Calvin & Hobbes Snow Art. - 56k beware

Raziaar said:
And by the way. I'm going to be posting some gravity related ones in the gravity thread thats on the front page, too.
Heh, make sure to include the series where he falls onto the ceiling. That was a great one.
More love for my favorite forum people on the entire internet. Please post and tell me how much you love me for taking the time to do this! Muahahaha.


















I love Calvin and Hobbes so much. This thread is amasing.
Good. Lets make it more amazing, by MORE winterish themed(snow) calvin strips!












And on an unrelated note. Look at this cool gif I made out of a comic strip. Hehe

Raziaar said:
Best thread ever? WOOT! I win!

EDIT: Oh and by the way. Despite owning all the calvin and hobbes books, I downloaded a pdf recently that contains every single one ever made, in chronological order, displayed singly on each page.

Damn, i gotta go find my stack of books. Hope they didn't get lost in the move :(

But MR. Watterson is such an amazing artist. I love how he can emote such feelings within each of his characters, while at the same time, they are all anatomically esqued.

For instance, calvin. He's short, stubby, and would generaly be a hard character to make convey proper emotions while still remiaining in realistic and worldly anatomical boundaries (IE Not overstreching the arms to make them grab his face), but somehow, MR. Watterson does it.

I've been studying his books from since I was a child, and I think it's made me a better artist, despite the fact that I have no interest in conventional art.
JNightshade said:
I'd vote you in!

Damn Straight! Just for that, you get more calvin than you can handle!

First off, a mini storyline!






And now for more misc ones.






Awww... Is nobody looking at the other ones I posted? Sooo much work!

Hehe. Anyways, I wanna know if some of you artists will be willing to draw me a couple images of my cow. I'm thinking of taking a bunch of calvin and hobbes comics, and making a signature out of it for myself. So if I had a cow like my dancing cow, that could fit into the style of calvin and hobbes, it'd be awesome!

If possible, it'd be awesome if you could replace the calvin tiger in this one, with a calvin cow! OMG!
Raziaar said:
Awww... Is nobody looking at the other ones I posted? Sooo much work!

Hehe. Anyways, I wanna know if some of you artists will be willing to draw me a couple images of my cow. I'm thinking of taking a bunch of calvin and hobbes comics, and making a signature out of it for myself. So if I had a cow like my dancing cow, that could fit into the style of calvin and hobbes, it'd be awesome!

If possible, it'd be awesome if you could replace the calvin tiger in this one, with a calvin cow! OMG!

I think it's already been stated that everybody on the forum has every book.
Raziaar said:

I wonder what if Mr. Watterson chose to end the comic with this strip instead of the "Let's go exploring" one... That would be really sad.
JellyWorld said:
I wonder what if Mr. Watterson chose to end the comic with this strip instead of the "Let's go exploring" one... That would be really sad.

That looks like a fake.
sinkoman said:
That looks like a fake.

Not looks. I've already stated when I posted it, that it is a fake :)
I love calvin in hobbes. I truly do. I remember reading it when I was little and laughing. On my my favorites is with that bully... I forgot exactly what he said, but it goes something like this:

Calvin: Are your anti-social tendencies a result of your over-active pituatary gland?

It was hilarious.
C&H is by far the best comic out there. I always picked up these books at the local library. I'm sure I've seen every strip he's ever made but it's great reading over them again.

Props to you Raziaar
I can't read your last post because I've got to get my exam results in a few hours (And I still haven't slept :p).

But Calvin And Hobbes always amused (amuses!) me, it's one of the few comic strips that have a constant (high :p) value of entertainment throughout every strip.
OMG! Sorry folks, I had to add one last one I overlooked.

It was just funny, so I had to.

I think that Calvin and Hobbes might be the most educational thing a lot of children will ever read. I picked up massive amounts of vocabulary from it. :D
Winter is fleeting... and I decided I wanted to bump this for nostalgia sake since I was browsing my old threads.

If you don't like it... go suck on a bullet.
There is no one on Earth who does not enjoy Calvin and Hobbes, and this year has had one of the coldest winters I can recall, so the thread is appropriate.

Still, you are a thread necromancer, and you bring evil to this forum. Is Calvin and Hobbes enough to cancel out such evil? Perhaps. Unless you've managed to create some kind of zombie Hobbes, then we're boned.
There is no one on Earth who does not enjoy Calvin and Hobbes, and this year has had one of the coldest winters I can recall, so the thread is appropriate.

Still, you are a thread necromancer, and you bring evil to this forum. Is Calvin and Hobbes enough to cancel out such evil? Perhaps. Unless you've managed to create some kind of zombie Hobbes, then we're boned.


I'm entitled to one necromancy bump every few years. <3
I purchased the complete collection earlier this year and I'm still only half way through it.
But you're not entitled to zombie Hobbes! Oh God what have you done

But seriously... I was browsing old threads from that "your first post" topic, and I saw this blast from the past and figured I wanted to spread some cheer. I don't get to enjoy snowy winters anymore, and haven't for the longest time, so reading these makes it better.
There is no one on Earth who does not enjoy Calvin and Hobbes, and this year has had one of the coldest winters I can recall, so the thread is appropriate.

Still, you are a thread necromancer, and you bring evil to this forum. Is Calvin and Hobbes enough to cancel out such evil? Perhaps. Unless you've managed to create some kind of zombie Hobbes, then we're boned.

i'v never even heard of Calvin and Hobbes until now (i think)

*starts running*
Oh man I love this thread.

I kinda died a little bit inside when I saw the (fake) calvin's pill one.
Calvin and Hobbes is the comic all others should grovel to.

Newspaper comic, anyway.

It's still awesome.
I loved Calvin and Hobbes so much. They bring back memories of a better time.
Awesome. Must've missed this the first time around.

Cheers for the laugh. :D