Call of Duty Black Ops

Heh, I played this game and finished it. Singleplayer is enjoyable, if not repetitive, although there are loads of anachronistic inconsistencies. The game ends in 1968, yet:

1. An H&K G11 is available six years before it's first prototype was even built.
2. The first FAMAS prototype was completed in 1971, yet SOVIET troops use mass-produced rifles of this type three years earlier.
3. Liberal use of red dot sights five years before such a device was patented.
4. Steyr AUGs are used nine years before they were even designed.
5. Prototype versions of the Mi-24 Hind were not created until 1969, while the gunship did not enter service until 1972.

A Michael Bay movie you shouldn't expect any sense from.

Oh, theres way, way more anacronisms than that. The most glaring to me was that in the Pentagon's war room in 1963 the map of europe had 1 Germany, a devided Yugoslavia, Kaliningrad was not marked in red and there were borders within the USSR (Baltic states, Ukraine, Georgia, etc).

If I wanted to I could go on for hours about all the niggling little (and big) things that are off or out of place in Black Ops.

But then I think, sod it - its a bit of fun, not a piece of historical documentory (even though I'm sure many players see it that way!)
My friend had a seizure the other day while playing Black Ops LOL

He's okay, though.
Did he seize through boredom, disappointment or the realisation his name is Lee Harvey Oswald?
Oh, theres way, way more anacronisms than that. The most glaring to me was that in the Pentagon's war room in 1963 the map of europe had 1 Germany, a devided Yugoslavia, Kaliningrad was not marked in red and there were borders within the USSR (Baltic states, Ukraine, Georgia, etc).

If I wanted to I could go on for hours about all the niggling little (and big) things that are off or out of place in Black Ops.

But then I think, sod it - its a bit of fun, not a piece of historical documentory (even though I'm sure many players see it that way!)
Wow and I though Red Alert was bad for its post WWII boarders in an alternate history game.
Another patch for the PC version just went into QA, we should be getting it before the weekend.
Can't wait.

Until then, emblems!

I feel my friend's pain so much, he was 23 kills and no deaths and the enemy host left the game so he lost it all. also it was only like 2/3rds of the way through the match
Oh, theres way, way more anacronisms than that. The most glaring to me was that in the Pentagon's war room in 1963 the map of europe had 1 Germany, a devided Yugoslavia, Kaliningrad was not marked in red and there were borders within the USSR (Baltic states, Ukraine, Georgia, etc).

If I wanted to I could go on for hours about all the niggling little (and big) things that are off or out of place in Black Ops.

But then I think, sod it - its a bit of fun, not a piece of historical documentory (even though I'm sure many players see it that way!)

I wouldn't mind it either if it wasn't for all the boasting about historical accuracy in regards to weapons used by the SOG et al. Besides, as you mention, there are all those little details around... And eventually they merge into one large flaw...
This is an outrage of UNEQUALED proportions!

Whatever shall we do!?
****ing call these ****ers up and make them un**** there ****, what else? These shitters ****ed up bigtime!

Seriously guys?

Anywho, couple server/small client patches and things are running a bit more smoothly - but still far from ideal. IW always did have vastly better PC QA. =/
Will this game run decently on an Athlon II X2 240e 2.8GHz? All my other specs are up to scratch. I've read conflicting reports of this game running on this processor. Some people say it's unplayable, and then there are people running Blops on a 2.16ghz dualcore laptop and getting 40fps.

[edit] Because I really enjoyed this far too much:
I'm on a dual core E8400 @ 3.6ghz right now and it's really ****ing annoying to play through the glitching at this point. I'd really recommend you wait until it's all fixed up before you go and ruin it by playing it at its shitty broken state.
Damn. I just bought it and the box is sitting right here. Waiting to be opened. Taunting me with pistols and a pricetag.
What glitching are you referring to? My E8400 system ran it perfectly fine after the first performance patch and it's only overclocked to 3.4GHz.
Poor performance, it's been improved but not eliminated to where it won't cause me to get killed. Well I saw a twitter update that said they wanted to roll out another patch before this weekend so hopefully it'll be better. My video card is a 4850, maybe yours is better.

Oh, and my E8400 is actually at 3.825ghz, so **** knows whats going. lol
it really sucks to keep hearing PC problems with a game that originally started out on a PC like 9 years ago. sounds like a shitty port at the moment to me
Poor performance, it's been improved but not eliminated to where it won't cause me to get killed. Well I saw a twitter update that said they wanted to roll out another patch before this weekend so hopefully it'll be better. My video card is a 4850, maybe yours is better.

Oh, and my E8400 is actually at 3.825ghz, so **** knows whats going. lol

No really. It's a GTX 260, which is basically the Nvidia equivalent to your model. It could be a driver issue. ATI tends to be sloppy with theirs.
Either that, or RAM.
Yeah, it seems like this game, upon install, may randomly decide to curse your computer with shitty performance. I can max COD4 with 4xAA and only lag on Overgrown and Bog, so I'm not too worried about how this game will run (once the performance patch is out :P).
lol... I had no intention of buying this game (or future COD money pits), but I saw this link and found it a hilarious representation of what they've turned a great franchise in to.

This is what sets record sales? A game you don't even have to play? Seems like in a couple of years (5 games later) they will just release a 6 hour $60 movie where you have to hit the 'go' button a dozen times. There are much better games out there... games that are cheaper, better looking, with better writing and better gameplay. Yeah, it's all about multiplayer these days wtih these games, but new COD multiplayer has gotten old to me as well.

Before the famous "devil's advocates" come out to play, let me state that I understand this is only a part of the gameplay and may not represent the entire game. I also know that there are a lot of games that do similar things on the market... but just watch the video... it's ridiculous especially toward the end. The sad part is that I have to have a disclaimer on any post expressing opinion to try to stave off people taking things out of context and ripping them apart. The saddest part is that within a year we'll probably have yet another COD game doing the same stuff with the same tired mechanics.
we have confirmation,

"We are on track so far to release MP patch sometime tomorrow and SP patch the following day, pending good test results. #codblackops #pc"
lol... I had no intention of buying this game (or future COD money pits), but I saw this link and found it a hilarious representation of what they've turned a great franchise in to.

This is what sets record sales? A game you don't even have to play? Seems like in a couple of years (5 games later) they will just release a 6 hour $60 movie where you have to hit the 'go' button a dozen times. There are much better games out there... games that are cheaper, better looking, with better writing and better gameplay. Yeah, it's all about multiplayer these days wtih these games, but new COD multiplayer has gotten old to me as well.

Before the famous "devil's advocates" come out to play, let me state that I understand this is only a part of the gameplay and may not represent the entire game. I also know that there are a lot of games that do similar things on the market... but just watch the video... it's ridiculous especially toward the end. The sad part is that I have to have a disclaimer on any post expressing opinion to try to stave off people taking things out of context and ripping them apart. The saddest part is that within a year we'll probably have yet another COD game doing the same stuff with the same tired mechanics.

I'm willing to bet, that in the future the game will cheaper and the patches will cost you money. give it time thats the way its heading
That was already posted, but yeah it's kind of hilarious. "Who are you talking to?" :laugh:

Playing through the rest of the campaign (as much as I can without running into performance hitches), it seems that you're a lot more involved, but never very 'intimately.' You shoot dudes, move onto the next set piece, shoot some more dudes. Your squadmates call out your name roughly once every three seconds as though to reassure you of your existence. Occasionally you get to hop on a turret, or control some other horrible instrument of death, but it's all fairly transparent in it's scripting and hand-holding.

Despite that, I don't see that this proves anything besides what was already known of the CoD franchise in general (at least since Modern Warfare), although it is a particularly bad example of it. The true test, to me, is whether or not it's enjoyable and challenging to involve yourself, and in most instances I've found that to be the case. It's a bit of a facade, but it's fun to play along, and it can be pretty engrossing. I do agree with the notion that they're trying a little too hard to make a movie out of a game, though, and the same goes for a few other developers recently. Medal of Honor springs to mind...
The campaign feels like a rail shooter I'd play at Time Zone :\
yeah the amount of game they left behind is ridiculous. there is no exploration and it forces you to keep moving. i guess its realistic though, because in battle if your not retreating you keep moving forward and you have time limits in essence, but compared to COD 2 which had the best amount of exploration it feels like a TRAP
Game reminds me of AVP 3. It's all about the multi-player though. You get zombie mode and an in-game video editor.
Is there anything different about the zombie mode or does it just feel tacked on?
Is there anything different about the zombie mode or does it just feel tacked on?

It's Left 4 Dead's Survival Mode with purchasable weapons and power ups. It's nothing innovative but it's fun. I wouldn't call it tacked on though.
The Numbers......what do they mean Mason? this gets so old in the game....and I didn't even finish it yet. maybe its because LOST used the numbers but I'm just saying they have no script for this game
Patch certainly improved my game a lot, I can play the WW2 level without it looking like a slidshow now.
The patch made it impossible for me to play in a server for more than 5 minutes.
man, seems like they can't do anything right :laugh: there's still a lot of people calling shenanigans on this patch.

it's very much improved for me now though. SP is still jumping around every so often, MP stutters in the opening seconds and straightens out. not perfect yet, but i'm not afraid to play it now.
The patch has made my game worse, I'm about ready to give up on the whole thing.