Bush orders Marines to Haiti

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Yeah, Santa didn't give me the new computer I wished for :p lol
It's like some kind of class warfare where paranoid left leaning people in America want to spread fear of the government among the general population. The greatest thing that is stopping unity and prosperity in America are Hollywood liberals. I'm not a conservative but I dont like the hypocracy and two faced attitude of democrats and liberals in America. If they feel that they are better then the rest of the population then they really should act like it. Unfortunatly they are made up of uneducated paranoid racist. Oddly enough they feel the same way about the Republican Party.


America hasn't changed in the eyes of its enemies(terrorist Muslims) in the past decade. Voting for someone else won't do JACK to help the situation. How long can you push the phony soundbite about not supporting the President but supporting the troops? The troops pledge loyalte to him. Getting rid of him WILL hurt morale. What has changed in the past 30 years for democrats to even utter a phrase like that? The only thing I can think of is that they realized that their pro-communist ideology can't progress without support from the Armed Services.

Personally I would love to verbally attack John KKKerry if he were Persident and there was another attack on American soil. That phony android bastard deserves some flak for being so qualified to bring more harm to innocent people.
I'm thinking of starting an underground Terrorist Cell in order to assasinate Blair and or Bush.
The democrats are playing politics to get into the White House. Unfortunatly they are shooting themselves in the foot. All the crap that they are saying will come back to haunt them. They are playing right into the hands of Islamic extreamists who want to recruit more sorry satanic bastards to kill Jews and Christians all around the world. Thanks a lot Mike 'CreamPuff' Moore. Your rants and banter only work to fuel hatred towards America. That dirt ball 'biatch' needs to go to Iran and talk about the rigging of the elections there and see how fast he will get an impromptude casteration in the middle of town square.
Satanic Bastards?

Step back from the ****ing line.
I wish a Satanist would strap a bomb to himself and blow up a lot of palistinians. I would like to hear what they would say about the incident. I bet that they would lump Satanists with Jews.
peoplesuc said:
I wish a Satanist would strap a bomb to himself and blow up a lot of palistinians. I would like to hear what they would say about the incident. I bet that they would lump Satanists with Jews.

Where as I'd like to see a middle class white male christian from texas pop Bush one in the temple and then dance around his corpse saying it was the will of God.
say UN next time kthxbye :p

I sense trouble for haiti now though. whenever we go in some country in distress we end up appointing a dictator who we then dump without any help and he hates us and starts stockpiling weapons and has terrorist factions attack us.
Mr.Magnetichead said:

You can spare the troops so THATS why you're 'doing all the hard work'. :upstare:

No, we most certainly don't. China's is, and Russia even has a larger army than us.
Please, do research.
Moto-x_Pat said:
American troops are not triggerhappy. They are among the most well trained and most effective soldiers in the world. They don't just run out into a firefight with guns blazing, spraying wildly without thinking. As a matter of fact, American soldiers use a lot of restraint. They only fire when fired upon, those are our rules of engagement. In the conflict in Somalia in 1993, the somalis would often take full advantage of the American soldier's restraint. The rebels would actually take a bunch of innocent civilians and use them as a kind of human shield, so that the Americans would not fire at them.

I am not making a generalization about all of you british people, but seriously, let up on the America bashing for once. It seems like so many of you hate our guts with a passion.

actually they seem to live more by shoot first ask questions later. I seem to recall hearing about 4 canadian soldiers being killed by 2 american pilots who saw small arms fire but were safe distance away, but still descended and bombed canadian soldiers. They did this even tho the canadians had a beacon showing they were training and the pilots didn't even wait for a green light, they went in "gun's blazing." Along with the british fighter shot down in iraq. Iraq didn't even use fighters during the war but still....
When you have that many troops in an area there are going to be some stupid people. Has nothing to do with the average troop.
Some instances, such as the Patriot missle shooting down a british pilot, are the result of an automated error, and didn't even directly involve a person.
I think the reason Brits tend to dislike American's is because generally speaking American's are "vocal" where Brits are more "reserved". For example when Saddam Hussan was captured (no offence intended here, but this is how it appeared) American's seemed to treat it like a Hollywood movie, making it evident how "great a victory" it was. The British on the other hand took the position that yes we've got him, but there's still a lot of work to do.

Well that's how it appeared to me.
Now around here the whole Saddam thing was pretty subdued, and aside from the occasional mention wasn't even all that noticable.
The thing with the US is that there's no average citizen, while many are vocal just as many aren't. But when you're talking about a few hundred million people you can't tell.
GhostValkyrie said:
No, we most certainly don't. China's is, and Russia even has a larger army than us.
Please, do research.


Some of these morons need to think before they spew their anti-american crap.

Yeah we may have the best army in the world, but not the biggest.
I think when you are several hundred feet of the ground flying at hundreds of miles an hour, it can be hard to tell whether they are friendlies.

Anyway, this situation is totally different from Iraq ad the country does need some sort of stabilisation. The police obviously cant handle it there, even though many appear to be trying their hardest. The problem really is that its hard to tell who is "right" because its just not black and white. Nothing ever is...except Nazis, evil buggers.

By the way, unless you have a post directly related to the subject at hand, it will be deleted.
GhostValkyrie said:
No, we most certainly don't. China's is, and Russia even has a larger army than us.
Please, do research.

Ok then you have the best equipped army in the world.
I just want to comment on this "Americans are trigger happy" thing.

I have nothing against america as such (Maybe some of its politics is not to my taste) and definatly nothing against its people and their way of life.

However. From what I have seen I am led to believe that your millitary can be kinda over zelous...

I definatly don't want to start a fight with you guys. Its probably just certain parts of your army. After all you have one hell of a big army and you fight alot of wars. We are bound to hear alot about you. But still...

Anyway. The thing I wanted to say was that when I was watching a program about Iraq a fair while ago I remember a British Correspondent tagging along with your guys and watching them work.

Now they went to a burnt our bombed official building. And decided to storm it.

After alot of gunfire and grenades going off and alot of shouting it all went quiet and they all came out again looking happy.

The correspondent asked what they had found and the leader (Dont know the rank) said "nothing"

There was not one person in the building except them. And yet they had run in guns blazing with grenades and flashbangs or whatever.

Now I don't know about you lot but that doesnt give me a good impresion of your army. What if there had been civilians eh?
They just didnt seem to care.

Anyway, I just want to state again that this could very well be a one off and that I have nothing against you guys. But I wondered how you respond to this?

Edit: I'll have to read any replies tomorrow I'm affraid. I gota go work then sleep :)
The thing with news reports like that is you never have the full context or anything like that.
I'm pretty willing to bet that they were showboating a little for the camera, and had a good idea that there wasn't even anyone in there.
The US army in past decades has dealt almost exclusively in situations in which strict rules of engagement apply, and that a lot of thought has to be given to collateral damage and civilian casualties. I'm willing to bet that anyone in the army has had a good deal of practice with it, and are well versed in whats acceptable and what isn't.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I think when you are several hundred feet of the ground flying at hundreds of miles an hour, it can be hard to tell whether they are friendlies.

By the way, unless you have a post directly related to the subject at hand, it will be deleted.

i agree with u, but the pilots weren't in any danger and the fact is they bombed anyways, even tho they didn't know who it was, without waiting for permission or checking to see if maybe the ground fire was friendly.
Pobz said:
So let me get this straight.... American troops don't shoot unless fired upon... so the Brits that got killed by Americans actually shot at the Americans first? when the number of Americans killed by Brits is 0 and the number of Brits killed by Americans is 30 something. How does that work out, exactly?

I'm not sure we are on the same type of triggerhappy here. By triggerhappy, do you mean like one of our troops grabbing an M4A1 carbine and spraying it full automatic at someone that he thinks might be an enemy? Or are you talking about artillery. If it's artillery, then why are you mad at us? Friendly fire happens man, it's not like we can see people 20 miles away. We even did it to ourselves in Vietnam, do you think we meant to do that?

You act like Americans are the worst people in the world. Two of my relatives lived in Ireland and were killed while walking down the sidewalk when some British soldier driving a troop carrier hit the two of them and killed them. It was an Irish country road, and the soldier had no reason to swerve. Even though that happened, I don't hate all biritish people. I am sorry for the loss of the Brit troops in Iraq, but It's not like we did it on purpose. Last time I checked, we were allies.

I have no problems whatsoever with british people. I don't make fun of your prime minister, I don't call him a dumbass or an idiot, I don't disrespect your country, and I don't disrespect the people who serve your country.

You can have your fun and call President Bush and idiot, but I'll have you know that he is ten times more intelligent than any of you people who call him a dumbass are.
In response to Marksman HL2:

Well, thanks for being so kind about it instead of being an AH like podz. The iraq war is not like other wars. The American troops there are probably terrified for their lives even while walking down the sidewalk. You know the strories, there is a lot of terrorism there. People wire car bombs so that passing soldiers get blown up, they hide bombs under the dirt by the side of the roads, and they hide bombs in buildings. The soldiers there have seen their buddies get hit, or they have seen someone get blown up by a car bomb. If they see something suspicious, of course they will pull out their rifles and ready themselves. I don't know about you, but I would rather have my gun ready to fire and possibly shoot a few rounds than risk losing my life.

Have you ever played paintball or airsoft? When you play that you have this nervous feeling like your going to get hit, and you would rather shoot a bunch of bullets at nothing than be hit and killed (or in this case given a big welt and a ticket out of the game.) That's what it's like for them, only way more nerve wracking and a whole lot scarier.

In training though, they are taught to use restraint. and fire when they know that they are being fired upon. In the heat of battle, soldiers often forget this lesson. Most of the time it is the fresh privates that get that way.

Anyways, thanks for not making fun of our tough well trained troops :)
GhostValkyrie said:
No, we most certainly don't. China's is, and Russia even has a larger army than us.
Please, do research.

Are you kidding? We spend more on our military than the next five countries combined. The United States has the largest, best equipped, thoroughly-trained, most modern military in the entire world. This is the primary reason we are the SOLE superpower left on Earth.

If the United States military brought its full force to bear, it could defeat Russia and China with a hand tied behind our back and be home in time for cocktails. I think YOU need to do some research.

Here, I'll start you off. http://www.cdi.org/issues/wme/spendersfy04.html
Where as I'd like to see a middle class white male christian from texas pop Bush one in the temple and then dance around his corpse saying it was the will of God

Yeah and if that were to happen then the Cheny/whoever ticket would undoubtly win in November and George W. Bush would go down as one of the greatest Presidents in America. No doubt. ;)
DarkStar said:
Are you kidding? We spend more on our military than the next five countries combined. The United States has the largest, best equipped, thoroughly-trained, most modern military in the entire world. This is the primary reason we are the SOLE superpower left on Earth.

If the United States military brought its full force to bear, it could defeat Russia and China with a hand tied behind our back and be home in time for cocktails. I think YOU need to do some research.

Here, I'll start you off. http://www.cdi.org/issues/wme/spendersfy04.html

sole superpower? largest army? are you high?

best equipped, perhaps, as far as current intelligence can say. largest, no, china's is definitely larger. They have 5 times the amount of people, and are commies.

and never question ghostvalkyrie.
Yeah, it is likely that China has more on the table in terms of numbers (although for them all it creates is a logistical nightmare).
But I would support the idea of sole superpower, at least for now. I don't really see anyone else who counts yet.
give china 20 years, i think u guys will have some super power company lol i can see superman and the hulk sitting around drinking coffee when i say that.
I agree, China may well be on the way. But its far from certain, and a lot can sure as hell happen in 20 years (think 1950 to 1970). China has a lot of problems to conquer first.
Do you dare question Ghost Murray??!?!
*Gets on his lynchin' boots*
CyberSh33p said:
sole superpower? largest army? are you high?

No I am most certainly not. Ask anyone on Earth that has glanced at a Time magazine for 15 minutes since 1989 and they will tell you that America is the sole Superpower nation left on Earth. There is no question about this. Look it up on google. Give China 20 years and they may come close, but at this point the US is the only player that qualifies.

When I say largest military, I'm not talking about the over-simplified, elementary matter of sheer numbers. You have to look at the whole package. Mass amounts of soldiers mean nothing if they are not equipped and trained properly. When I talk about miltary size I'm talking about percentage of GDP that is spent on the military, the readiness level of the standing military at any one time (the US can fight a 3-front-war, and have personel to spare), and the technological sophistication of their equiptment/weaponry. No one can argue that America has the most powerful military on Earth. Not just the most powerful, but the most powerful by a factor of several times over. This is what I mean when I say "largest."

And I believe it is a crime. If we took a fraction of what we spend on guns and devoted it to education, maybe I wouldn't have to explain these things to people.
Technically China is a super power (they do have stockpiled nuclear weapons & one hell of an army)

I don't agree with America's army being the most thoroughly trained, generally on the size of the army to the standard of the training perhaps, but overall there are countries out there that might have smaller army's but train their soldiers better.
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