Call of Duty Black Ops

just got my copy along with Scott Pilgrim!
Didn't that movie just release in the theater...?

played to level 7 and got my ass handed to me. i had a few drinks tonight though so it probably didn't help. i love the feel of the game though, and feels a bit more like world at war than modern warfare 2, but thats not a bad thing. some levels feel small while others are restricting compared to the openness of any modern warfare game. otherwise i love the weapons and feel of the game. plus there seems to be chatty people in every game which i love. i'd rather hear people laughing and having fun than pure silence
Okay so I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news is, there's a crippling performance issue that causes intermittent stuttering in PC versions (the frames freeze up randomly every second/few seconds), and it seems to happen regardless of your hardware or which settings you play on. It happens in single player and zombie modes, but it's even worse in multiplayer, which is downright unplayable. Not looking good unless they can patch it right quick.

The good news: LOOK HOW HAPPY ICE T IS! ^_^
that issue reminds me of the StarCraft 2 fps issue with the loading screen. also there was a guy waiting in line for BlackOps PC version, and I tried telling him the Steam version would have unlocked at midnight had he wanted it.
Okay so I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news is, there's a crippling performance issue that causes intermittent stuttering in PC versions (the frames freeze up randomly every second/few seconds), and it seems to happen regardless of your hardware or which settings you play on. It happens in single player and zombie modes, but it's even worse in multiplayer, which is downright unplayable. Not looking good unless they can patch it right quick.

The good news: LOOK HOW HAPPY ICE T IS! ^_^

I have no stuttering issues on PC, and this isn't even my usual rig. I'm using my wifes Phenom X4 and Geforce GTX260 and while the frames can drop quite a bit the actual game whas remained stutter free. Running better than I expected on this machine. Just need to get my GTX280 system back in play.
Hey look, the auth/content servers are being DDos'd didn't see this one coming like with every major title ever released on Steam no matter how much preloading and staggering takes place.

oh noesssssssssssssss looks like we need to reset the servers and maybe buy a few new commodore64's so they can play their gizzity gamezzz
anyone know if there's splitscreen co-op like in CoD MW2? the internets has conflicting/misleading info. some say there's just zombie co-op others that there are other splitscreeen co-op modes like splitscreen online co-op? can anyone confirm/deny/explain co-op in CoD BO
Ok, everyone be honest, did anyone in here decide to be a crazy bastard and get the Prestige Edition?

Please God say no.

If you answer yes, I will come into your home and forcefully sterilize you.
looks like Treyarch's QA team got zyklonB gassed by the evil Gestapo of mein Füror, Robert Kotick!

That'll teach those PC aspies to stay away from the big guns eyyyyyy

looks like they forgot to cap the fps and one console command fixes over 40% of the problems. Great Job!
anyone know if there's splitscreen co-op like in CoD MW2? the internets has conflicting/misleading info. some say there's just zombie co-op others that there are other splitscreeen co-op modes like splitscreen online co-op? can anyone confirm/deny/explain co-op in CoD BO

The GT review above you said there was no campaign coop. I dunno about coop missions like MW2 though. I don't think there are any.
they would be shooting themselves in the foot if there wasn't any spec-ops co-op. that thing was a blast with some mates.
so PC impressions?

If Steam wasn't getting hammered I was probably already playing it by now. Preloaded yesterday, just decrypted and now it is downloading something again. Day one patch?
they would be shooting themselves in the foot if there wasn't any spec-ops co-op. that thing was a blast with some mates.

I keep hearing the Zombie Mode is the only co-op :(
got it and have played to about the half way point and tbh i'm loving it :laugh:

its probly the best CoD since MW1 (WaW was bland and MW2 was equally awesome and frustratingly disappointing). If anyone here is playing on ps3 then add me:

PSN ID: AHA-Lambda
Finished the single player today, lasted around 7 hours according to Steam. I didn't realise that the story tied into World At War, but whereas the story in WaW was quite uneventful Black Ops I thought was quite good. It's impressive how the developers have tied the characters from that game into Black Ops.
PC impressions:
The bad news is, there's a crippling performance issue that causes intermittent stuttering in PC versions (the frames freeze up randomly every second/few seconds), and it seems to happen regardless of your hardware or which settings you play on. It happens in single player and zombie modes, but it's even worse in multiplayer, which is downright unplayable. Not looking good unless they can patch it right quick.
This. Even in "safe mode" on minimum possible video settings I get terrible framerate and stuttering every second/few seconds/time i try to interact with anything in the environment that makes the game completely and woefully unplayable on my GTX260. I hope they fix this crap soon.
I played a decent amount today, that secret game was really fun. then played some singplayer on normal mode. i really hate hardened and veteran modes, and i've played them before and i hated them greatly. i wanna just burn through this once and enjoy it quickly so i can jump online or do some zombie mode
PC impressions:

This. Even in "safe mode" on minimum possible video settings I get terrible framerate and stuttering every second/few seconds/time i try to interact with anything in the environment that makes the game completely and woefully unplayable on my GTX260. I hope they fix this crap soon.

What processors are you guys with the stuttering using?
PC impressions:

This. Even in "safe mode" on minimum possible video settings I get terrible framerate and stuttering every second/few seconds/time i try to interact with anything in the environment that makes the game completely and woefully unplayable on my GTX260. I hope they fix this crap soon.

This. Game is unplayable for me.
The game is running fine for me in singleplayer, but multiplayer is a bitch. Got the same GPU as Ennui, my good ole Core Duo 6600 and 4 gigs of ram.

I am really enjoying the singleplayer so far by the way. Played through the first three missions (four if you count the interlude in Washington; the game seems to do so) and I just arrived in Vietnam. The game is very over the top and it doesn't seem to take itself as serious as Modern Warfare did. I like it that way. All the historical figures are a lot of fun as well. Oh and about that:

It felt like the first couple of missions were leading up to the Kennedy assassination. The scene in the Pentagon has this Manchurian Candidate feel about it. I was sort of expecting a Grassy Knoll sequence after that, but in stead there was the mission in Russia, stopping the rocket launch.
Was hoping there would have been some sort of patch overnight, guess not :\
Got a chance to play some at a friend's house. It ran smooth with no problems.

His system: AMD Athlon II quad core @3.2Ghz
4 Gb RAM
Radeon HD 5770
Windows 7 64-bit
I may change mine from xbox version to ps3. Since my friend wants to play it and he only has ps3. Unless ps3 version is missing out on something that 360 version has like they usually do 80% of time.
Found out that you can "use" your COD4 configs in Black Ops. Some of the commands work and will give a bit of an fps boost.

AFAIK, these work:

seta cg_brass "0"
seta cg_drawFPS "Simple"
seta cg_fov "65"
seta cg_fov_default "65"
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta cl_maxppf "1"
seta com_maxfps "125"
seta fx_marks "0"
seta fx_marks_ents 0"
seta r_blur_allowed "0"
seta r_drawDecals "0"
seta r_dof_enable "0"
seta r_drawSun "0"
seta r_drawWater "0"
seta r_gamma "1.3"
seta r_multiGpu "0"
seta r_multithreaded_device "1"
seta r_motionblur_enable "0"
seta r_vsync "0"
seta r_specular "0"
seta r_zFeather "0"
seta ragdoll_enable "0"
seta rate "25000"
seta snaps "30"
seta r_glow_allowed "0"
seta r_waterSheetingFX_allowed "0"
add me fellow steamheads:

Lag issue is unfortunate however:
"We're absolutely looking into it right now, so that you know. We've been collecting info, dxdiags and stuff all day."
From twitter
Atleast they're on top of it. This is like New Vegas all over again, except I never heard anything from them.
Game is incredibly fun. I have it on 360.

Shamrock013. Add away.
So is it only multiplayer that the stutter effects? I've not played multi only single player. I'm scared of the multi after getting arse kicked in MW2.
Seems to just be network issues with MP for me. i7 950 at 4.2ghz and SLI 460s.
Game is incredibly fun. I have it on 360.

Shamrock013. Add away.

I just added you. i'm done playing multiplayer for the night but if I'm on and you are I'll probably send an invite. the game is much more fun with others. a few friends of mine and i played some team death match and zombie mode tonight
So is it only multiplayer that the stutter effects? I've not played multi only single player. I'm scared of the multi after getting arse kicked in MW2.

Singleplayer here. I don't even bother checking the other modes.
Anyone else think the game looks ridiculously cartoonish? The M16 looks like a toy compared to MW2.
Textures can be a bit on the cartoonish side yeah. It's an entirely different model of M16 though, different material (couldn't tell you what :P).

So is it only multiplayer that the stutter effects? I've not played multi only single player. I'm scared of the multi after getting arse kicked in MW2.
It's different for some people, it seems. For me, it affects the single player to a smaller extent than multiplayer, but still enough to be an annoyance. Oddly enough, zombie mode has little to no stuttering for me, unless I try to play with other people. Unfortunately I suck at it and it's not exactly balanced for solo play. :(
Added you Shamrock.

Can't wait to kill some shit with some members, should prove fun.
Has anyone with stuttering tried limiting their "pre-render frames ahead" to 0 in their Nvidia control panel? I had to do this for MW2 due to stutters.