Buying new C++ Compiler

Which is best?

  • Microsoft Visual C++

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • Borland C++

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Other (Please give name and URL to site)

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Which is best? Is it just prefrence or does one have more features and is easier to use? If you know another good one please tell me.
I think the GCC is the best compiler. It is portable (for very much plattforms!!) and it is fast. And the best: It's open source!
Microsoft Visual C++ has the fastest compiler, produces the most optimized code and has the absolute best debugger. Plus the Visual Studio editing environment has more bells and whistles than ANY other software development environment. I've tried dozens of other compilers and IDEs and even though I don't have a lot of respect for Microsoft, they make some mighty fine software development tools (if you can afford them).

botman said:
Microsoft Visual C++ has the fastest compiler, produces the most optimized code and has the absolute best debugger. Plus the Visual Studio editing environment has more bells and whistles than ANY other software development environment. I've tried dozens of other compilers and IDEs and even though I don't have a lot of respect for Microsoft, they make some mighty fine software development tools (if you can afford them).


If you can't afford them ;) :
If you are a pupil, student or teacher you can buy a cheaper version. I think Visual C++ .net you can get for about 65 ?.
I've been reading reviews on-line and so far everyone has been saying the Borland C++ Builder 6 is better than the MVC++ 6.
mrBadger said:
Microsoft Visual C++

Best choice.

Is this the best choice for those starting from scratch in learning the code for C++?
I've never bothered with anything other than visual studio. It's lovely :) but quite expensive :(
Onions said:
I've never bothered with anything other than visual studio. It's lovely :) but quite expensive :(

Which one do you have? Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional? Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Developer? or Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect? <--- is it really $2,499 for the full package? :eek:
I just bought Borland C++ Builder 6 because reviews say its more user friendly and thats what I was looking for. Plus it was only $69.99 not a couple hundred.
Personally, I find borland C++ builder to be a lot easier to use than MSVC++. MSVC++ has a better compiler, I think. It's more efficient, too. It's really easy to create windows programs in borland, though. REALLY easy. The only problem with doing windows programs in borland's radical environment is not being able to write the windows code yourself! You can change various things about the windows you create through borland's object inspector, but you never have complete control over them. I wouldn't recommend it for making games : ) Simple gui programs should be fine, but you have to use the "packages" that borland supplies when you compile them, and you have to have the .dll files for the packages on any computer that you want to run your program on... that's a bit of a turn-off. It'd definitely be the best if it could do everything as good as MSVC++, plus the OPTIONAL use of a radical programming environment.
I may buy MSVC++ later when I learn more C++. Borland is what I started learning C++ on a year ago so thats what I'm most comfortable with.
Yeah same here. I have both, but I started on Borland. I'm now in the process of learning to use MSVC++ by taking a tutorial on writing code using the windows API.
Not only that but MVS is 450 dollars! Thats why I went for Borland.
Are you a student? I got Borland C++ Builder Professional Edition from my college bookstore for 100 bucks! Of course, the license is for educational use only, but the contents of the package are identical to the retail one : ) I actually have a copy of MSVC++ 6.0 Enterprise edition. I don't have the MSDN disc that comes with it though, since I got it from a friend of mine who probably got it from a friend of his. Go figure. I'm thinking about buying MSVC++ .net, though.
If you're going to get MSVC you may want to wait for the new Visual Studio, it's supposed to be coming out sometime in a few months I think. I'm not sure but it's supposed to coincide with the .NET framework 2.0 release.
This Borland is kinda weird it set up almost like Visual Studios. I'm still trying to figure it out. The way I learned to program was to type the code then just hit run and it'll pop up in a window. Is there a way to do this with Borland or do I have to mess around with these Forms and put text edit boxes in them or something because right now I'd perfer to just hit run and have a window pop up.
Pressure said:
This Borland is kinda weird it set up almost like Visual Studios. I'm still trying to figure it out. The way I learned to program was to type the code then just hit run and it'll pop up in a window. Is there a way to do this with Borland or do I have to mess around with these Forms and put text edit boxes in them or something because right now I'd perfer to just hit run and have a window pop up.

Instructions for starting a console app in Borland

1. File->New->Other...
2. Select "Console Wizard" from the menu
3. Make sure "Use VCL," "Use CLX," and "Multi Threaded" are unchecked and that
"Console Application" is checked.
4. Click "OK" and delete all the text in the source editor.

Congrats, you're ready to write your program and click Run!
opensource!!! free!!! L33t!!!

Everything I programmed so far is compiled by this beauty...
And... francly... MS VC++ has so many options, you just spend half a year removing all those unnecessery includes and linked libraries from the compile options before you have a nice and small exe... AND you can cross-compile your stuff on linux if you want to...
Sandman said:
Instructions for starting a console app in Borland

1. File->New->Other...
2. Select "Console Wizard" from the menu
3. Make sure "Use VCL," "Use CLX," and "Multi Threaded" are unchecked and that
"Console Application" is checked.
4. Click "OK" and delete all the text in the source editor.

Congrats, you're ready to write your program and click Run!

Thanks a lot! Now how do I get it into windows output? :)
The empty project that appears when you start up borland is a windows app. You can run it right from the start. You can pick controls to add to the window by clicking on the controls in the toolbar... you might see one that looks like an "OK" button. If you click on that, then click in your application window (the thing that looks like a graph made of dots), it'll add that control to the application. You can attach a function to the button by double-clicking the button in the application window. There's too much to say here, so I can't totally teach you how to do windows apps in borland, but it's not too hard to figure out. You can change the properties of an object that you create in borland's app window by selecting the object you want to edit, then looking in the Object Inspector. Really, if you want to learn how to use it... either read a book or find a programming teacher that uses it and likes to do windows apps. That's how I learned to use it.

The code in my signature will spam you with little error messages if you put it in your windows app :-D
MinGW's a compiler but it doesn't have an IDE, this means you have to either learn to use the ported linux tools like make and autoconf or get an IDE. Dev-C++ uses the MinGW compiler and provides an IDE to use, so that you don't have to mess with Makefiles and such.

Overal though, MSVC is quite simply the best compiler for windows applications. I'm developing something and using Dev-C++ for the early builds because I want to produce good code (one thing the MSVC is bad at is promoting good standards compliant code) and then produce the final build in the MSVC.