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Are you going to bye HL2?

  • I am going to buy HL2

    Votes: 172 87.8%
  • I am going to download HL2 because i suck

    Votes: 15 7.7%
  • Neither (why are you here?)

    Votes: 9 4.6%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by PvtRyan
And you say if HL2 rocks, you'll buy it, and if it sucks you'll download it. Why the hell would you bother downloading it if it sucks? I never played Enter the Matrix, I was planning to buy it, but as soon I heard that it sucked, I didn't bother to download it, and why would I, IT SUCKED!

I download and play games that are fun but not fun enough to shell out $100 for... games are very expensive here, and I absolutely dont have enough money to buy every game I want to play, so I buy only games that exceed standards considerably.

I'm also not trying to justify this, I know that I'm playing a game I havent payed for and therefore have absolutely no right to play, and I know it's wrong to do this, but what can I say? I dont have the cash to buy lots of games, and I have a short attention span.
LOL, 100 bucks for a game? Where do you live?
Same kind of price here in Oz.

(Bloody Wizard and his bloody tax-cuts)
Originally posted by iamaelephant
I download and play games that are fun but not fun enough to shell out $100 for... games are very expensive here, and I absolutely dont have enough money to buy every game I want to play, so I buy only games that exceed standards considerably.

$100NZ is about £37. That's about the same as what I have to pay here in Britain, yet I still buy all my games. All I suggest is that you buy your games wisely, instead of just downloading whatever you can.
Download demo. then buy it

I WANT this game.
Providing this poll hasn't been fiddled with by a mod then I am proud of those 200 who'll buy the game.

Those 17 who'll download it illegally need their testicles pulled off by a donkey with false teeth, if they had any.. testicles that is, not false teeth.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Providing this poll hasn't been fiddled with by a mod then I am proud of those 200 who'll buy the game.

Those 17 who'll download it illegally need their testicles pulled off by a donkey with false teeth, if they had any.. testicles that is, not false teeth.

It know it would be a real dick move, but I'd love it if the mods reported all of the self-proclaimed bootleggers to Valve. It would also be nice if Valve could actually do anything about it.
Originally posted by iamironsam
It know it would be a real dick move, but I'd love it if the mods reported all of the self-proclaimed bootleggers to Valve. It would also be nice if Valve could actually do anything about it.
maybe you're joking, but if not, that's retarded. report them for what? voting on a forum poll? you want to police people's thoughts now? seriously dude, apologize to all the little creatures after saying some shit like that.
Originally posted by iamironsam
It know it would be a real dick move, but I'd love it if the mods reported all of the self-proclaimed bootleggers to Valve. It would also be nice if Valve could actually do anything about it.

you know there's money, freebies and other perks to be made reporting those who admit to using illegal copies of the large expensive apps, or ratting out yahoo warez groups and other sites. Same probably applies to games on some level
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
maybe you're joking, but if not, that's retarded. report them for what? voting on a forum poll? you want to police people's thoughts now? seriously dude, apologize to all the little creatures after saying some shit like that.

Settle down my son. I had a built-in defense against flames like that in my post, notice:

Originally posted by iamironsam
It would also be nice if Valve could actually do anything about it.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
$100NZ is about £37. That's about the same as what I have to pay here in Britain, yet I still buy all my games. All I suggest is that you buy your games wisely, instead of just downloading whatever you can.

Oh he meant 100 NZ dollars, I though US dollars, well I pay 50 euro's for a game, about 60 US dollars.
I haven't always been perfect all of my life on this issue. I'm not supporting those who download the game and such, but seriously, if you have any means of earning money or getting $$$ from some other legitimate source, I would highly suggest doing so for your own good. How does it help you? Reemmber all the $$$ spent on Half Life 1? Where did those $$$ go? Half Life 2. In my opinion, our investment into HL1 was extremly well spent. I'm going to probably get the specail edition or an extra copy of HL2 just because I want to make a personal investment into Half Life 3. I want Half Life 3 to be as much of a leap forward as Half Life 2 is. I'll deffinetly buy Half Life 3 in hopes for a Half Life 4.

Economics is actually a wonderful thing. It works great for everyone in the end.
Originally posted by phantomdesign
I haven't always been perfect all of my life on this issue. I'm not supporting those who download the game and such, but seriously, if you have any means of earning money or getting $$$ from some other legitimate source, I would highly suggest doing so for your own good. How does it help you? Reemmber all the $$$ spent on Half Life 1? Where did those $$$ go? Half Life 2. In my opinion, our investment into HL1 was extremly well spent. I'm going to probably get the specail edition or an extra copy of HL2 just because I want to make a personal investment into Half Life 3. I want Half Life 3 to be as much of a leap forward as Half Life 2 is. I'll deffinetly buy Half Life 3 in hopes for a Half Life 4.

Economics is actually a wonderful thing. It works great for everyone in the end.

Gabe already said he's gonna spend all the money he makes off of Half Life 2 on Cristal and Bling Bling.

Edit: Oh, and bitches.
The only reason I can think of to download a game is if it's no longer availiable anywhere else.

I get dile's point about how since the game has no physical embodiment, it's better to steal since there's no real loss.

But it messes up the concept of capitalist economic incentive. The entire point of assigning a price to something is so that you can exchange work for goods. Dile's method of taking what you can't afford, even if you cause no loss, means a breakdown in capitalism as we know it today.

Kinda makes Timmy's communist poster apt.
Pitbul most certainly meant 'than' not 'then'.

I agree that language is an art form, some people abuse it with poor grammar and lack of punctuation etc. That's what annoys me. I don't expect anyone to have perfect grammar, I know I certainly don't.

I have a question for you guys, is it "an historic" or is it "a historic"? The rule goes that 'an' should always preceed a vowel sound, and 'a' otherwise. Yet very often on the news particularly, you hear such things as "an historic" or "an horrific". neither 'an' or 'a' flows fluidly when followed by an 'h' sound (You'll notice I prefer 'an').
Originally posted by HybridM
I have a question for you guys, is it "an historic" or is it "a historic"? The rule goes that 'an' should always preceed a vowel sound, and 'a' otherwise. Yet very often on the news particularly, you hear such things as "an historic" or "an horrific". neither 'an' or 'a' flows fluidly when followed by an 'h' sound (You'll notice I prefer 'an').
the use of a or an depends on the sound of the word. this is true for serveral letters. example:

(consonant sound)
a hand job (h sound)
a once-homosexual panda (w sound)
a universe of assholes (y sound)

(vowel sound)
an honor to meet you lil' timmy (no h sound)
an over-used joke (o sound)
an unusual use of coke bottles (u sound)
Yeah, I hit submit before I noticed a lot of exceptions to what I said... and rather than rewrite it all I just changed it to "I hate English". :D

I edit almost every post I make within 15 seconds from when I post it.
Hmmm, well hehe I made a topic worth discussing :D.

Aight bottum line is if you are downloading it you are stealing, don't throw me any of that i wouldn't buy it any way. The fact is if they couldn't download/burn it. I betcha they would buy it. Now I think it is alright to mabey burn a copy for a friend or two IF! you buy it. When JK2 came out i burnt it for two of my friends because they were realyl excited about it. And they went out and bought it after a week or so when they had the money. But downloading a game and giving no money whatsoever to the company is just wrong, ok you are flat out steeling COME ON! There is absolutely no differences from downloading a game and going into a store and taking it except they lose the money for the box and you probably won't get caught downloading it rather than shop lifting.

saying you wouldn't buy it any way is first of all most likely not true, and second if it is not good enough to buy in your opinion, then you shouldn't have it. If it is a good enough game to play or have then you should buy it. And not having enough money isn't a good excuse either. You don't have enough money? Either save up till you do like the rest of us or play a burnt copy untill you can buy it. If you decide hey it really isn't good after playing it for a week or so and dont buy it then that is probably fine to. But burning it and playing it for like a month or two and saying oh its not good and not buying it is CRAP! You just got tired of the game. Fact is fact wrong is wrong. We can't stop you, but really people show a good company some good support for a good game.
I'm a student. I live on NZ$150 a week (Thats around US$85). I have a car that I'm paying $240/month for, pluss petrol, insurance and maintenance.
Mummy and Daddy dont buy all my shit for me like most of you kids, so dont tell me what I should pay $100 for. Maybe if games weren't so damn expensive I would buy more of them.
Originally posted by iamaelephant
I'm a student. I live on NZ$150 a week (Thats around US$85). I have a car that I'm paying $240/month for, pluss petrol, insurance and maintenance.
Mummy and Daddy dont buy all my shit for me like most of you kids, so dont tell me what I should pay $100 for. Maybe if games weren't so damn expensive I would buy more of them.

Or maybe you'd do what the more moral students do. Believe it or not, you're not the only student paying for a car on an extremely limited budget, and so you should't act like you are. I am in almost exactly the same situation, and here is what i do:

I download lots of demos. I read lots of reviews. I only buy the games that I really want. I do without a thousand mediocre games, and stick with the best of the best. Occaisonally I split games with friends. I've bought Flight Simulator 2004, Max Payne 2, and Freedom Fighters this year. Sure, I really want KOTOR, and i really want Need for Speed, but i have the NFS demo, and I'm waiting till i can afford KOTOR. I don't just download if i can't afford the game. I enjoy picking the best games out there, and i make sure to enjoy them. Games too expensive? Get them when they get cheaper. Today you can get unreal 2 for 9.99, then download XMP for free. Buy Silent Hill 2 for 15.00, it's a great game. Operation Flashpoint has a ton of gameplay, and you can pick it up used for about 10 dollars. By the time you're done with those, i'm sure some new stuff will be cheaper.

Stop whining.
Unreal 2 for 10 bucks now?! Sweet... I might get it! I really like that XMP demo!
Originally posted by Letters
Unreal 2 for 10 bucks now?! Sweet... I might get it! I really like that XMP demo!

yeah. It's 9.99 at compUSA until december 13th. if you take the compUSA to ebgames or bestbuy, they should match the price.
I realise I'm not the only student on a limited budget, and I do buy alot of games. I go halves with my brother in games often. Recently I have bought Call of Duty, Battlefield 1942, Enter the Matrix (crap), Chrome (crap), Homeworld 2 and Vice City, among others. And I most certainly will buy HL2, providing it doesn suck the fat one. But as I say, I have a short attention span so therefore I download games. I also download movies and episodes, but none of you seem to bitch about that, probably because you all do it too.

And just as I suspected nobody answered me when I asked
Am I to assume that you have no illegal mp3s, no episodes, movies, cracked software etc.? Everyone who makes those cool photohop images, did you actually pay for Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro or whatever you use?

Yeah, you'll all be the big man and pretend like you're all so against pirating, as long as it's convenient for you.
Trying to insult us isn't goin to make us think what your doing is any better than what we think now.
iamaelephant... From my point of view you seem to have a very skewed outlook on life. You live on $85 a week and that makes you think downloading a game makes life fair for you. It evens the playing field. But what it really seems to be is a cheap way for you to play games in order to escape whatever lifestyle you may live. If you download it. Its stealing.

I made the diagram as a way to show that Diles explanations are flawed. He said companies don't lose money yet they obviously do. I'm not being a hypocrit since I never said I didn't download programs myself.

Download a game. Stealing. Pretty much downloading anything for free where it is bought somewhere else is stealing. Thats a basic FACT. Its wrong but you and I both do it.
Am I to assume that you have no illegal mp3s, no episodes, movies, cracked software etc.? Everyone who makes those cool photohop images, did you actually pay for Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro or whatever you use?

ok, call me on it.

Yes, I do have some MP3s. I haven't downloaded any illegal ones in about two months, especially not since iTunes came out. I just import all my CDs, and a few from friends.

Episodes? no. Cracked software? not really. I have cracked two pieces of software, things you can no longer buy. Neo Trace pro, and a used copy of Operation flashpoint that didn't come with a CD-Key. I no-CD all my games, but that doesn't mean i don't have the originial CDs and packaging.

Funny you should mention photoshop. I am one of those people who makes the "cool images", but as someone who is a freelance retoucher, i've been running commercial photoshop for about three years. That's right, i spent 700 dollars for photoshop. I upgrade it when the new versions come out, and they are big setbacks to my budget, but i consider it essential.

Lame, i know, but i'm going to take the moral high ground. Sure, most people here aren't free of the things you've mentioned, but here's my justification for them. They are involved in the gaming community, not the recording industry, or the retouching business. they should hold themselves to a higher standard in that realm. just like my musician uncle does not let his kids download MP3s, i don't allow myself pirated games. it's just about having standards.
I'm not the least bit involved in the gaming industry, I just play games. I dont mod, I dont contribute to news sites, hell when was the last time you saw me add something constructive on thie forum even?

I dont give a shit what you holier-than-thou hypocrites think of me. If a game is good enough I wil buy it. If it's not, tough shit for the dev team.
Originally posted by iamaelephant
I'm not the least bit involved in the gaming industry, I just play games. I dont mod, I dont contribute to news sites, hell when was the last time you saw me add something constructive on thie forum even?

I dont give a shit what you holier-than-thou hypocrites think of me. If a game is good enough I wil buy it. If it's not, tough shit for the dev team.

on the contrary. you are involved in the gaming industry. because your actions contribute to what happens in the gaming industry. your lack of paying for the intellectual property you steal affects the industry. im not trying to preach to you to change, i know theres nothing i can say to do that, but you might as well realize the fact that you ARE involved in the gaming industry negatively whether you care to admit it or not. and you should remember that.
I dont think I have a negative impact on the gaming industry. I buy lots of games. As I have stated. Many, many times. I support excellent games like Call of Duty and Homeworld 2. I dont support crap games like Hidden & Dangerous 2 or Enter the Matrix, because games of that quality dont deserve my support.
Oh and I'm a Manhack now, so bow down! Bow you worthless Headcrabs, Zombies and Scanners :cheese:
Paying for games before you can see what they are like is like going into clothing store with your eyes closed, buying a bunch of random shirts, then you open your eyes and see they are all crap... and there's a no refund policy! Buying PC software should be legally considered gambling.

We need a Blockbuster/Netflix/Gamefly for PC games! People should modify the Steam software to make a PC game rental service where the game stays encrypted so you can't access it without the rental service until you pay the extra $45 (maybe less) to unlock it. I would use a service where I pay $5 to rent a game for a week... because if it is either a short game that I beat and don't want to play anymore or it is a horrible game I save $45.

It is possible to download and burn PS2 and XBox games... but I don't because you can try them all before you pay the full price. The only thing remotely close is a demo, and they don't represent the full game. The only ways you can get a taste of what the full game is like is either by downloading an illegal copy or playing it at a friend's house. What happens if your friends don't want to buy it for the same reasons?
Yes I am downloading it and no I'm not buying it. Why? Because I just bought an Alienware Area51 and it comes free w/ Steam! WOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
the use of a or an depends on the sound of the word. this is true for serveral letters. example:

(consonant sound)
a hand job (h sound)
a once-homosexual panda (w sound)
a universe of assholes (y sound)

(vowel sound)
an honor to meet you lil' timmy (no h sound)
an over-used joke (o sound)
an unusual use of coke bottles (u sound)

Originally posted by RandomPING
I alreaty own it, I went forward in time and bought it while it was in the bargin bins. Great game, but nothing compaired to HL3.

Originally posted by greymann
Yes I am downloading it and no I'm not buying it. Why? Because I just bought an Alienware Area51 and it comes free w/ Steam! WOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

steam is free anyways....