Bush to spend 114 million dollars on teaching languages...


Aug 31, 2005
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anyone heard what he said? he's gonna spend 114 million dollars on teaching arabic, persian, chinees and i two other languages i don't remember to US students in schools, for the "national security"'s sake...
:? wtf?
Perhaps if theres a terrorist and i speak arabic I can ask him to stop....
too stupid... chinees students spend four years just to learn the alphabets...
Great. Likewise, he forgot to integrate Amharic in order to defend Americans people against the growing threat of the Ethiopia.
Well, to be honest, even if his reasons are dumb, funding the learning of languages is a good idea.

-Angry Lawyer
Though the reasons are silly having the opportunity to learn more languages is nothing but a good thing.
Meh, hes probably only doing this so the next generation of brainwashed American killing machines can speak the language of the countries that the Goverment is trying to "liberate"
Angry Lawyer said:
Well, to be honest, even if his reasons are dumb, funding the learning of languages is a good idea.

-Angry Lawyer
Raz said:
Though the reasons are silly having the opportunity to learn more languages is nothing but a good thing.
his reasons are dumb and his taxes are high, 114,000,000$ ?
let me get this straight, 4 years to learn chinees alphabet( AND FOR GOD'S SAKE SOMEONE TELL ME THE FU*KING RIGHT SPELLING ), at least a year to learn persian alphabet, that's near a whole elementary period just to learn alphabets, and don't even get me started on arabic, it has rules for every single situation...
1.) He's an idiot
2.) He's a war-mongerer
Raz said:
Though the reasons are silly having the opportunity to learn more languages is nothing but a good thing.

On the educational aspect, it's a great improvement. But $114 millions could be priorly invested in humanitarianism, before being expensed in superficial linguistic courses.
114 million dollars? that's less than 1 doller per US resident. That can't possibly buy education for more than 1000 students!
Then it's probably a publicity stunt that the majority of people (that are to mindless the figure the maths out themselves) will buy into.
Llama said:
1.) He's an idiot
2.) He's a war-mongerer

The only idiot in this thread is you. Stop spamming the thread with your completely inane babbling.
...it's also good PR. "Look! I care about education! Check this out..."

You won't hear me complain about any move to further education, particularly other languages. Lawyers fluent in Chinese make pretty good bank authoring/checking contracts and other boilerplate between American and Chinese businesses. Where I work there are bonuses for employees fluent in languages besides English, and we sure use them!
Raz said:
The only idiot in this thread is you. Stop spamming the thread with your completely inane babbling.

Tell me how that wasn't pointless and ill stop talking. Learn to respect my opinion or dont comment on it all please.

IF i get a warning from the Mods in the next few min ill shut up. But until then I have as many rights as you do
Tell me how that wasn't pointless and ill stop talking. Learn to respect my opinion or dont comment on it all please.

IF i get a warning from the Mods in the next few min ill shut up. But until then I have as many rights as you do

It wasn't pointless because it was to restore order to this thread which you are derailing with the usual anti-Bush rhetoric. Please come with facts that 'Bush wants another war' or don't make such claims. And even then this thread isn't about that. And if he really wanted to invade another country this money would be better spent on weaponry.
Llama...your posts are pointless here. We are discussing about learning languages and all you say is...

Bush teaching America new languages is just a curtain for some sooper secret war!

Honestly...does everything Bush does mean he is hiding a war somewhere in there? You are sounding almost as bad as those 9/11 conspiracy theorists.
Raz said:
The only idiot in this thread is you. Stop spamming the thread with your completely inane babbling.
don't tell me you're a bush lover...
jerkasaur said:
don't tell me you're a bush lover...

Bush lover? So if someone doesn't oppose Bush that means they are a Bush lover? I don't oppose him but I don't agree with everything he says. Does that mean I am a Bush lover? Also what does it matter if someone is? That is about as bad as saying "Don't tell me you're an anti-American and a flag burner".
Well I suppose your view on him could cause your opinion on his policy to be biased also...like mine, for example. Thinking about it, a lot of what you think or decide is based on your opinion on someone else

*puts hand on chin and thinks*
jerkasaur said:
don't tell me you're a bush lover...

No, but I would love it if every thread in politics didn't degenerate into an anti-Bush circle jerk.
and don't even get me started on arabic, it has rules for every single situation...
lol, Arabic is HARD for non-arabs .. I really cannot think of a way to start teaching it .. you can't really start simple sentences without introducing tens of rules.

I think it's a good thing though .. to make Americans learn Arabic :p
hasan said:
lol, Arabic is HARD for non-arabs .. I really cannot think of a way to start teaching it .. you can't really start simple sentences without introducing tens of rules.

I think it's a good thing though .. to make Americans learn Arabic :p

An American kid walks into his arabic class:
"Miss, I forgot my French Homework"
it's all about him and the stupid and cunning things he does, anyway, i should have put a sarcasm tag there, my bad...
Bush lover? So if someone doesn't oppose Bush that means they are a Bush lover? I don't oppose him but I don't agree with everything he says. Does that mean I am a Bush lover? Also what does it matter if someone is? That is about as bad as saying "Don't tell me you're an anti-American and a flag burner".
there's truthfully only one language anyone needs to know, and that's French, because, sooner or later, Napoleon will rise again and then we're all f*cked

on a serious note, money being spent on teaching language is a good thing no matter what political reason is thrown out
Or we could just all speak the same language, get rid of language barriers and racism and save billions of dollars......................

I can understand learning chinese in schools because so many people people speak it (including corporate owners), but arabic? I would rather lean physics, math or something I might use a lot more often.
Learning another language for yourself is great...learning another language for "national security" is stupid.
why .. don't you wish that you can decipher what ``terrorists`` are saying on tv?
hasan said:
why .. don't you wish that you can decipher what ``terrorists`` are saying on tv?

Yes, so we could all counter their attacks.
Multiple languages are good, they could lead to a better understanding of the people in the east/mideast, and maybe get some mutual sympathy going on.

Oh wait, it's for the military. Nevermind.

Also, I am far from being a Bush fan. But I can still tell you that Llama is acting pretty damn stupid.
114 million bucks is a tenth of the snot in the left nostril of the national budget.
Pajari said:
114 million bucks is a tenth of the snot in the left nostril of the national budget.

Correct..so 5 bucks for every school in america?
Why not teach English to the Americans first?

hehe, right, it's colour.
when you write color you feel like you've missed something...
It is important and may foster better understanding in the future and cooperation with governments. If people can understand what's being said about them in the foreign media without relying on biased interpretation they can react properly.
it's not like it's just arabic channels and media that say stupid things...
but your post was general so, yeah...
With an understanding of their language generally comes some education about their culture as well which is very very beneficial to all americans.