Call of Juarez


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Wow, a new FPS that is set in the Wild West, looks damn good
It's from the team that did Chrome and it looks like they've really updated their engine and the story and gameplay sound intriguing enough, and they're talking about your character having a whip that can be used to grab things and throw them or bring them to you which sounds super sweet

So long as this stays on track looks like it could be an absolutely awesome game
Only thing more boring than the "Wild West" is like.. the war of 1812...
DreadLord1337 said:
Only thing more boring than the "Wild West" is like.. the war of 1812...
outlaws was a fun game, did you ever try that one?
and besides, at least it's not another futuristic sci-fi FPS or some WWII FPS
a GTA type sandbox game set in the ol west would be great ...could be done like a spaghetti western where you're a bounty hunter working for various factions

this game seems to concentrate on gunplay but I'd enjoy a little more role playing ...I mean who wouldnt want to live out their fantasy of being the Man with No Name
CptStern said:
a GTA type sandbox game set in the ol west would be great ...could be done like a spaghetti western where you're a bounty hunter working for various factions

this game seems to concentrate on gunplay but I'd enjoy a little more role playing ...I mean who wouldnt want to live out their fantasy of being the Man with No Name
well, have you looked at Gun by Neversoft? it's a bit more along those kinda lines
Icarusintel said:
outlaws was a fun game, did you ever try that one?
and besides, at least it's not another futuristic sci-fi FPS or some WWII FPS

I'd love another WWII FPS please, Brothers In Arms took like a day to finish, and there's been nothing since. And sci-fi is fine with me. The west doesn't appeal to me at all i guess. I'd rather get whalloped by Shodan or CB in HL2DM quite frankly.
Icarusintel said:
well, have you looked at Gun by Neversoft? it's a bit more along those kinda lines

yes, thanks for the info sounds like my type of game ...too bad it hasnt been announced for the pc
Looks cool, but it will only be cool if they put "Exstacy of Gold" in it along with a mexican sidekick that runs around a graveyard.