Bros before Hoes?

Bros before Hoes?

  • Bros!

    Votes: 26 68.4%
  • Hoes!

    Votes: 12 31.6%

  • Total voters

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Which alternative suits you best?

EDIT: VERDAMMT! There should've been a poll with this! :angry: :angry: :sniper: :angry: :angry:
i've always lived by the edict hoes before bros, but this means see girls rather than you friends, it doesn't mean you should screw your friends over for some random girl.
Right now, broes before hoes, but God knows the wheel keeps turning.
I choose to abide by common decency. Whether or not that equates to a bullshit inner-city "Bros before hos" rule, I'm not sure. Because the way I understand that rule, it boils down to your friends communicating to you that "spending time with a girl makes you a pussy".
In the long run, bros before hoes. But in the short term, hoes reign supreme.
i like to balance bros and hoes. meaning, hoes get priority, but not absolute.
Bro's before ho's, always, any man who doesn't live by that golden rule should be excommunicated
i'm sorry but i would rather get some ass than hang out, get high and do stupid shit with my guy friends. hoes are not as available as bros.
hey, leave ennui alone, and btw i think a more accurate way to put it is:

you need to get laid.

sorry dalamari but you kind of asked for it.

that or a simple 'your girls must really suck then' but that has unnecessary sexual connotations.

and you misspelled your, your sentence is basically: 'you are friends must really suck then...'
Bro's before ho's, always, any man who doesn't live by that golden rule should be excommunicated


And rambler, I think you're the last person to be telling people to get laid, since I don't buy one ounce of your "lol i get so much pussy" bullshit act. I find it impossible to imagine any woman willingly mating with a retarded neanderthal such as yourself.
Usually my bro's are hoes.....meaning most my friends are girls.
I usually keep'em pretty balanced when they do differ.
Nothing wrong with being a virgin either, especially when it's by choice.
Usually my bro's are hoes
You simply do not get any gayer than Richard PERIOD.
Haha, who remembers the Simpsons episode with Mr Burns keeping Bart as his child, and he releases the robotic Richard Simmons?

"His Ass Is Gonna BLOW!"
I'd say a woman. It's pretty damn hard to find a good woman*. If I did happen across her I'm sure as hell not going to blow her off for a man, that's just gay.

*= Good meaning not completely annoying, actually smart. Can hold a conversation without having to discuss a tv she saw, attractive. And you don't feel the need to gouge your eyes out within 10min of being around her.
I always die a little inside when my best friends abandon me for their girls, but I guess I can't really blame them. It's just biology. *sigh*

And rambler, I think you're the last person to be telling people to get laid, since I don't buy one ounce of your "lol i get so much pussy" bullshit act. I find it impossible to imagine any woman willingly mating with a retarded neanderthal such as yourself.

i never said i did. and my gf's travelling atm, she gets back in two weeks! whoo!
and if you use the word homie you'll never get any anyway.
Atm Hoes before Bros. But if i am free will still hit the town with the Bros, otherwise the missus' gets priority
it's a joke, the 'homies' there is a star trek ytmnd. but can i just say i'm well impressed with that little moving post. how cool!! how did you do it? that's sooo cool!!

and btw i'm genuinely not being sarcastic.
no no i'm really being genuine. i was honestly impressed with it. i thought it was cool, like duh duh DUHHNNN!!!! psycho reveal style. how long did it take?
Bro's or Hoes... i can say i've ditched my friends a few times for girls, but I wouldn't do it again. It's not worth it, there's time for each if you sort your priorities out.
probably getting more than you

oh honey, i didn't mean to offend you, i'm sure lots of girls want to sleep with you sweetie. pals?

anyway the whole bros before hoes thing is rediculous, would i get with a friends girl? no. would i ditch a mate for a day to be with a girl? yes. have i ever chosen to hang out with mates instead of my gf though? yes. it entirely depends on circumstance.

but if i had to chose between hoes and bros, in a fictional 'you can only have one' universe, it would be hoes no doubt.
Rating yourself by how many girls you sleep with is moronic.
I could care less about who you use.

And I certainly must applaud Aenema for his wonderful musical taste and having sigged my favorite song.
