Bully victim fights back

Eh, I think it's kind of tasteless to post this.

There's nothing satisfying about this video. It's satisfying to see things like this in a TV show or a movie, because it's not real. But when it's actual footage of a child harming another child, it's just disgusting.

but yeah, this video surfaced about a week or so ago. old news now
Oh man, violence between children. So awesome.
Wouldn't have taken much for that kid to be thrown down on his head and been killed, possibly or severely injured. What the **** is wrong with kids these days anyway? I fear for the safety of the bullies who bullied me honestly, if my present mind were in my body back then. I wouldn't take that shit and I might go a bit too far in the process. So maybe I can't be speaking about kids today.
Wouldn't have taken much for that kid to be thrown down on his head and been killed, possibly or severely injured. What the **** is wrong with kids these days anyway? I fear for the safety of the bullies who bullied me honestly, if my present mind were in my body back then. I wouldn't take that shit and I might go a bit too far in the process. So maybe I can't be speaking about kids today.

Well I read an article online about this kid (the one being bullied), and it said that he had been picked on and teased for a number of years. So while his reaction is a bit extreme, I figure its just a moment when he snapped, where he wasn't gonna take it anymore. And since he had been bullied for years, I doubt going to a teacher was going to correct this situation (at least in the long term). He fought back and came the "winner". I bet now people will think twice before messing with him.

I guess I feel this way because in grade school (4th or 5th grade? dont remember exactly) I was bullied, and the school didn't really help. My mom was the one who finally told me to fight back, that she wouldn't be mad if I did, even if I got in trouble in school. So I did. And not only did I not get in trouble (the bully was smart enough not to tattle), but I wasn't bugged anymore.
The moral of this story is that school administrators suck at preventing bullying. If this had been going on for years, then its a pretty glaring failure on the part of the school staff. I feel the kid was justified in his action, given the insufficient action of the adults who could have prevented it.
Video is pretty *ouch* to watch, but as others said, it makes sense that he snapped after years of it. One of my friends did the same thing. Really nice dude, but got picked on as a kid for being chubby, so one day in class he just punched the bully in the face. It's kinda hard for teachers to discipline kids when the most they can do is send them to the principal or mark off conduct. No more old-school ruler across the palms allowed anymore.
Everybody in Australia got over this like a month ago.

Have fun with it though.
Why are they blurring out the faces in the video when they are doing a VIDEO INTERVIEW with the kid?

Edit: "Are you sorry?".... "Nope."
Oh god that first video in Escaep's post is like a movie trailer.
Dang. Obviously this kid must've had a real reason to smash the bully into the ground besides one punch, but that's pretty painful to watch. Though he wasn't in the wrong, I don't think the Casey kid should be "a hero". He was just a guy dealing with his issues and if it were me in his position I would feel really jacked up if I had seriously injured the other kid. It's kind of a "two wrongs don't make a right" deal for me.
Man, that must've hurt

I never fought back against bullies as a kid, mostly for fear of them rounding up all their buddies and exacting revenge in numbers. Hope that doesnt happen to this kid.
The moral of this story is that school administrators suck at preventing bullying. If this had been going on for years, then its a pretty glaring failure on the part of the school staff. I feel the kid was justified in his action, given the insufficient action of the adults who could have prevented it.
I haven't heard of a school system in the world that can effectively prevent bullying.
Well I mean, why would you 'hear of' such a school system?
You know how to prevent bullying? Make everyone wear a uniform and shave their heads. If they as so much think about bullying, whack them with a baseball bat.

I never understood it at the time, but I think it worked out pretty well for me.

But more seriously, anyway, I don't think you can really prevent bullying. I have some ideas, though.
Echoing all the old news comments but I like this dude a lot. I don't think he's a hero for kicking that guy's ass (although in all honestly I thought it was awesome and the other kid got what he deserved) but I think he is one for being bullied all of his life and turning the other cheek twice when being physically hit by the little turd in the video before finally snapping.

Brings it home how many young'uns suffer from bullying day in, day out. Any school I've experienced has never done sod all about bullying and it's something I hope gets looked into. They always teach kids these days to 'walk away' but in this thing called The Real World, if you walk away from a bully - they will follow you. I think schools need to do more to prevent this kind of thing happening. Then kids like Casey wouldn't need to be expelled for defending themselves.

How much should people have to suffer before something is done? Do all children these days need to start powerslamming their fellow school attendants before someone intervenes?
This story was a lot cooler before they did all of these interviews. Now it's just another news drama, but this time it's with kids.
Schools never serve justice, hence the reason they will never prevent bullying.

They suspended both kids for this incident because they have zero tolerance for violence. The Casey kid made ONE move in self defense and he gets in shit for protecting himself? Ridiculous.
I was lucky enough to never really get bullied that bad, never got smacked around or anything.

I'm glad the kid fought back, but what he did was a bit extreme, could have seriously hurt the other kid. A few punches would have got him to back down. I guess this way though nobody will mess with him now since they know he could snap like that.

Meh, bullying sucks either way, and it'll be around forever cause humans suck :)
Schools never serve justice, hence the reason they will never prevent bullying.

They suspended both kids for this incident because they have zero tolerance for violence. The Casey kid made ONE move in self defense and he gets in shit for protecting himself? Ridiculous.

if you were parent of that kid would you be ok with the school doing nothing after the victem nearly seriously injured your child?
If I were the parent of that bully, I wouldn't let him leave his room for a month.
If I were the parent of that bully, I'd powerslam him into a concrete sidewalk.
If I were the parent of that bully, I wouldn't let him leave his room for a month.

if you were the parent you'd overlook the fact that your kid is a shithead (they've probably been ignoring that fact for years) and scream bloody murder that the fat kid nearly killed your son. you're not their friend, you're not their classmate, you're their parent. rationality isnt guarenteed when it comes to your own children

I've seen parents who have said their kid is "just quirky" or a "late bloomer" even though they're 5 years old, have never speoken a word and stare at the ceiling while rocking back and forth
Perhaps at the time of the incident, but if the national media exposed my child as a shithead on video, then I might pay a little more attention.
nah these people are probably pissed that THE MEDIA took their precious little baby and made him look like a monster. parents who think their little shitheads (IRL) are precious little darlings are a dime a dozen
if you were parent of that kid would you be ok with the school doing nothing after the victem nearly seriously injured your child?

Well his own mother said he got what he deserved. If my kid bullied another kid and that other kid snapped and kicked the crap out of him, I would make my kid apologise for being such an idiot and tell him he learned his lesson.

I wouldn't expect a victim to get suspended at all. He turned the other cheek more than once, man. He stood there and took punches and was defenseless up until the point he couldn't take any more. If that were my kid doing the punching, I'd have literally been disgusted.

Hopefully my kid wouldn't turn out like that anyway. I would try and raise him properly and if I found out he was acting like that I would seriously be pissed at him.

I don't think Casey should have been suspended at all and according to what I've heard and seen, neither do the local residents near the school.
Well his own mother said he got what he deserved. If my kid bullied another kid and that other kid snapped and kicked the crap out of him, I would make my kid apologise for being such an idiot and tell him he learned his lesson.

I wouldn't expect a victim to get suspended at all. He turned the other cheek twice man. If that were my kid, I'd have literally been disgusted.

Hopefully my kid wouldn't turn out like that anyway. I would try and raise him properly and if I found out they were acting like that I would seriously be pissed at them.

I don't think Casey should have been suspended at all and according to what I've heard and seen, neither do the local residents near the school.

because you are you and not the school board administrators. he was suspended for fighting:

A NSW Department of Education and Training spokeswoman said the school "does not tolerate any violence and deals with all cases according to its community-agreed discipline code".

also bully and bully's mom look like trailer trash. think she's missing a few teeth

if you were parent of that kid would you be ok with the school doing nothing after the victem nearly seriously injured your child?

Here is the difference for me.

The kid was NOT fighting, it was self defense. He made ONE move, then backed off and walked away. He could not have dealt with that situation any better in my opinion.

We know he could not just walk away, since we know that kid will probably throw more punches at him, and walking away only makes him a bigger target for bullies.

The kid made one move to send a message, and the dumbass kid received it.

If I were the parent of the bully, I have no right to say anything. The kid punched him without retaliation, then threw even more abdominal shots before the kid finally snapped.

If you shoot a robber who was attacking you, should you go to prison for it?
because you are you and not the school board administrators. he was suspended for fighting

Well yes. Your question was "would you be okay with it". So I answered as me. :p

The School Admin did suspend him. Doesn't mean I should agree with it!
Here is the difference for me.

The kid was NOT fighting, it was self defense. He made ONE move, then backed off and walked away. He could not have dealt with that situation any better in my opinion.


edit: click on text link to see video

We know he could not just walk away, since we know that kid will probably throw more punches at him, and walking away only makes him a bigger target for bullies.

The kid made one move to send a message, and the dumbass kid received it.

If I were the parent of the bully, I have no right to say anything. The kid punched him without retaliation, then threw even more abdominal shots before the kid finally snapped.

If you shoot a robber who was attacking you, should you go to prison for it?

you're assuming I think what the victem did was wrong. I dont. he deserved what he got. his mom should probably be beaten to a pulp as well
Fair enough.

I thought from your reply you disapprove of what the victim.

And that video is funny as hell.


What's with smaller people picking on bigger people these days.
Self defense? Towards the beginning maybe, but that kid could've seriously and permanently damaged the other, and he didn't need to. It may be excusable because he was provoked and is a child, but it certainly shouldn't be made out to be some "Oh, a kid stands up for himself, so awesome, here's a medal" story. This is some Ender's Game shit right here, but this kid'll just end up to be an internet hero rather than a psychologically abused savior of the Earth. Violence begets violence. It isn't admirable to see a kid get seriously hurt because an underdog did it and he was provoked.
I hardly think most people would call the kid a hero and want to give him a medal. In this thread the response has been much more muted than the media frames it up to be by headlining the story as "Kid who fights back against bully, IS HE A HERO?!?!?!"

Personally, I don't think he should be even remotely considered a hero. I think what he did should be what everybody should do in his situation. If he is subjected to violence and humiliation on a regular basis, and nobody steps in to prevent it after going through proper "adult" channels, then you need to do it yourself. I think what he did was normal, and you shouldn't get medals and hero status for doing normal things.