$$build me a map$$ ill pay

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i need a map of the gateway arch. its a monument in st.louis, mo.
would be a bad ass map.
Have you got any pics? Some reasearch so we can guess how much time would be invested?
Really...if anything you need a prop of the arches made. Its a little too curvy to do in hammer by itself. I'm sure you could..... but I'd be more comfortable making it in XSI first. But then again.... I have no idea how to use XSI yet.. :p
Already made that in hammer, its easy using disp maps and subdivision
Hah, yeah arch tool....well..... does it have an elevator inside it?
yes it does have an elevator to the apex, where there are windows.
lol if theres an elevator that goes from one end to the other what happens when you go over the top do you fall to the ceiling of the elevater and brake your neck or are you strapped in lol it sounds fun anyway they should put it in disney land
do you guys notice how the original poster has only posted 1 post? I think hes bluffing to see how gullible you are. :rolling:
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That includes commercial advertising of all kinds, personal advertising of all kinds (ipods), buying and selling (maps, computer parts) etc.
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