Bush Game :P

mmmmm timmy links ...why do I always think of sausages?
what the hell... the gam,e is so fun, but theres loads of pages to read about americas econimy... ill read it, as im not very well educated on americas financial issues... but it seems like this game is just full of facts :P
Foxtrot said:
Is that a game or just flash propaganda?

its actually amazingly well done... this is the BEST flash game i have ever played. its so long and required so much skil to make.
that wasnt a flash game, is was a steam game...

unless you mean something else, in which case please give a link :)
I can't do that right now... at work.

Anyways, is this thread a non republican zone? :borg:
Suicide42 said:
that wasnt a flash game, is was a steam game...

unless you mean something else, in which case please give a link :)
It was done in flash, the game, and yes that it the game I was thinking of.
OMG!!I must have a avatar of that Voltron dude with his eyes flashing!!!Can someone please make it for me. :D
Bush are devil! Bush are devil! Bush are devil!

Ummmmmm....i kept hearing that through the entire game. Is it just me?
Does it also say, "Moore is god, moore is god, moore is god" ? :rolleyes:
Raziaar said:
Does it also say, "Moore is god, moore is god, moore is god" ? :rolleyes:

don't be so narrow minded and play it for yourself :hmph:
Dedalus said:
don't be so narrow minded and play it for yourself :hmph:

it was a joke. I already mentioned above that I cannot play it right now... i'm at work.
Raziaar said:
it was a joke. I already mentioned above that I cannot play it right now... i'm at work.

lack of /sarcasm tags and my bad eyesight do not a good conversation make

ok, i just completed it (MAN I AM SAD).

heres a discription of what happened...

I wont say who the bosses are, because basically i wasnt listening when they told me which of bush's minions i was fighting. i also wont say what characters i got, as i cant remember where i got them or who they are, as i have a SHIT memory :)

OK, after the first boss, you get the first voultron key and proceed through the white house, where the first batch of facts are thrown at you (about how bush has wasted all the money that clinton saved). After fighting Bush senior and his wife (who are having sex at the time and are spewing out loads of little baby bushes) you fight some risch tart (as it explains the unfairness of current U.S. taxes).

Then we fight our way through more white house goons, and after fighting the secon boss discover that terrorists are attaking, and so we scarper through a tunnel with the second key.

Next we emerge on a barbados island, and after we are told how the rich can escape taxes by "officially" living in an island out of the US, we are taken to the third boss- who is significantly harder than the others. another voltron key in the bag once he is bleeding on the floor!

Next we escape to a poor, american city, where scooby doo and the "crew" explain that americans are having practically no health care or insurance. Also they are being forced out of work, making the economy crumble. We run through a factory (ironically willy wonkas factory) and discover that the ompa-loompas are getting hardly any pay due to taxes, and bush is forcing the workers to get a substancial reduction in pay.

Then we come to a church.. and after saving jesus (who promptly joins our team) we discover that bush has been using propoganda to make the american people belive that god is on our side. The next boss is a giant evil sinner dude, who is rather easy and reveals the fourth voltron key.

but whats this? bush zapps us with his evil laser beam into a huge missile, and we travel with it to iraq!!! emerging from the explosion (luckily unharmed) we run through the streets of iraq, evading suicide bombers and helping american troops. then we escape into a tunnel through sara michell gella's giant head (dont ask).

appearing in a missile silo, we discover that iraq did have weapons after all. we save the tellytubbies who promptly run off, then defeat a sub boss (who has been trained in the ways of the jedi arts. one of the best bosses actually, as he only uses lightsabers and jumping, no crappy laser beams or mallets :) ).

Then osma bin laden and some other terrorists (that include the burgular character from mcdonalds) prepare to launch an amazing nuclear-toxic-bioweapon on the US!!!

but then the tellytubbies come to save us. phew. then when we least expect it, they launch it themselves as apparantly any sympathy they had for the US after 9/11 dissapeared when the US showed an arrogant counter attack. Then we fight another boss or something... i kinda stopped keeping track..

Anyway, with all 5 voultron keys in hand, we call Voultron (who is now under our control due to the keys) and order him to take us to the US before the missile hits. We get there but we are too late, and everyone, including voltron, is blown to smithereens.

But our heroes emerge battlescarred and bruiesd (how do they do it?) only to find bush has mutated with some filthy pigs and the hawk of war to make some sort of big, freak thing. we are going to die.

but NO! john kerry comes and turns into a powerful super-robot using voltrons remains, and we use him to whip george W's butt. even though he is just as good as any other character...

then there is no final scene, other than john kerry explaining why you should vote for him, and repeating all the bad things that have been said about bush.

Then a screen comes up, which directs you to johnkerry.com or something. for such an amazing game, it has the worst ending ever. i bet it got LOADS of gamers to vote for him though ;)

i wasted half an hour of my time writing this, so the least you could do is read it!!!
Suicide42 said:
ok, i just completed it (MAN I AM SAD).

heres a discription of what happened...

I wont say who the bosses are, because basically i wasnt listening when they told me which of bush's minions i was fighting. i also wont say what characters i got, as i cant remember where i got them or who they are, as i have a SHIT memory :)

OK, after the first boss, you get the first voultron key and proceed through the white house, where the first batch of facts are thrown at you (about how bush has wasted all the money that clinton saved). After fighting Bush senior and his wife (who are having sex at the time and are spewing out loads of little baby bushes) you fight some risch tart (as it explains the unfairness of current U.S. taxes).

Then we fight our way through more white house goons, and after fighting the secon boss discover that terrorists are attaking, and so we scarper through a tunnel with the second key.

Next we emerge on a barbados island, and after we are told how the rich can escape taxes by "officially" living in an island out of the US, we are taken to the third boss- who is significantly harder than the others. another voltron key in the bag once he is bleeding on the floor!

Next we escape to a poor, american city, where scooby doo and the "crew" explain that americans are having practically no health care or insurance. Also they are being forced out of work, making the economy crumble. We run through a factory (ironically willy wonkas factory) and discover that the ompa-loompas are getting hardly any pay due to taxes, and bush is forcing the workers to get a substancial reduction in pay.

Then we come to a church.. and after saving jesus (who promptly joins our team) we discover that bush has been using propoganda to make the american people belive that god is on our side. The next boss is a giant evil sinner dude, who is rather easy and reveals the fourth voltron key.

but whats this? bush zapps us with his evil laser beam into a huge missile, and we travel with it to iraq!!! emerging from the explosion (luckily unharmed) we run through the streets of iraq, evading suicide bombers and helping american troops. then we escape into a tunnel through sara michell gella's giant head (dont ask).

appearing in a missile silo, we discover that iraq did have weapons after all. we save the tellytubbies who promptly run off, then defeat a sub boss (who has been trained in the ways of the jedi arts. one of the best bosses actually, as he only uses lightsabers and jumping, no crappy laser beams or mallets :) ).

Then osma bin laden and some other terrorists (that include the burgular character from mcdonalds) prepare to launch an amazing nuclear-toxic-bioweapon on the US!!!

but then the tellytubbies come to save us. phew. then when we least expect it, they launch it themselves as apparantly any sympathy they had for the US after 9/11 dissapeared when the US showed an arrogant counter attack. Then we fight another boss or something... i kinda stopped keeping track..

Anyway, with all 5 voultron keys in hand, we call Voultron (who is now under our control due to the keys) and order him to take us to the US before the missile hits. We get there but we are too late, and everyone, including voltron, is blown to smithereens.

But our heroes emerge battlescarred and bruiesd (how do they do it?) only to find bush has mutated with some filthy pigs and the hawk of war to make some sort of big, freak thing. we are going to die.

but NO! john kerry comes and turns into a powerful super-robot using voltrons remains, and we use him to whip george W's butt. even though he is just as good as any other character...

then there is no final scene, other than john kerry explaining why you should vote for him, and repeating all the bad things that have been said about bush.

Then a screen comes up, which directs you to johnkerry.com or something. for such an amazing game, it has the worst ending ever. i bet it got LOADS of gamers to vote for him though ;)

i wasted half an hour of my time writing this, so the least you could do is read it!!!

Meh, can't be arsed
Well, I watched it until R2D2 came into the hospital... that thing is too long, I can't spend my entire weekend looking at that. It was funny... but it was also highly concentrated propoganda.
If I were only 18...I'd vote for Kerry.

I never knew how much damage he has inflicted on this country. I know hate President Bush even more than I used to. I was amazed at how much George W. Bush has ruined. All of the hard work that Clinton did and the money that we had as a country is gone. Scary stuff. It's like Bush wanted to ruin us.

Many people think that he is 100% responsible for 9/11. Personally, I don't think so...but a lot of people seem to think that he had those planes crash into the trade towers.
Moto-x_Pat said:
If I were only 18...I'd vote for Kerry.

I never knew how much damage he has inflicted on this country. I know hate President Bush even more than I used to. I was amazed at how much George W. Bush has ruined. All of the hard work that Clinton did and the money that we had as a country is gone. Scary stuff. It's like Bush wanted to ruin us.

Many people think that he is 100% responsible for 9/11. Personally, I don't think so...but a lot of people seem to think that he had those planes crash into the trade towers.
Omfg hahahaha, I think I just wet myself laughing...damn brb I am going to shower and change.
Foxtrot said:
Omfg hahahaha, I think I just wet myself laughing...damn brb I am going to shower and change.

Yay! It worked! Weeeeeeee.

I knew I'd get a reply like yours if I said that...Lol so predictable. :afro:
Pop Quiz, Hot shot!

Heh heh... It's funny... and its true. If you actually go over Kerry's voting record over the years, the contradictions in his votes are too numerable to count!

Some say Bush is incompetent... that may be so in some regards, but I say, "At least he's not as incompetent as Kerry..."

I wouldn't be surprised if he took all his votes randomly from a a hat.

Fri Jul 09 2004 09:23:56 ET

Just hours before attending an all-star celebrity fundraising concert in New York, Dem presidential candidate John Kerry revealed how he has been too busy for a real-time national security briefing.

"I just haven't had time," Kerry explained in an interview.

Kerry made the startling comments on CNN's LARRY KING LIVE Thursday night.

KING: News of the day, Tom Ridge warned today about al Qaeda plans of a large-scale attack on the United States. Didn't increase the -- you see any politics in this? What's your reaction?

KERRY: Well, I haven't been briefed yet, Larry. They have offered to brief me. I just haven't had time.
wow.. it's funny to see all these kids flip out over a flash game..
This sucks, a spider likes to hide under my mouse and keyboard.....and then it moves to my case.
Raziaar said:
Who's flipping out?

I pretended to flip out in order to get a reaction. See page 2 and the hilarity that ensued. ;)

It works everytime. I have listened to politically obsessed people at school who will argue all day long about whether or not Bush is a good president. They laugh when people say things similar to what I said. Yay for me!
Moto-x_Pat said:
If I were only 18...I'd vote for Kerry.

I never knew how much damage he has inflicted on this country. I know hate President Bush even more than I used to. I was amazed at how much George W. Bush has ruined. All of the hard work that Clinton did and the money that we had as a country is gone. Scary stuff. It's like Bush wanted to ruin us.

Many people think that he is 100% responsible for 9/11. Personally, I don't think so...but a lot of people seem to think that he had those planes crash into the trade towers.QUOTE]

So that's what you said? I don't get it... besides it looking like just another person's views on the matter.
Raziaar said:
Moto-x_Pat said:
If I were only 18...I'd vote for Kerry.

I never knew how much damage he has inflicted on this country. I now hate President Bush even more than I used to. I was amazed at how much George W. Bush has ruined. All of the hard work that Clinton did and the money that we had as a country is gone. Scary stuff. It's like Bush wanted to ruin us.

Many people think that he is 100% responsible for 9/11. Personally, I don't think so...but a lot of people seem to think that he had those planes crash into the trade towers.

So that's what you said? I don't get it... besides it looking like just another person's views on the matter.

Right...everyone has a different view on the matter. Most people can't respect other's views. I know this from the things that the nerdy politically obsessed kids at school say. One says "Bush rules!" and another goes "Oh my god you idiot, Kerry all the way!" It starts to become a war.

I just went and proved how easily your beliefs can be disagreed with and laughed at...especially when you seem brainwashed by a stupid flash game. :laugh:
Moto-x_Pat said:
Right...everyone has a different view on the matter. Most people can't respect other's views. I know this from the things that the nerdy politically obsessed kids at school say. One says "Bush rules!" and another goes "Oh my god you idiot, Kerry all the way!" It starts to become a war.

I just went and proved how easily your beliefs can be disagreed with and laughed at...especially when you seem brainwashed by a stupid flash game. :laugh:

I don't understand the purpose of what you posted.

Maybe I can understand your point if I try to insult your beliefs.

Moto-x_Pat is stupid

just kidding
omg the second boss was so funny I was killed because I couldn't see the screen I was laughing too much.
Raziaar said:
Well, I watched it until R2D2 came into the hospital... that thing is too long, I can't spend my entire weekend looking at that. It was funny... but it was also highly concentrated propoganda.

:dozey: hey you make it out like opposing bush is the only type of propaganda that exisits .. Bush's campaigne consists of more propaganda than anything. His facts ended up being lies, the worst propaganda ever, not even basing it on a solid source....

all this game does is poke a bit of fun :naughty: and label clear facts about the Bush administration.
blahblahblah said:
I don't understand the purpose of what you posted.

Maybe I can understand your point if I try to insult your beliefs.

Moto-x_Pat is stupid

just kidding
Foxtrot said:
Moto-x_Pat said:
If I were only 18...I'd vote for Kerry.

I never knew how much damage he has inflicted on this country. I know hate President Bush even more than I used to. I was amazed at how much George W. Bush has ruined. All of the hard work that Clinton did and the money that we had as a country is gone. Scary stuff. It's like Bush wanted to ruin us.

Many people think that he is 100% responsible for 9/11. Personally, I don't think so...but a lot of people seem to think that he had those planes crash into the trade towers.

Omfg hahahaha, I think I just wet myself laughing...damn brb I am going to shower and change.

Moto-x_Pat said:
Yay! It worked! Weeeeeeee.

I knew I'd get a reply like yours if I said that...Lol so predictable. :afro:

Lil' Timmy said:
wow.. it's funny to see all these kids flip out over a flash game..

Raziaar said:
Who's flipping out?

Moto-x_Pat said:
I pretended to flip out in order to get a reaction. See page 2 and the hilarity that ensued. ;)

It works everytime. I have listened to politically obsessed people at school who will argue all day long about whether or not Bush is a good president. They laugh when people say things similar to what I said. Yay for me!

Raziaar said:
So that's what you said? I don't get it... besides it looking like just another person's views on the matter.

Moto-x_Pat said:
Right...everyone has a different view on the matter. Most people can't respect other's views. I know this from the things that the nerdy politically obsessed kids at school say. One says "Bush rules!" and another goes "Oh my god you idiot, Kerry all the way!" It starts to become a war.

I just went and proved how easily your beliefs can be disagreed with and laughed at...especially when you seem brainwashed by a stupid flash game. :laugh:

In this case, Foxtrot didn't agree to my first post, so he showed how dumb and ridiculously funny he thought it was by exaggerating that he pissed himself and therefore had to take a shower and change. This shows that he did not agree with my opinions. Again, this was my intention...to get someone to have a negative reaction to my fake opinion. Weee. I win! :E