Call of Duty Black Ops

Wow It's been a while since I've posted here....
anyway, patch worked great for me, although it was working pretty decent to begin with. Very smooth now =D
So I tried some black ops thos weekend. And I can safely say I think it's shit. Multiplayer is somewhat fun, but it has been done the same if not better on other installments.
I had such an awesome kill earlier, was playing JUNGLE and three guys were running along one of the ledges in the center of the map, I manage to hit the one in the middle with my crossbow, they don't seem to notice and keep on running, a moment later: BAM, triple kill!

I love the crossbow.

However, the fun of the game is wearing out, and I doubt I will continue to play it once I've reached Level 50(Without prestige)
I deleted my mp_config.cfg file, and let the game redownload it, and now... everything works perfectly. I mean, I did have to go through once again enabling multithreading and disabling multiGPU, but once my settings and binds were back everything was perfect. I no longer get disconnected from games.

Personally, I'm having more and more fun with this game the more I play it. The opposite happened with WAW and MW2, so I'm pretty happy.
Same, I think I replayed CoD2 SP like three or four times.

How could we? Call of duty 2 had hands down the best campaign. You weren't playing as some "super secret special forces guy" but as a regular soldier, one of many. Which is way the game stood out. The graphics was nice, the gameplay was hectic and fun.
And the multiplayer was sweet too :) I rather play that or the third online then one of the newer ones. (though I haven't had chance to try black ops yet)

My friend's emblem. mine is a horse ****ing a llama
Against all my better judgement, I got the game yesterday afternoon.

So far, what I like best about it is playing with some friends that I haven't had a game with since the night before Black Ops was released.
How could we? Call of duty 2 had hands down the best campaign. You weren't playing as some "super secret special forces guy" but as a regular soldier, one of many. Which is way the game stood out. The graphics was nice, the gameplay was hectic and fun.
And the multiplayer was sweet too :) I rather play that or the third online then one of the newer ones. (though I haven't had chance to try black ops yet)

Call of Duty (the first) is hands down better than any of the others, single player and multiplayer. Its the only game that has held my attention online for three years straight.
Personally my favorite single-player is United Offensive, not the first.

I never played either in multi though.
United Offensive is also my favourite Call of Duty game. In fact, it is the only Call of Duty game I actually liked. RIP Gray Matter.
UO online was shit. Vehicles don't belong in CoD. Same reason 3 sucked.
World at War had ruined its online with the tanks (especially in Hardcore.) Was a bit better when they go removed.
Why did they remove stopping power? Now the guns are like water guns. I'm at 19 rank so I still haven't unlocked hardcore, and there is only one map that is actually good - Nuke Town.
I can't even get UO to run properly. Or do I need the first game installed?

installing the first game now

I think I only played CoD: Finest Hour, thinking it was the first game.

Edit: I guess the first CoD games will not be played. They both have problems on my comp. This is the one I get for the first game. Uninstalled and reinstalled. Same stuff.

Why did they remove stopping power? Now the guns are like water guns. I'm at 19 rank so I still haven't unlocked hardcore, and there is only one map that is actually good - Nuke Town.
Stopping Power was removed because it turned your choice of second perk into "Do I want to be able to do more damage all the time, or get a shitty weak circumstantial gameplay bonus?" In a series like COD this is no choice at all, because opting out of damage means opting out of being viable in combat, i.e. 90% of the actual game. If you don't want "water guns", play Hardcore.
Unless you are, you know, GOOD, and then you usually play Hardcore, where stopping power is irrelevant because almost every gun is a 1 or 2 shot kill...
Edit: I guess the first CoD games will not be played. They both have problems on my comp. This is the one I get for the first game. Uninstalled and reinstalled. Same stuff.
I think you might have a trojan spyware (corrupted) DLL. Or just plain damaged/hacked (maybe by your own doing).

If scanning finds nothing, you could also try updating Windows, DirectX, display adapter.
I am done with Black Ops now, reached Level 1, Prestige 1 and I honestly can't be arsed with the game anymore, very few people on my friends list play it when I play it and the general community is filled with idiots who don't like teamwork.

It was a quite fun romp, but at the same time very frustrating due to latency issues(even when everyone in the game are reported as having perfect connection.)
Why did they remove stopping power? Now the guns are like water guns. I'm at 19 rank so I still haven't unlocked hardcore, and there is only one map that is actually good - Nuke Town.

This is the wrongest post that ever wronged.
Unless you are, you know, GOOD, and then you usually play Hardcore, where stopping power is irrelevant because almost every gun is a 1 or 2 shot kill...

Hardcore is a bit ridiculous though since you die from two shots to your foot.
I prefer hardcore to regular tbh. Regular is soooo sloooow compared to hc. You might get killed by two shots in the foot, but you can also kill others that way, so in that sense it is balanced. Plus the leveling is 10x as fast in hardcore compared to regular.
Hardcore is not for "good" people. I can get a consistently higher score on HC than I can on normal simply because I don't sprint around like the rest of the morons playing it. I do the same in normal, but the other guy still has a chance as I can't just spam bullets into him and pray that one of them grazes his shin and kills him. :P

Edit: Hardcore can be fun though, not denying that. Stealthing around, picking people off with a silenced pistol on an low-pop server is ****ing great.
Hardcore is definitely fun, especially when you've had a match with a 0.x kill-death ratio as a result of constant bad luck when putting bullets into people.:p
Hardcore S&D masterrace

"You're the last man left! Complete the mission!!"

"oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit"
Pretty funny guy, but man is it ever a chore to get through this campaign...
Let me guess.

The Vietnam mission where you have to make your way down a hill and there are endless enemy shooters?
It's funny when you listen to "The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil" as you play the game again...

I shouted out,
"Who killed the Kennedys?"
When after all
It was you and me
Let me guess.

The Vietnam mission where you have to make your way down a hill and there are endless enemy shooters?

I hated that, mainly because they didn't make it clear which barrels you were to use, unlike previous CoD games.
I hated that, mainly because they didn't make it clear which barrels you were to use, unlike every single gameplay element in the rest of the game.

Fixed. It is a weird omission because the game takes you by the hand all the time. Follow him, do this, run there, etc. But they simply forget to do that during this mission.