Bug report


Apr 18, 2004
Reaction score
Ive seen plenty complaining about the e3,2k4 vid.

So... why dont make a "whine report", where we gather all the bugs and crappy things we can find and send it to valve, helping them in the things they may not see.

Something to do while we wait.... :dozey:
I think Valve are painfully aware of any glitches in the presentations.
Crusader said:
Crappy things, what crappy things?

1) Object will be brighten completely when pointed with flashlight.

And more but those are so apparents that VALVe will notice them with out help, or I hope so :p
not that it is anything crappy with HL2.
Or that I mean that, but in the way lamers would think of it.
So stop whining about that, u got my point :hmph:
you know i have never seen a game criticized so much for everything. everyone expects the game to be completely flawless down to the very last pixel. wake up n00bs, valve has created a game no other company could come close to. if your upset because a shadow overlaps another, or u dont like the fire rate of the mp7, or eli's jacket kinda goes through his arm (it doesnt, just for example), then you shouldnt play hl2. nuff said.
Let's just laugh the whiners away .. the e3 2004 movie made it clear: this game WILL be the best game ever
cus I don't care. The things people find to complain about just don't bother me. I haven't seen anything I'm likely to notice more then once or twice in the whole game.
There are a few issues, but since we have only a crappy video to judge from and they have the real live engine, I think they know all the bugs that we can find with this video. Anyway i'll list some that I have noticed.

The bug where sparks and stuff glowing through models is still there, though less noticibly then last year.

Still some clipping issues, can be seen when the strider shoves the APC type thing at Gordon in the VU clip.

Models not ragdolling when shot with the incinduary gun, dunno if that's done on purpose though.
MaxiKana said:
The bug where sparks and stuff glowing through models is still there, though less noticibly then last year.

Still some clipping issues, can be seen when the strider shoves the APC type thing at Gordon in the VU clip.

I also noticed this. (may be an error or not) When the strider kicked the APC it hit Gordon, but he didnot take damage.
Arghh, I meant it clipped with the stair thing when it landed, bounced through it.
the incendiary gun disintegrates people -thats why theres no ragdoll physics involved...they hover in the air with this white glow around them, then disintegrate

and that noob from pc zone moaning baout no ne weapons.

oh noes!1 no new weapons in the beginning of teh game, what arm i gunna do lolz!11
-Father Gregory is not wearing any underwear!!!!!
well this is only my point of view but i think it would be a shame to spend as much time as valve making a game and then not correct small things such as the shadow problem in the e3 vid. Some people this does not bother but others it does. If you are going to go to some of the detial valve has such as releastic face expressions the should correct other small details otherwise it may spoil the overall effect of the game for some people. However i can also safely say the valve know about all problems as:-
1. thay probably (well one would hope) get in good beta testers who may mession things like this.
2. As thay have said many a time, that want the game to be perfect. Which means thay are not going to delay the game for a year and then not correct obvious mistakes.
3. Given all the people whing about things at least some will send emails to valve about any probs.

thats just my view on this

like Valve themselves said, fixing bugs is the easy part, creating compelling gameplay is what is hard. Valve have achieved the latter so I think its fair to say the former are minor niggles that will dissapear almost instantly
Here are all the real nitpicks I picked out. DO NOT READ if you don't want to see them, because some people feel nitpicks detract from the excitement of the game (not me though)

Video 1 (VU booth?)
-City17 citizens have no shadows when they first walk off the train, and then suddenly acquire shadows
-guys at the sort of picnic tables in the station cast a shadow... but the benches they are sitting on don't: his shadow makes them look like they are floating in air!
-City17 citizens don't seem to have changing facial expressions.
-the shadow on the Combine soldier in the hallway is facing TOWARDS the only lightsource in the room
-when you knock the buggy over in the roadside fight, the entire vehicle goes instantly from lit to shadowed instead of entering the shadow
-object (stencil?) shadows throughout don't blend into either each other or pre-rendered shadows: there is instead additive blending which causes "double dark"areas where shadows overlap
-Combine soldiers don't seem to react to the impact of bullets until they die completely and ragdoll.
-music and water effects are too awesome
-Father Gregori's hands constantly clip through his gun
-APC wheels clip through world geometry when the strider flips it over

Video 2 (Valve/ATI Booth)
-woman clearly CAN take it some more, she doesn't know her own inner strength to overcome :)
-"in here" guy's entire body jumps from lit to completely shadowed without the shadow in the doorway sliding over him
-most gibbed ant bugs don't look right: too much mass disappears too quickly
-missle doesn't actually leave from the tube, it shoots upward, apparently out of Gordon's chest
-container/magnet are the most obvious shadow overlap problem: their shadows not only additive blend, but the magnet shadow shows through the container
-Eli's hand jerks right through Alyx's shoulder when he hugs her (ow!)
-Another weird shadow: the big broken board from the toolshop is leaning on and over the table. It's properly casting a shadow onto the top of the table, but down below the shadow ends abruptly, when it should be reaching to and blending with the shadow of the table edge
-when this board is broken in two, the end of the nearer half clips through the table to fall to the floor
-strider laser fire that kills one of the City17 guys impacts on the edge of a ramp, but the impact sprite extends beyond the ramp itself
RE: Train. That's going to be because there are no light sources in the train. The ambient lightning isn't strong enough to cast discernible shadows. (So basicall just a mapping "error".)

That's funny.

The generic characters don't have as much effort put into their faces, models, etc. etc. to save on processing, creation time, etc. Valve told us this long ago.

shadows in real life have varying shades of darkness. Sometimes they SHOULD have double-dark areas. (Although there are times when this shows up incorrectly also)

eli's hand would be an animation error, not a bug. That animation sequence looks rough in general. (They are still working on polishing though so that may change)

Some of your nitpicks aren't nitpicks. (Like saying the water is "too awesome". (?!) )
Eli's eyebrows bother me, they should be removed. Also that tape on Alyxs' jacket doesn't look real enough, remove the character...no never finish the game..it's too stupid with all those incredibly visible 'errors'.

I didn't even notice that those citizens from the train didn't have shadows. God...who looks at such things when you have best graphics overall around you.
I'd just like to point out that Gregori's hands aren't clipping on the gun.
It has a brass-knuckles-ish bar that goes over the grip, which is what looks like clipping.

Also, I thought that the gibs from the antlions were the best I've seen yet.
But, then again, I haven't played painkiller.
Did u not read his disclaimer?

you only get differing values of darkness when you have multiple light sources. You'd need to store whether a pixel had already been shadowed by a particular light.
The missile doesn't appear from his chest, have you never played HL1???

It is kind of "dropped out" of the launcher, the rocket engages a split second later, and then it flies up, up and away.
shadows in real life have varying shades of darkness. Sometimes they SHOULD have double-dark areas.

Only if there are two or more lightsources, and even then, it wouldn't look like that (i.e. objects near each other would have two shadows) And shadows NEVER overlap like they do with that magnet and container: if only because the magnet being on top of the container shouldn't have ANY effect on the shadow of the container: yet it double darks.

I'd just like to point out that Gregori's hands aren't clipping on the gun.

They most certainly are. He does it several times. His fingers are wrapped around the gun, and then they pull straight back, THROUGH the wooden part of the gun barrel that he was just gripping.

The missile doesn't appear from his chest, have you never played HL1???

Watch carefully. The rocket even starts too close to the screen to have come out of the end of the rocket tube. It's very obvious in slo-mo.
Lucifer said:
1) Object will be brighten completely when pointed with flashlight.

And more but those are so apparents that VALVe will notice them with out help, or I hope so :p

Though you're a bit late and this didn't happen in THE 2004 VID.
meh, in the Strider combat scene you can see some light effects from the strider getting hit, through the car when Gordon is crouched behind it.

when the combine ragdolls from a shotgun blast in the coastline scene, he simply crumples down and slides off of the dock.

in the same scene as above, when gordon blows up the barrels with 2 combine next to them (with one of his mp7 nades) the pieces of wood from nearby boxes (two in particular) dont rotate when they fly to the right, they simply stay with the same rotation (looks really fake/odd)

the gibbing is a little on the light side, and things dissapear too quickly.

blah blah blah.

the most annoying bug is that HL2 isnt on my Hard-Drive yet.
Well, The C17 citizens not having facial expressions, I don't agree.
Just look at the one were the black and white man is standing there and talking at the window.
And remeber that some of the bugs might still be because of the playback tech like last years timing glitches (wood breaking up before crowbar actually hits it).

Edit: or at least thats what they told us.
moppe said:
Well, The C17 citizens not having facial expressions, I don't agree.
Just look at the one were the black and white man is standing there and talking at the window.
I believe Apos was refering to (correctly I might add) the generic cit17 members.

like the guy who says "dont drink the water, they put something in it to make you forget" he looks very Hl1 (emotionaly)

later on in the Strider battle scene another guy you fight along side with says "lead on freeman" but has no emotion whatsoever in his face... and the entire sentence of "Lead on Freeman" is expressed in one simple "opening and closing" of his mouth.
moppe said:
Well, The C17 citizens not having facial expressions, I don't agree.
Just look at the one were the black and white man is standing there and talking at the window.
But watch the guy who talks about the water, his mouth doesn't hardly move at all.
Well I loved the videos, but I have to say I saw one thing I didn’t like. If anyone remembers correctly last years presentation (the coast video) at the end of the coast level you fight a combine gunship. And in that you are getting shot by it yet you see the bullets through the cars and stuff the player is hiding behind. Clearly it is a bit of a glitch, but this year you see it again in the strider video. Its still there... Makes me wonder if they are doing anything at all about that problem.
Well, that guy is VERY dark in the face and the handheld video is very bad compared to a BINK. :)
in the scene where Gordon goes through the building where the Combine are breaking down someone's door.
there is another example of poor emotional response, the guy who says "was that you knocking? I didnt know we still had a door"
alo the guy who says "Oh, I thought you were a cop" speaks with someone elses voice a second later.
it should be the guy standing behind him I assume... but his mouth is moving too.

but see they look dull and silly/ out of place because everything else is so spectacular.
eeek...for a game which isn't out yet there is a lot of picking I must say.

The two things which I noticed the most (which I saw just viewing the video and did not actively seek out to find errors/bugs) were the clipping in a few locations and some of the odd shadows, or lack of shadows.

But hey...I'd love the game as it is right now and would not complain a single time about such minor things. It's a game after all...it will never be perfect no matter what.
i think u ppl over react! c'mon someone here already said! what do u want the game to be like a diamond? What are patches made for? :D in time everything will be solved.... i promise ;)
Someone said:
But hey...I'd love the game as it is right now and would not complain a single time about such minor things. It's a game after all...it will never be perfect no matter what.
everyone here feels that way, we are nit-picking.. picking at things that are instantly noticeable that wont make or break the game, just points of discussion.

we dont have Hl2 yet, what did you expect? I doubt anyone here actually cares about any of these insignificant points... I know I dont
Dead-Inside said:
Though you're a bit late and this didn't happen in THE 2004 VID.

I dowloaded that big .avi. At start when that robot? takes picture of Gordon, start hoover around whith flashlight on and when that light is spotted to that train it becomes completely lighted, or the I look it wrong.

Sry about bad english of my.
There are just a lot of subtle lighting things that need to be fixed that can enhance the overall experience, and I hope they do something about it, because I find it extremely distracting.