna fill me in?)
The UK has banned spanking too.

So that's a moot point, in terms of this survey.
Well when 30%+ of British kids live below the poverty line, you cannot really blame that on chavs.

Chavs are a mere byproduct of poor Families with low wages and badly educated, this creates a tough atmosphere for the mothers to raise their child.

The institutions of this country are failing the children.

We have schools with less than 10% of the pupils getting 5 A-C's, my school got 21%. When this happens, most of the kids will go straight into a crappy job or wander the streets, grow up commit crime or just struggle onwards trying to raise a family with drug dealers on the doorstep and no money to pay for decent food for the kids.

The welfare of children is societies responsibility, irregardless of if the child parents live of benefits and spend all the money on booze or whatnot. If there are children in our society living in poverty we should all be ashamed of ourselves for allowing this to happen.
I don't think it's 100% about that. I come from a working class family, yet I didn't turn out to be a chav.

It's about what social group you get into at school. Obviously if you're working class you're more likely to get into the chavy groups who skive school and smoke cigs when they're 14.
I don't think it's 100% about that. I come from a working class family, yet I didn't turn out to be a chav.

It's about what social group you get into at school. Obviously if you're working class you're more likely to get into the chavy groups who skive school and smoke cigs when they're 14.
Definitely, everyone has the opportunity to better themselves at school. We just shouldn't let the kids have the option to throw their life down the toilet at 14.
A return to the days of corporal punishment and respect for the teacher is what I would like to see.

Trouble with today's youth is they have no fear.
Its all about moral upbringing, something that has been hurt with the huge increase in fatherless familys.

I don't go round terroising kids or old ladys, or stealing, or anything of that nature? Know why? Its not because I couldn't (I'm a big guy), but because I have no desire to, because my parents, and in particular my father taught me to respect other people and other peoples property.

The trouble is, we have a culture of kids who don't think, "I want this, I need to earn it". They think, "I want this, someone should give it to me". This thinking expands as they grow and becomes the yobs you get all over the country.

As for the no spanking crowd, there are few more effective methods of showing a child you are extremely displeased with it than smacking its arse. And whoever said its illegal in the UK, no its not. Beating the shit out of a child is, but not a smack
If you child is not learning from spanking,

Spank Harder