Brothers In Arms


May 27, 2004
Reaction score
Ok so who is following this game?

They are soooo close to going gold :D only 60 more pieces of work to be done :D
the SP looks good, but the multi-player concepts sounds like its gonna be craptastic gimicks. If i wanted to play with bots, i'd play SP. When i want all my teammates human i play MP.
The MP sounds good I think, having a team behind you while 3 other people have a team themselves.
I think the multiplayer sounds great (if they can get the AI right)

Who wants another standard WW2 online shooter?? Some tactical squad based play sounds fun.
yes I agree will test your leadership skills against real players commanding bots that have better aim and quicker response time than any human ...gotta love those odds :)
yeah cant wait,the only thing is i have a feeling it might be quite short but who knows,i believe its coming out over here the same day as mgs3 so it'll be an expensive day for me,hope to be able to max it out too

any chance of a link to the website?
What the world needs right now is another WW2 shooter. There's been such a shortage of them recently...
that's what was said before call of duty came out
What the world needs is good WW2 shooters, big difference ;)

Having teams of human controlled AI bots will result in a far more measured and tactical exchange than you'll find on the average public server (which, let's face it, involves no teamplay at all. Infact most clan games have very little)

I'm hoping that in BIA when you command a group of soldiers to perform an action they will do it and, most importantly, look like real soldiers while they are (be it taking cover behind a bush, or approaching an enemy bunker in formation). You just don't get this on servers filled with ppl, even in clan matches at the highest skill levels.

I want the immersion, the feeling that i'm actually a commander in WW2. CoD, ET, DoD etc can't offer this. BIA might :).
heheh ya I agree.....ET pub servers can very very frustrating
Apparently they licensed an engine but have not given the name of it... Source anybody? One of the AI programmers for BIA is on a SDK mailing list i'm on and he knows a heck of a lot about the SDK and engine in general ;)

I dunno could be a possibility.

Check the top, 54 items of work to be done untill GOLLLLD! IIRC it was 80 yesterday :)
^Ben said:
Apparently they licensed an engine but have not given the name of it... Source anybody? One of the AI programmers for BIA is on a SDK mailing list i'm on and he knows a heck of a lot about the SDK and engine in general ;)

I dunno could be a possibility.

Check the top, 54 items of work to be done untill GOLLLLD! IIRC it was 80 yesterday :)
The word out is that it's the Unreal Warfare engine.

I have faith in Brothers in Arms to be a very good PC game, but the console versions really don't look any good at all... that's visually and generally.
Axyon said:
The word out is that it's the Unreal Warfare engine.

I have faith in Brothers in Arms to be a very good PC game, but the console versions really don't look any good at all... that's visually and generally.

I agree ..I think the console version will probably spoil the realism somewhat ...just cant aim properly with a gamepad
CptStern said:
I agree ..I think the console version will probably spoil the realism somewhat ...just cant aim properly with a gamepad
Yeah, tactical games like this really need a mouse and keyboard for quick movement and orders of troops, and shooting when required.
I actually prefer pads for slow shooters - where aiming doesn't need to be 'twitch' fast, and analogue movement really poos all over using a keyboard. But, a keyboard wil be needed for all the commands.
Warbie said:
I actually prefer pads for slow shooters - where aiming doesn't need to be 'twitch' fast, and analogue movement really poos all over using a keyboard. But, a keyboard wil be needed for all the commands.
What commands? The game uses a one-button movement/command interface.
Axyon said:
What commands? The game uses a one-button movement/command interface.

Sweet - a pad would good then :)
If you look at the videos I posted, it tells you how you will control the game with each controller.
I think BiA looks really cool, plus it beats the hell out of just watching people bunnyhop and glitch in CoD. I think the MP looks really cool, although I doubt what the SP can bring that any other WW2 shooter hasn't already brought.
This is my 2nd most eagerly awaited game of 2005 (BF2 being the 1st). What's teh estimated release date; late february / early march, right?
Once the work items on gets down to 0, they should go gold... or soon after. They need to go through the release candidate process with Ubisoft and Microsoft (for quality purposes, MS doesn't want unpolished games coming out for Xbox) and then it will be ready for distribution. There are a lot of catch points along the way... probably early to mid March.

Thats a new video about the storyline of the game.
you know there is another tactical ww2 shooter called hidden and dangerous which can be played as a fps,3rd person shooter,first person stealth,3rd person stealth,rts,turn based wth rpg elements too, i highly doubt boa will be as in depth as that but i cant wait,need a new preview to maintain hype
jimbo118 said:
you know there is another tactical ww2 shooter called hidden and dangerous which can be played as a fps,3rd person shooter,first person stealth,3rd person stealth,rts,turn based wth rpg elements too, i highly doubt boa will be as in depth as that but i cant wait,need a new preview to maintain hype

I've played it. It's quite good although there's numerous bugs, the ai isnt all that great and your squad mates are dumb as posts ..I ended up leaving them behind because they kept on getting stuck on trees, boulders, walls, doorways, each other
I hope once BiA is done, Gearbox get to making what they are good at... Opposing Force 2 ;)
The problem with H&D2 was the squad and enemy AI, which just wasn't good enough. It's a shame - it was a fantastic title otherwsie.
CptStern said:
I've played it. It's quite good although there's numerous bugs, the ai isnt all that great and your squad mates are dumb as posts ..I ended up leaving them behind because they kept on getting stuck on trees, boulders, walls, doorways, each other

yeah i know i still love it though,its 1 of the remaining ww2 games thats has a good atmosphere,like your sneaking behind enemy lines etc,others are now just ripping off saving pr.ryan and band of brothers,i mean cod:uo even ripped a mission straight from h& has some great missions too and co-op is a blast.lots of replayability too
18 Items remaining :D Can we smell done today? Gold on monday, just like a certain other game :)
Hopefully when the dev team gets back to work they can hammer the last couple of bugs and send it off for RC status.
someone can tell me what so especial about this game?

I am watching the official site right now and the only special things I see is that looks like it hav a film style
ok I just watched the trailer and is looking good

what engine it uses?
Colin said:

Big download, fairly slow connection. Is it worth it?

I am really looking forward to BiA. I hope Gearbox's bragging about the AI is true. This has been prolly been asked, but can your team-mates die?

EDIT 10 items left !!!!!
Shakermaker said:
Big download, fairly slow connection. Is it worth it?

I am really looking forward to BiA. I hope Gearbox's bragging about the AI is true. This has been prolly been asked, but can your team-mates die?

EDIT 10 items left !!!!!
They can get shot and become wounded seriously, thus causing them to fall into the ragdoll state, but they're not considered 'dead' - Gearbox didn't want to have to constantly be replacing your squad with new members, so they'll always recover for the next mission.
Axyon said:
They can get shot and become wounded seriously, thus causing them to fall into the ragdoll state, but they're not considered 'dead' - Gearbox didn't want to have to constantly be replacing your squad with new members, so they'll always recover for the next mission.

hmm dont know if i like that,will take away from realism,'oh hes dead but he'll be back next lvl'
jimbo118 said:
hmm dont know if i like that,will take away from realism,'oh hes dead but he'll be back next lvl'
I can see why they'd want to do it, but yeah, it is pretty annoying.