

Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
About Caliber
The Mod:

Caliber is a fast paced first person shooter team-oriented mod based on Valve's much heralded Source engine technology. This modification is a genre-transcending creation incorporating the best aspects of first person shooters, real time strategy and role playing games. The talent behind Caliber is a diverse group of professionals with years of experience in the gaming community/customization scene. The goal of the Caliber team is to create a high quality, visually stunning, revolutionary, and most importantly, a fun modification.

The Story:
// Visit our Story page for the full story.

The world of Caliber takes place in the 21st century; a world inspired by anime and major motion picture. This is a world of three distinct factions that are engaged in a war of revenge, survival, and power. House Vamin, the first faction, is a high tech vampire race who relies on heavy armor and powerful weapons to destroy their enemies. Due to their superior negotiation skills, House Vamin has created treaties with the most powerful and advanced sectors of human society to aid in their quest of developing their high tech equipment. The second faction, Domus Absentis is also a vampire race. Instead of forming a pact with their hated enemies (humanity), the Absentis have consequently stuck to the shadows and developed weapons of a more... biological nature. Little is known about the final faction, a group known as "The Order." It is believed that The Order has very close ties to the Vatican; and that it hunts down all enemies of God. The Vatican has long considered vampires God's most hated earthly enemy.


* Three individual and completely unique sides; each with their own art, sounds, models, and more
* A ground-breaking resource system that uses the remains of fallen enemies to produce and acquire additional technology
* The ability to see through the eyes of teammates while in combat
* Three levels of technology for each team that can be obtained to provide additional combat possibilities
* Special character abilities that allow players to teleport, fly, walk on walls, cloak, and more
* A vast array of weapons, armor, and equipment unique to each side
* Capturable "outpost" locations in each map that allow teams to defend captured territory and equip for battle
* Bases equipped with destroyable features and automatic defenses
* Team captains with the ability to create weapons and armor from harvested resources
* Objective based game play that allows for multiple routes to victory
* Special hidden relics that provide powerful additional abilities
* Rare superweapons in the form of playable characters able to decimate entire teams

Something new to Caliber is the newly added customization section to the site. This section will be filled with creations from the public to official patches by the team as time goes by. I will be in charge of uploads and so will certain membrs of the Caliber Dev Team. Check it out on your way to Caliber, you might like what you find.

Some other things that make Caliber stand out well over other mods is it's team. They are on practically 24/7 working on ways to improve gameplay and to further their development. This mod is gauranteed to be completed and you can all look forward to it's release. They will also be accepting BETA testers depending on how much you contribute to the community and how long you have been on the forums. So if you get there now you might just have a shot at being a BETA tester!

For those who are keeping track of mods through mod databases or sites that frequently keep an eye on mods (, hl2db, hl2files etc etc) then you will know about Caliber's media releases including in-game video's. It just show's how much the team is working on bringing this mod out and to the public. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, the link to the latest video is below. Also, the community is vey active at the Caliber Forums and have donated art/signatures/wallpapers/etc. The forum moderators/admins are all fair and don't ban you based on personal grudges. But it's also pretty darn hard to get an admin from Caliber Forums angry with you since they know what it's like to goof around.

Caliber admins are also the same admins from NSArmslab. Both Caliber and NSArmslab are a bi-product of NSA Games (premeiring this summer) and have a very strict and fair system on how to take particular comments (warez, racism, etc)It is a very friendly community, as some of you might soon learn.

We hope to see you join the Caliber community and support our mod as we make ourselves known.

Caliber Engine Test 2
High Quality
Low Quality

wow that was pretty awesome... You should try and improve the funny blue overshield thing, it looked a little bland, maybe try and add a little rippling effect or something...

just my 0.00000000002 cents worth.
Great trailer :)

Can't wait to play the public beta!

This trailer should be posted on the newspage of!!
Just to keep you guys updated, here's what is currently happening around Caliber. First, we've added two new team members, DarkCypher (who will be doing character modeling) and Thatamos (who will be doing 2D artwork and public relations). Congrats guys! Also, progress on media release number three is coming along very well. We hope to have it out to you guys as soon as possible. In the meantime, here are some recent images of one of our maps (c_redemption) currently in production!


Also, we are currently seeking skinners, meshers, and animators. If you are experienced in any of these fields, please visit:

Finally, this is just to remind everyone, we will be providing early beta test slots to outstanding people who actively contribute to our forum community (with posts and feedback). So if you are interested in playing Caliber before anyone else, sign up and post!
nice, but how did you do all this stuff so fast and how big is the caliber team?
The team isn't very big, we just work at all times pretty much. I skipped school for a day just to work on it. We're very hardcore gamers and want to get this out and good. We have 2 coders so that really helps ^_^
Nice to see you've found yourself a new project, Thatamos. Saw the trailer a while back, when it was released - good stuff.
Hey Ennui. Been a while. Yah, I've learned to use photoshop while with these guys and am in charge of the 2d artwork and public relations. Pretty schweet stuff.
Thats fast! Im also working on a big total conversion mod but we are not so fast as the Caliber team.

When did the team start to work on the mod?
the game looks pretty cool and all, but im wondering what the player models are gona look like for the order, cause like i said on your forum, is it gona have a pope with a shotgun?
Caliber has been in planning for about a year if I'm correct. So a good basis was already planned, but to be honest, we're just doing all this as we go along.

Also, no we will not have shotty-happy popes running around with white pointy hats :p
CaliberMod's Thatamos (that's me ^_^) has released some media for your eyegasmic pleasure (not really but I just like that word).

Included are 3 things :
Caliber Wallpaper Pack
2 Steam Skins

Both have had tremendous effort put into them but feel free to pick them apart for all Crits and Comments are encouraged and welcome. To do so, please post on our forums at the Customization Section.

Caliber Wallpaper Pack
Image :
Download :

Caliber Official Steam Skin
image :
download :

Caliber Official Steam Skin #2
image : 2.JPG
download :


~Paul "Thatamos" Miller - Public Relations / 2D Artist
Oh, nice! The skins are a bit standard but the wallpapers are great (I'm also partial to the second skin :) )
looks cool... great level in the trailer :thumbs: