Bullet Stopping


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
I wonder if you could stop the enemies bullets w/ the manipulator and shoot them back at them. that would be awesome.
Mental note: The game is Half Life 2, not matrix land 8004 ;)
Originally posted by BaNDiT
I wonder if you could stop the enemies bullets w/ the manipulator and shoot them back at them. that would be awesome.

The bullets are not physically simulated, so I guess no.

But it was cool if they were :) Just think of AI bullets :D
it'd kinda be pointless if there were no restrictions on manipulator/gravity gun use.

eg, pulling enemies weapons out of their hands, or just throwing them around...
Originally posted by derby
it'd kinda be pointless if there were no restrictions on manipulator/gravity gun use.

eg, pulling enemies weapons out of their hands, or just throwing them around...

Gabe said its possible, but they still dont know wether to allow it or not.
Read the sticky post