British woman banned from entering New Zealand because she is too fat

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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British woman banned from entering New Zealand because she is too fat

A British woman planning to start a new life with her husband in New Zealand has been banned from entering the country - because she is too fat.

Rowan Trezise, 33, has been left behind in England while her husband Richie, 35, has already made the move down under leaving her desperately trying to lose weight.

When the couple first tried to gain entry to the country they were told that they were both overweight and were a potential burden on the health care system.

Mr Trezise managed to shed two inches from his sizeable waistline to fulfil criteria set out as part of his visa application to work as a technician in the country.

His wife however has had no such luck and faces a desperate battle to shed the pounds before Christmas, at which point the couple say they will abandon their overseas plans.

New Zealand officials assess people's weight using Body Mass Index which measures fat by comparing the height and weight of an individual.

Mr Trezise, a submarine cable specialist and former member of the army said his BMI was measured at 42 making him well over the limit of 25 which is regarded as overweight.

Miles apart: Rowan has to stay in Britain and lose weight before she can join her husband Richie in New Zealand

"My doctor laughed at me. He said he'd never seen anything more ridiculous in his whole life," he said.

"He said not every overweight person is unhealthy or unfit. The idea was that we were going to change our lifestyle totally and get outdoors and on mountain bikes and all sorts of activities."

Robyn Toomath, a spokesman for New Zealand's Fight the Obesity Epidemic and an endocrinologist said that obese people should not be victimised, but agreed with the restrictions.

"The immigration department can't afford to import people who are going to be a significant drain on our health resources.

"You can see the logic in assessing if there is a significant health cost associated with this individual and that would be a reason for them not coming in."

While the New Zealand Immigration Service could not say how many peolpe had been refused entry on similar grounds, the Emigrate New Zealand website revealed that many people had been banned for being obese.


I'm ok with it. :cheese:
jebus, being overweight is the norm in some countries ...and is the healthcare system that broken that it couldnt take care of a handful of fat people? I mean do they turn away immigrants who have heart conditions diabetes etc?

that woman = :x
The BMI is an outdated system, creating in the 1800's. By their standards, Michael Jordan is "over-weight" and Russell Crowe is "obese".
-P&T's BS
Id like to ban fat people from Britian too....

Send the bitch to the whale sanctuary.
If you're 5ft tall and 5ft wide, you're a rolling hazard.
Well, my BMI is 40. I don't really look all that fat though, which is the weird thing. I have some body fat, but it's not off me in rolls or whatever.


That's about 2 months old I'd say.
They should give free Bowflexs for everyone, then have a cop watch them and force them to use it.

I'm not neccessarily fat, and for some reason I look less fat than I really am when wearing a shirt. :)
NZ is full of 'too fat' people, I don't see why they're not letting any more in.
that looks like a tom green skecht

ticket boy:tickets please
woman: here ya go
tboy:'am there is a problem
woman: what? whats wrong whit the tickets?
tboy: is...not the tickets
woman: then what is it?
tboy: is...about you?
woman: what is about whit me?
tboy: is cuz YOU ARE SO FAT!!!!!1*repeatedly spanks belly and run away jumping like daffy duck* YOU SHOULD GO TO JAPAN TO THE WHALE SHIPS!*keep spanking belly of woman*YOU SHOULD BE USE TO COVER THE CRATER OF A VOLCANO!!*start "humping" and spanking belly*ONE DONUT MORE AND YOU WILL ALTER THE GRAVITATIONAL FIELD OF EARTH!!*start licking and spanking belly*BECAUSE YO ARE SO FAAAAT!!!*runs around and jumps trough a window*
The grammar and spelling made that post hilarious.
There needs to be a new system; one which accounts for body-builders and such, but I agree that it's a country's right to not permit dangerously over-weight people in their borders.
This thread has inspired me to calculate my BMI.

It's disappointingly average. I wanted to be dangerously obese.
too fat to enter a country? That's depressing
Yeah I just checked out BMI, and its pretty ridiculous. Apparently, I'm very close to being obese - at 5' 11" and 205 lbs. I'm a little bit chubby, yes, but by no means obese. A little experimenting and I've figured out that the "normal" weight of someone my height is between 133 lbs and a little over 178 lbs. Now, I remember when I was about 130-140lbs back in high school and I was ridiculously skinny. I could fit into my girlfriend's size 5 jeans. I'm fairly sure that I was a little malnourished because I didn't eat hardly anything except spaghetti because I was too lazy to go shopping.

I also remember when I joined the military. I went to basic training and actually *gained* weight from eating properly and working out and gaining muscle mass, which put me at about 165 - which according to the BMI is normal, but quite positively on the "high" side of "normal".

So, I say - bullocks to BMI.
My BMI is 19.

I'm just lean and mean...

Now, posy your bmi's away...
BMIs really don't work for body building etc.

Pretty much everyone on a national rugby team is obese according to their BMI.
Evidently 21.7 is right in the middle of the normal range.

At 5'10" and 155lbs, I have a 22.2 BMI . . . but the funny thing is by most people's standards (including mine), I'm rather skinny. I have absolutely no fat on my body at all & I've been trying for years to gain muscle weight . . . always get stronger and faster, but never bigger at all. If I actually lost weight, I would consider it unhealthy.

Oh well, fat is still fat, and that woman is fat.
Before I continue, let me just point out I am perfect. My body fat is perfect, my face has won me at least one 1 year + stalker. Most of my fat is around me arse and me gut as you can imagine, but is not round and fat.

I am, what some circles, would consider "fit".

Now that I have got that out the way, bear with me for the following:

Governments attempts to tackle obesity are a joke, bbeing fat is not "big and beautiful", it is not "big" or clever, it is just fat. A sign of an over-fed human whale.

While many people can just have a shit draw of the genetic lottery that causes then a slow metabolism or generally whatever cause for obesity, the sheer explosion of obesity in the developed and over-fed world proves that for the vast majority, its just blatantly poor self dietary control and little activity.

From that photo, I have no sympathy for the woman. She is responsible for her own health and if she wants to squander it for just another chocolate eclair, good for her, but she can't expect another country to just accept the possible burden of her poor physical state which could lead to a quickly deteriorating state of health in the future.

Frankly if this is the incentive to get her to thin out a bit, good.

While playing super-nanny with someones life is always shakey ground, freedom and all that, it needs to also be taken into account that just like public smoking harms those around the individual, obesity can become a burden on an already stretched healthcare system. An avoidable burden at that. Not to mention that on a personal level it causes plumetting self esteem, and for me, Looking at a fat person isn't enjoyable. :P

[/fit elitism]
BMI 29.7... no NZ for me...

I'm not fat, I swim 3km a day, climb 2-3 times a week and play football at least once a week.

Got to love the Daily Facist really.

The Daily Mail has to be the most comedic newspaper available in the UK even if the humour is completely unintentional... for that reason i read it every day! :E
In early 1934 Rothermere and the Mail were sympathetic to Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists. Rothermere wrote an article, "Hurrah for the Blackshirts", in January 1934, in which he praised Mosley for his "sound, commonsense, Conservative doctrine", though after the violence of the 1934 Olympia meeting involving the BUF, the Mail withdrew its support for Mosley.

Rothermere was a friend and supporter of both Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, which influenced the Mail's political stance towards them up to 1939. During this period it was the only British newspaper consistently to support the German Nazi Party.
kek... :p
I get the point that some people dont like the Daily Mail, however they can't just make shit up. You can't disregard every news story just because you prefer other papers.

Lol, lots of people supported the Nazis before they attempted genocide and tried to take over the world, Germany was doing very well for itself in the 30s compared to many other nations mainly due to the government at the time. Shame Hitler was such a psychopathic dick.
Although I don't agree with using the BMI system (seeing how it has nothing to do with fat at all), I do agree with not allowing people to be unhealthily overweight.
Haha i'm glad i'm in shape.

19.9 @ 6ft 1in, 151 pounds.

Little on the low side, but I have a hard time gaining weight. Especially when i'm running everday.
I do agree to this, why sould a country accept everyone? It's their right to choose who enters and who don't. If they wish close all their borders!
I do feel sympathies for this women.

"The immigration department can't afford to import people who are going to be a significant drain on our health resources."

-I love the way they word that sentence, it's so cold and formal, which makes it funny, they talk as though these fat people just come waddling into the hospital, grabbing IV bags and sucking them dry

*5 obese people come into hospital and begin sucking out the containments of every patient's IV bag*
Doctor: "SHIT, they're draining our resources again!"
I do feel sympathies for this women.

"The immigration department can't afford to import people who are going to be a significant drain on our health resources."

-I love the way they word that sentence, it's so cold and formal, which makes it funny, they talk as though these fat people just come waddling into the hospital, grabbing IV bags and sucking them dry

*5 obese people come into hospital and begin sucking out the containments of every patient's IV bag*
Doctor: "SHIT, they're draining our resources again!"

Like I've said, in the future it will be worth evaluating if people are worth the food they eat.