New Picture of Deus Ex 3

Not falling for that again, Steam. Next week it's gonna be 1 dollar.
They had this sale before too. Got IW for 2.50 awhile ago.
I was just thinking about getting them through Steam since I lost both my original copies and couldn't be assed with getting a working copy. Lo and behold, I open up Steam and fate smiles upon me.

Giving IW another playthrough and I wanna give The Nameless Mod a tryout as well.
I reinstalled DE1 but it runs way too fast when there isn't much on the screen. There's a few INI fixes and some 3DFX hack but I can't be assed to mess with it.
I bought Deus Ex from the midweek madness sale, since people here keep yapping about it so much. I didn't have a PC capable at the time, so this'll be my first time. Can someone give me some pointers on general what to do, how to play, what to expect and story summary? The training mission showed me the basic gameplay concepts easily enough but once I was in the story I felt a little lost.
story will blow your mind,and you can play the game any way you want.
Man, I really need to get back into Deus Ex. Anyone know if I can download some save files from somewhere. I lost 20 hours of gameplay when I uninstalled Steam (saves were stored in Steam directory, instead of My Documents like everything else), and I dont really know if I wanna go through that again.
Can someone give me some pointers on general what to do, how to play, what to expect and story summary?
Well that's mostly up to you. On e non-tutorialed aspect is the 'computers' skill. Take it up to the first level, even if no further: it opens up the hacking of character's emails and general use terminals, and you can often find out keycodes, ATM account numbers or the username / password combinations that allow you to have a longer look for such stuff (one character has every UNATCO password on their account for example. There's not much in the way of useful stuff there, but it's interesting background reading for the story).

Even if you splurge on the skills, multitools and lockpicks are worth being a little conservative with. If you use them on a keypad, door, locker or whatever as soon as you stumble upon it, sods law dictates that you find the open air-shaft, nano key or datacube that grants you access for free, just around the corner. Whilst it's true that the 'free' entryway is sometimes more dangerous, the challenge will usually be a bonus in itself. You can always save to check anything out, and then change your mind (and remember, there's no useful autosave anyway).

Early on, playing pacifistically has a few perks and is the approach favoured by your brother (preaching violence to everyone else seems to keep them happy too). The police baton (not the riot-prod) knocks people unconscious for free, though it sometimes takes two whacks and a little benny hilling. The Crossbow's tranq-darts will give you a delayed one hit kill on the standard enemies. Hit them and run away for a bit. Pepper Spray and Gas Grenades are good for hostage situations, and the former (inconsistently) disrupts laser beam alarms.

As for the character, Team Fortress actually provides some pretty good character paradigms.

- Heavy: Carry all the 8 slot weapons, take the strength and resilience themed augs and skills. Shout 'Cry Some More'.
- Spy: Take Melee weapons and Pistols, Go for the three Stealth augs, put extra effort into hacking / picking skills.
- Sniper: Rifle Skills, Targetting Aug etc.
- Demoman: Grenades and Gep Gun. Smoke every packet of cigarettes, and drink every bottle of booze you find.
- Scout: Melee weapons, Run fast aug. Boink!
- Soldier: Get a great mix of weapons and skills. Basically just build a standard FPS guy. There's even a crowbar in there.
- Pyro: Flamethrower, enviromental resistance skills and augs. Take a fire extinguisher too :P
- Engineer: Ok, looser concept here (Invisible War would be better for this, since you have bot control augs). 'Computers' skill gets you turrets and whatnot, and you could have the remote drone aug perhaps.
- Medic: Tougher still, since you're not going to be healing anyone. Plenty of self-healing / resistance items and augs to hoarde though
Man, I really need to get back into Deus Ex. Anyone know if I can download some save files from somewhere. I lost 20 hours of gameplay when I uninstalled Steam (saves were stored in Steam directory, instead of My Documents like everything else), and I dont really know if I wanna go through that again.
I'm playing through slowly right now. Where did you want to pick up from? I could send you a file once I'm there.
Thank you so much. I didn't know what type of game I'd be playing, when I started I figured it was an FPS with some RPG elements, so I went it shooting everything but that didn't work out very well. Now that I know to approach it as a full RPG it's totally changed me perspective.

Also, I already chose the computer skill. I remembered how valuable hacking was in Fallout 3 so went straight for it. And can you truly approach every situation however you want? Does that include changing the fates of key characters? If so, it sounds incredibly ambitious.
Yep, key characters' fates are quite different depending on what you do with/to them. Let us know how things turn out for you. Its always interesting to see how people's stories differ.
Yep, key characters' fates are quite different depending on what you do with/to them. Let us know how things turn out for you. Its always interesting to see how people's stories differ.
I wouldn't oversell it. There are maybe six characters who can end up dead or alive by the end of the game, but it's only really triggered by a single crossroads in each case and for all but one, the only real consequence is that character X whispers in your ear that person Y didn't make it. As far as enemies go, there are several interesting forks in the road, but ultimately you're just choosing when you fight them.

Certainly an achievement at the time, and few games are really doing both branching choices AND a strictly linear story to this day. One of the few things Invisible War actually improved upon, though I think most will admit that the factions simply weren't as compelling.

edit: five five five five
Well, I wasn't just referring to the fact that they can be alive or dead, but that where they appear and what their actions are, and how the setting of your confrontations with them can also change.
When I played Deus Ex for the first time I peeked into a walkthrough a few times to check if a character is killable or not. There are a few parts where I though an NPC was invincible (as often is the case with essential characters in games), but it turned out that the NPC only had a shitload of health and could be killed, his death affecting the story.
I appreciated that IW tried to go a more open-ended route. But I ultimately preferred the first game's relative linearity over IW's hub structure. The pace of the first game ran better, with ample space to flesh out the surrounding organizations and characters. After completing a UNATCO mission, I got to talk about it with Boss Manderley, my brother, my teammates, and the staff. It felt like a wealth of content.

That was towards the beginning of the game. In IW it feels like I'm just kind of randomly hopping around quest givers with the occasional asinine task (Sabotaging a coffee shop?). And the way they're all spread around doesn't give a lot of room for me to get to really know a lot of the factions or companions. Defecting from UNATCO may have been a forced choice, but it felt a lot more memorable.

Also, the woman who calls you out for barging into HQ's women's bathroom is invincible. I tried beating her mercilessly to death so she wouldn't report it to anybody, but no luck.
Does anything happen if you keep
The only mention of him after your last meeting remains the same whatever you do.
Your 'Wanted' message on the public terminal. Basically you get blamed for doing it even if you don't.
If you don't kill him, it basically implies that MJ12 probably bumped him off any way.
Damn, my impulsivity may force me to purchase this. On the bright side, $10.00 isn't that much of a loss.
Which is too bad, because the "bureaucratic cubby-hole" he so dreaded was a fine fate for him. The final encounter with Manderley is fairly memorable. I always choose to leave him, knowing as I turn for the door he'll pull a gun on me and shoot me in the back. At which point I turn around and return in kind.
Initial designs, while concept art-cool, also looked borderline goofy. Jacques-Belletete says he flirted with having only the upper class wear puffed out pants and shirts, but decided to tone things down.

Probably a smart move ultimately. If it was too much like the above picture, it would have been awesome, but not recognizable as being in the same universe as Deus Ex.

Ultimately, though, the concept art team refined its vision, demanding that Deus Ex 3’s costumes “look credible and almost wearable today,” fit within a cyberpunk aesthetic, look cool and have a style of its own. That soon clicked with the character design of one female, a sleek, dark futuristic concept that had subtle references to the high collars and balloon sleeves of Renaissance wear. That toned down, 16th century inspired future fashion extended beyond Human Revolution’s fashion, with enemy soldiers sporting high collared armor, extra padding on the shoulders and thighs to allude to the fashion of the day.
Those soldiers even sport Conquistador-like helmets and raised, geometric fabric patterns on their uniforms.

The cyber-Renaissance visual design choices extended to the hero of Deus Ex 3, Adam Jensen. He has a Don Quixote-style goatee, for example, and wears a sleek, slightly puffed coat. But he also has augmented cybernetic arms, spindly mechanical limbs that the player will see in first-person view. Adam, Jacques-Belletet said, must “look like someone who can kick your ass, then go home to read a good book.”

Another major priority? Making sure that Adam didn’t look like a “douchebag,” said Jacques-Belletete.
I would have killed them if they made anything closely resembling that image.

Cyber renaissance has yet to sell itself to me, since I think Deus Ex worked best in a future that actually seemed believable.
Another major priority? Making sure that Adam didn’t look like a “douchebag,” said Jacques-Bellete

Well, they messed that up.
I like those outfits, but they would work better with a steampunk environment, rather than cyberpunk...

Well, they messed that up

Well, they messed that up.

JC Denton.

I like those outfits, but they would work better with a steampunk environment, rather than cyberpunk...

Yes, because we should never try to mix different genres, we should just continually make cyberpunk games and steampunk games separate from each other because I like seeing the same stuff over and over again that is really neat.
Go ahead, pretend that JC Denton isn't one of the douchiest looking game protagonists ever. Tell yourself he's the perfect man of your conspiracy game dreams.

Least he didn't have a god damn goatee to top it all off. :|

"Douchebag" isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind.


Douchebag is.
And this is why no girls will talk to you, you unstylish fagdog. Grow a devil goatee.

Look at you, you're ****ing ugly-
Krynn, I have the exact opposite reaction to those faces. Denton looks like such an asshole. Goateeguy just looks like a no-nonsense pro.
Yeah, I agree with your Denton Assessment, he does look like an asshole. He looks like a guy who is paid exorbitant amounts of money to get in your way and ruin all your hopes and dreams, and he looks like he'd enjoy his job, but he doesn't look like a douchebag.

Adam looks like superficial art snob who doesn't get paid any money because hes a worthless waste of space and whose only ability is to pass judgment on others while he flicks the ashes off his cig and takes a swig of his gin and tonic. And therefore; looks like a douchebag.
He looks like a handsome mofo who strolls the streets at night investigating shit while chatting it up with a sexy lady in a bar.

JC Denton looks like a fat asshole.

It's quite clear you just don't like men who look more attractive than you do. So there.
Yeah, I agree with your Denton Assessment, he does look like an asshole. He looks like a guy who is paid exorbitant amounts of money to get in your way and ruin all your hopes and dreams, and he looks like he'd enjoy his job, but he doesn't look like a douchebag.

Adam looks like superficial art snob who doesn't get paid any money because hes a worthless waste of space and whose only ability is to pass judgment on others while he flicks the ashes off his cig and takes a swig of his gin and tonic. And therefore; looks like a douchebag.
I'd agree, but only if he had blackrimmed glasses and wore plaid.