Bugs, not Vivendi, Holding HL2



I saw this on FLFallout:

An anonymous industry insider has sent in word regarding HL2's status:
Vivendi is very eager to get the game out ASAP and Valve submitted RC5 late last week to Vivendi for testing. I think they were down to three show stoppers after RC4, nothing huge. They're being very careful about getting a stable release out the door and with all the big reviews hitting the net I'm not surprised. It's looking to be something very special. The delays are not Vivendi sitting on a finished game or Valve not playing fair.
This news would end the rumours about Vivendi holding the game back as a 'hostage' in the light of the lawsuits between Valve and Vivendi.

From this, we can also gather that the game is being bug tested thoroughly, and is set to be released in very near future.
"anonymous industry insider"

interesting source.
I dont know what to believe, but hey!
Sounds good, if its not some daydream by a fat 14 year old.
I'll see if I can confirm at all...
I think they were down to three show stoppers after RC4, nothing huge.

This is a contradictory statement. Three show stoppers... nothing huge? They are SHOW STOPPERS hehe
Whether that's true or not - although it sounds perfectly reasonable - I'd imagine that's pretty much an accurate account of the state the game is in anyhow.
We actually get quite a lot of information from various sources. We're just not always allowed to share it.
Pi Mu Rho said:
We actually get quite a lot of information from various sources. We're just not always allowed to share it.

well then, its time to get info which u staff'ERS can share with us :p :)
A anomoyous source told ME today that the reason halflife2 is still not gold is vug accedentally got some of that stinky french cheese on the master, and they had to request another. It happens more than you would think with the french, they have already gone through 4.
good news :)
Only 3 bugs, so this could be the gold one... :D
i think too many ppl are taking this news to be the real deal

let's just wait for it to be confirmed - we dun want to get our hopes up too high and dashed ....again...and again..ad infinitum :rolling:
Edge said:
This is a contradictory statement. Three show stoppers... nothing huge? They are SHOW STOPPERS hehe
Actually that is good news. Only having three SHOW STOPPERS on a final build means that they have identified those three issues and fixed them all for R5. That would be my take on it. There are a wide variety of issues that would be considered show stoppers at that stage, not just crashes (with a game as open-ended as HL2 promises to be they are probably related to things you can, but shouldn't be able to do[just a thought]). :afro:
slow deep breaths everyone...breathe in,breathe out...feel better? If not...repeat process,then you can....

wait until one of OUR inside sources confirms it if they are allowed to..god I would get in SOOO much trouble with that whole NDA thing...
an anoymous source told me, that the last rc's were all about gore-reduction, because vu is now targetting for a teen-rating.
If Vivendi is REALLY just holding it back, testing it for bugs, I can understand. I couldn't blame them either for wanting to release a game that has been anticipated for over a year (and even longer) to be absolutly perfect. But if they are just holding it back for any other reason, they need to die.
Would be pretty interesting if that were true. At least we're starting to get "anonymous mysterious secret" sources revealing things.

On planetdoom.com 1-2 months before release, there was a disturbing amount of "insiders" seeding interesting information in the community. I theorized that was all part of a viral marketing campaign, funnily enough some of the insider info turned out to be true.
Darth Valium said:
an anoymous source told me, that the last rc's were all about gore-reduction, because vu is now targetting for a teen-rating.

But entertainment in the Western World is all about gore, if you take that out then the parents and the people in politics won't have anything to complain about. Maybe since the game's based in Eastern Europe there should be more sexual references in it (for the Euro version) and more gore in it for the US. I'm in Australia so i'd get the best of both worlds :rolleyes: :cheers:
Pi Mu Rho said:
We actually get quite a lot of information from various sources. We're just not always allowed to share it.

Goddamn! You're holding out on us! Spill it!
We actually get quite a lot of information from various sources. We're just not always allowed to share it.

It has no sense to me - why get information you can't share? Kind'a odd ;)
i thought Valve was fixing Bugs themselves for the last few months this doesnt make sence
No no no, all wrong, the reason of the delay is because Alyx wasn't hot enough , they must be modyfing her to "do things"...
Przemek said:
It has no sense to me - why get information you can't share? Kind'a odd ;)
Yeah kinda odd indeed.
Why would Valve pass exclusive info to admins/mods of this forum?
Valve might see it as a 'reward' for their dedication or something, but then again, why info they cant share?
Taken for a moment that they have screens of the elite soldier. Valve obviously didn't want those screens published, otherwise we would have seen them already.
What I dont get is the reason for providing exclusive and secret material to forum admins. Its like telling little kids where to get free icecream and making them promise they wont tell anybody.
TX WarHawk said:
No no no, all wrong, the reason of the delay is because Alyx wasn't hot enough , they must be modyfing her to "do things"...
That could be easily be mod in...
It's not surprising that site mods like these guys know more, they are involved more than most everyone else. They always have to sign an NDA, but are given the advantage of early information in exchange for hyping the crap out of the games.

It's like the old saying: You wash my hands, and I'll wash yours."

Now picture two guys washing each others hands. All lathery and stuff.:naughty: Now, do you really want to be part of that?
I have a lot of information too , but i cant share it , im under NDA :devil:

THIS IS MORE OLD THAN MY GRANDDY !! Please , dont come whit those !

I only believe in My thu Ro ( Or something like it ) , because he is moderator , and moderators dont have reason to lie ( For the Own good i suppose :sniper: )

What I don't understand then is what exactly did the magazines review? If there were 3 "show stopping" bugs, how could they play the game all the way through and give it an honest review?

Something smells fishy here - this "leak" sounds like it came from VU itself to deflect blame for the game's non-gold status to Valve. But I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt...for now.
Sounds to me like Viv trying to shift the blame to VALVe. Since when did publishers mind releasing buggy crap and patching it later?
I don't care either way though, when it's out I'll get it.
Show stopping bugs doesn't mean that they happen every time. Maybe they only happen if a player does something in an unusual way or order, like standing on top of a barrel crowbaring the ceiling for half an hour while chanting pagan hymns and farting. Or something that corrupts a savegame.

Anyway, I believe this story. VU knows it's losing money to steam, and if there's one thing publishers hate above all else, it's losing money.
What I don't understand then is what exactly did the magazines review? If there were 3 "show stopping" bugs, how could they play the game all the way through and give it an honest review?

Something smells fishy here - this "leak" sounds like it came from VU itself to deflect blame for the game's non-gold status to Valve. But I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt...for now.

The reviewers played the game at Valve. Of course they would be playing it on a system that runs it perfectly. The remaining bugs are most likely related to problems with different hardware configurations, not gameplay.
Good points both of you :p

I guess VU found bugs on the system that was running the Diamond Voodoo 2 card :p
Interesting points, indeed.

Whatvever is going on, it seems like HL2 is getting nearer by the day.
I'm interested to hear what our mods came up with from contacting their "sources" :)
I just wish VU & Valve would come clean about the situation...

Doug Lombardi was quated a few days a go as saying "were nearly there" (or words to that effect) but a little more info wouldn't hurt & would make all the difference to the peeps who wan the game the most & have already paid for it!! ie ME!!! LOL