Bush declares space territory of US

Space should be no-mans land

Either that or property of the native space worms :D
Well, I think if a country is the only remaining superpower in the world it can actually block any other country from anything, if it really wants to. Of course with adequate effort ...
Well, I think if a country is the only remaining superpower in the world it can actually block any other country from anything, if it really wants to. Of course with adequate effort ...

the same people who cant even maintain peace in a tiny fraction of the earth's land area?

i think not.

the US is very big on words, but little else.
What is the US planning to do? Send cops to police space??

Airspace makes sense. Space-space is just...wierd.
when the zerg arrive they will hav problems
I can't wait for some aliens to read that press release and go "Oooh yeah?"
It's clearly a response to China pew-pewing all their satellites.
Do more than a handfull of you guys actually believe you possess a single solitary clue as to just what the hell is going on in more than 2% of the topics you discuss here? Do you really? Just wondering....
Ooh, is that general exasperation with what you percieve to be ignorance and misinformation you display there, or are you hinting at conspiracies the like of which no man may wot of?

Do tell.
Lol, next they'll be saying they own the sea. Heck, why not make gravity bush's f***ing plaything.