Deus Ex 3 Info

Hmm... thinking about it, isn't auto-heal no different to running away and turning your healing biomod on? So long as there is a cost to doing so, I don't see the problem...
Hmm... thinking about it, isn't auto-heal no different to running away and turning your healing biomod on? So long as there is a cost to doing so, I don't see the problem...
The entire thing is that there probably will be no cost, as there isn't in any other game. At least in Deus Ex it used aug energy, but they're talking about a PREQUEL doing the same, which is weird anyway.

Either way I hope they won't mess it up.
Half of me is extremely happy, the other half is boiling with rage.

My prediction is that this game will not give me the fulfilling experience I expect from a Deus Ex sequel, and I will have to treat it as a spin-off and forgive its deviations to enjoy it in its own right. That's not really horrible, but it's slightly depressing. Of course, I never had my hopes that high to begin with. It's unrealistic to expect another game like Deus Ex these days.
This is so disappointing. They are screwing this game up in every way they could possibly screw it up. No stat-based combat? Didn't everyone hate the removal of stat-based comabat in Invisible War? And Deus Ex is NOT supposed to be stylized, and there aren't supposed to be high-tech things all over the place. Walk around NYC or Hong Kong in the first game and you'll see few things that will differentiate those places from what you might see in real life. Maybe some security and cleaning bots, guards with some high-tech gear, lots of keypads and computer terminals, etc., but it looks very familiar and realistic. There certainly aren't holographic ads on ferries and stuff. I think Warren Spector even cited Invisible War's overt sci-fi look as being one of its downfalls. This is a prequel, it should look even more like the real world. Speaking of it being a prequel: where does your character get these advanced augs? Paul and JC Denton were the first nano-augmented agents, and they had to be genetically engineered to tolerate the nanites. Before them, augmentation was done by replacing body parts with mechanical parts like Gunther and Anna had. This prequel seems to be turning the fiction on its head. Auto health regeneration is completely out of place; Dues Ex is not an action game, and should never try to be. Stats, resource management, and NPC interaction are a much more important part of the game. The stuff that all these developers are writing of as "boring" or "confusing" these days are exactly what fans loved loved about Dues Ex and hated Invisible War for not having. And now, forgive me for being unreasonable, but I have to get this off my chest: **** GODDAMN MOTHER****ING THIRD-PERSON COVER SYSTEMS I HATE THEM LIKE THE ****ING PLAGUE. Please, anything but my most hated gameplay mechanic of all time, I don't care if they bring back unified ammo for god's sake, just not this! ;( ;( ;( ;( Yes, the "multi-layered story" with meaningful choices and large free-roaming areas sound good, but who here hasn't heard a developer claim to have these things before delivering a dumbed down piece of garbage game? We'll have to wait and see if these things will redeem the game. But in the mean time, it looks like they're taking Invisible War's lessons at face value. They're not making the same mistakes, but they can't recognize the fundamentally wrong mindset that made that game a slap in the face to the original fans. The choices they're making seem to be coming from that exact same mindset. Oh, well. I guess there's only going to be one real Deus Ex game, and a game like that was the product of the right time and the right place. You can't really expect them to make a game like that in the mass-market gaming industry of 2009.
Rene said:
The game is third person but will switch perspective for stealth
No. The game is FIRST person, but automatically switches to third person for some contextual actions. You as the player do not have the ability to swap between's a first person game but there are times where we want you to see Adam doing cool things.

Hacking involves a mini game (a la system shock, bioshock)
Not quite. Hacking is a major pillar of gameplay and is certainly not a mini game. (Sorry Bioshock) Hacking in Deus Ex 3 is a significant gameplay option which you can modify with augmentations if that's the way you develop your character. Our hacking is well beyond a "mini game" and is really freaking cool.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO i dont want it to look like bioshock... i want deus exstyle. F***

It doesn't look like Bioshock! Bioshock was heavily influenced by the Art Deco style of the 1930's.

Deus Ex 3 combines near-future elements (i.e. Cyberpunk) with a Renaissance/Baroque twist. There are really good reasons for this but I will leave it for the magazines to explain...
I pretty like that new style, even if it lacks the "coolness" of Deux Ex 1. The Bioshock effect maybe. We could call that "Baroque-Cyberpunk" or "Baroquepunk" but it looks like nice.
We call it Cyber Renaissance.
The graphics look fantastic, the art direction is brilliant.

Unfortunately, the gameplay changes they're making aren't appealing in any way.

I don't want to say too much because I don't want the magazines getting pissed, but when it comes to gameplay, DX3 is very much a Deus Ex game.

It's still based around making decisions which have consequences, selecting from a multi-path, multi-solution approach in a non-linear space (think DX1 not Invisible War), and you're able to customize your character (Adam) as well as your weapons. DX3 is an action/RPG just like the first game.

Eh. The hacking thing still sounds suss to me.
Yeah, still not hyped about this, by the way Jintor, I love your Metal Slug avatar.<3
Hmm, you don't play as JC? could they...
Well, apparently the third person thing isn't nearly as bad as the article made it seem, which is great news to me. A Rainbow 6 Vegas style thing would have been a complete deal breaker, I can't really describe how much I hate that concept. That Rene guy make it sound a little more like the way Left 4 Dead is. I don't mind going into third-person for things like the conversations in the first game, but I wouldn't be happy with using the camera to look around corners and the "look we have a cover system our game is like gears of war!!!11!" deal. The whole "Cyber-Renaissance" thing makes no sense whatsoever, though. In 2027 the world has taken on a near-futuristic Baroque look, and somehow by 2052 everything has gone back to looking similar to 2000-2008? The "two-level Shanghai" seems pretty far-fetched in comparison to what the places in the first game looked like. Still, I do like the art style a lot.
The first Deus Ex was awesome, even for it's age.

Heard about the new and probably last mod for Deus Ex?


Google it and I am involved in it as a voice actor :D
The first Deus Ex was awesome, even for it's age.

Heard about the new and probably last mod for Deus Ex?


Google it and I am involved in it as a voice actor :D
Does it feature Crocodile Dundee?
Bunch of babies ITT. Forgot who said it already, but anything will probably be better then Invisible War so im looking forward to this.
Yeah if its better than IW then I'll like it. Because, frankly, I liked IW. If you could stop yourself from comparing it to the original Deus Ex, then it was a decent game.
Yeah if its better than IW then I'll like it. Because, frankly, I liked IW. If you could stop yourself from comparing it to the original Deus Ex, then it was a decent game.

Well, apparently the third person thing isn't nearly as bad as the article made it seem, which is great news to me. A Rainbow 6 Vegas style thing would have been a complete deal breaker, I can't really describe how much I hate that concept. That Rene guy make it sound a little more like the way Left 4 Dead is. I don't mind going into third-person for things like the conversations in the first game, but I wouldn't be happy with using the camera to look around corners and the "look we have a cover system our game is like gears of war!!!11!" deal. The whole "Cyber-Renaissance" thing makes no sense whatsoever, though. In 2027 the world has taken on a near-futuristic Baroque look, and somehow by 2052 everything has gone back to looking similar to 2000-2008? The "two-level Shanghai" seems pretty far-fetched in comparison to what the places in the first game looked like. Still, I do like the art style a lot.

As far as the look goes, the first game did mention that the upper levels of the cities were reserved for the uber rich, so the the art style could be some fashion trend the rich just happen to be going through at the time. We never saw the the rich areas in DX1 most of everything took place in the poorer parts of the cities.
Yeah if its better than IW then I'll like it. Because, frankly, I liked IW. If you could stop yourself from comparing it to the original Deus Ex, then it was a decent game.
Also agreed. I enjoyed finishing IW, and I still haven't gotten round to finishing the first one yet.
The first one was a lot longer though.

Also, this thread made me install IW again, but it keeps crashing. Damn Windows 98!

I mean vista x64
Fantastic news, can't wait!
Art direction is now really classy and quite unique too. I love Deus Ex series but I never really liked designs of the first DEx, IW was better but sometimes way too futuristic.

Cyber Renaissance is awesome, I'm sold.
The first one was a lot longer though.

Also, this thread made me install IW again, but it keeps crashing. Damn Windows 98!

I mean vista x64

Did you get it through Steam? I didn't find any problems with the version I downloaded through Steam.


*high fives another Vista 64 bit user

Also the story to IW is good, just the actual gameworld/implementation sucked because of ass stupid early game engine decisions that turned what should of been lively futuristic cities into desolate barely populated corridors.

Also the Deus Ex 3 logo is an abomination and they need to get someone with talent in to do them a better one.
Did you get it through Steam? I didn't find any problems with the version I downloaded through Steam.

Nah I installed it off the disc. Maybe i'll rebuy it for the steamage.

I gotta say though, Deus Ex's main theme music is a ****ing masterpiece.

Hell yeah it is. The whole soundtrack is awesome. But damn, every time I hear the main theme music i get uncontrollable urges to play it.
I thought Gunther and Anna were the first mechanaugs anywhere in the world, or where they just the first mechanaug agents?

And was JC the first nanoaug, or the first nanoaug agent?
Anna and Gunther were the last of the mechanical augmented agents. They were being phased out by the nano-augs like JC and Paul at the time of the original Deus Ex, which was set in 2054.

Auto-healing sux. When are devs gonna learn that? If they are going to incorporate it, they should at least have an option to turn it off and still have med-kits as well as the first-aid skill. That's the only thing that pisses me off in the OP quote tbh.

Also, when I heard "back tentacles" Doc Oc immediately came to mind.
Deus Ex is still fun to play, but you really gotta get past the old-school fighting engine.
Deus Ex is still fun to play, but you really gotta get past the old-school fighting engine.
If "auto-healing" is the new "shooter", I'll quit gaming. I'm serious.

F**king nub casual gamers.

Well, I'll at least quit playing the new games anyways.
If "auto-healing" is the new "shooter", I'll quit gaming. I'm serious.

F**king nub casual gamers.

Well, I'll at least quit playing the new games anyways.

I was more referring to the weird animation problems and problematic combat engine of the original.
I'm holding you to this. :P
It won't be too hard really. I've been sticking to the old-school classics lately anyways. Either way, I'll be too busy to care in a couple of months.

I was more referring to the weird animation problems and problematic combat engine of the original.
In that case, I prefer Deus Ex 3 to have old-school 3D shooter gameplay + next-gen graphics + original Deus Ex skill system + original Deus Ex caliber storytelling - all the bugs the original had.
Oh? Got a new job, Dragonshirt? :D
I'm not a particularly hardcore Deus Ex fan like some of you guys, I guess, but I certainly don't fancy the idea of auto-healing. That shit be kept to consoles where it works.
Ah, that's right.

Have fun!
The first Deus Ex was great.

I never played the 2nd, as by the time I was able to finally get it, the copies of it were scarce & judging from the reviews it got, it was less-than-good. Has anyone here played the 2nd Deus Ex & actually enjoyed it? Is it worth playing through?

The auto-heal feature sucks. It does in EVERY game that it's used. Take damage & all you have to do is simply keep your head down for a set period of time as you magically heal. Plain & simple its a sucky feature I wish games would do away with. It should have been the other way around. That the more damage you took, the harder it was to heal yourself, while your *stealth* became almost impossible to achieve, as you were bleeding & thus leaving a clearly marked trail.

The first Deus Ex was great.

I never played the 2nd, as by the time I was able to finally get it, the copies of it were scarce & judging from the reviews it got, it was less-than-good. Has anyone here played the 2nd Deus Ex & actually enjoyed it? Is it worth playing through?
I thoroughly enjoyed the second Deus Ex. Sure it did have some problems, but for some reason I preferred the story to the first. I think I also preferred the aug system, but I think that was just because some of the tech was more awesome.
Deus Ex is still fun to play, but you really gotta get past the old-school fighting engine.
Combat can definitely be rather clunky, although I felt like that even when it was first released.

If someone could please tell me what's wrong with medkits, I'd be really grateful.
Perhaps you could explain to me why waiting with bated breath and an irregular heart-beat for a health boost is so much worse than simply retreating from a firefight any time you like to a hideyhole for a little while so you can suck your thumb until your health regenerates...

Personally I think the best system is carrying medkits with a button to apply them at any point, a la Max Payne or Bioshock. Carrying them in an inventory, RPG style, is fine too, albeit a little less convenient in a heated gun battle.
This way, you don't have the occasional frustration that there were no nearby medkits to help you out (because of course dying in a fight is NEVER your fault, but the developers') and you don't need to retreat and hide under your security blanket like a total f*cking pansy.

I thoroughly enjoyed the second Deus Ex. Sure it did have some problems, but for some reason I preferred the story to the first.
the tech was more awesome.

Oh I'm such a twat.
The thing about medkits is that they aren't any less immersion breaking or ridiculous than the health recharge thing. You can make an argument that it plays better (and I'd agree with you), but it's still not an ideal solution.

The original Deus Ex did it fine (though it did use medkits). Having a fairly deep location based damage system and the ability to heal through bio-mods or med-bots worked really well IMO. As long as this new game incorporates the healing system into the bio-modification I'm ok with it, but I still don't like that it sounds more powerful than later versions of the same thing (and probably won't drain energy).
I wonder why the decision to go prequel though? Although I'd admit it would be interesting to see pre-nano aug mechanical technology in it's prime, I'd kinda like to see the devs take the series into an even more distant future.
I have the perfect solution. Start the game with a flashlight biomod and a health regeneration biomod. Both have to be activated, will take up small amounts of energy to use, and you can even make it so the regen biomod can be upgraded like the rest of them. Perfect solution.
I really like the CoD 4 style of damage and death... but I can see how it might not be appropriate for a DX game. So much of the original was plundering desks, cabinets, chests, lockers, etc. for goodies and it really added to the sense that you were really investigating, exploring, or whatever.

Also, being near a med bot (and repair bot later once you had a high level regen mod) made you feel safe. Not having that could take away from the stress-relax dynamic.
I think the auto-regen is a good idea for multiplayer, but doesn't make much sense in single player unless it's a really fast paced game. Deus Ex is not (yet). I think a hybrid of the two systems could be quite effective, but no one seems to want to try it any more. Remember even Halo (probably one of the first to do it, and doubtless the game that influenced a lot of newer games to use it) wasn't fully auto-regen, once you were out of shields it ate into your health, which you needed to maintain with health pickups. It added a sense of tension since some attacks could deplete your shields quite quickly, and if you were caught on low health it could still mean death when you least expected it. Yet, come Halo 2 and 3, they did away with it entirely and made both health and shields auto-regen... and they were worse off for it, IMO.

Idunno, seems like there's a lot of different ways the health system could be done, but everyone's too afraid to go out on a limb and try something new. I even had an idea of a team-based multiplayer shooter, where one team has low health but auto-regens after a short time, and the other team has high health (ie - can survive more sustained fire) but doesn't regenerate unless they get a kill. It's such a simple premise, but one that could be quite fun and actually encourage different play styles for a change, instead of just "run, gun, hide, regen, repeat."