Can HL2 possibly compete with this?

great to see a link to the past up there

and for ur question - who gives a shit.
Search for PC games only. HL is #1. Farcry is #30-something and Doom 3 is #80.

PC games can never compete with console games because magazines etc generally always give much higher scores for console games than they do for PC games. This is because it's much harder to make a "best of best" PC game than it is to make a "best of best" console game - PCs are so much more powerful than consoles that it's hard to harness all this power at once and do something decent with it, whereas with consoles it's much easier, particularly because the hardware can be counted on to be standard.
zOMG!! teh Halo2 got more % in reviews... Teh DRAMA!!!
who gives flyin fuc* anyway.. well i dont.

So what?? Hl2 isn't the ""best"" game..
Did you bet your money on "hl2-best game evar" or something?

> play both games..
> descide wich one is better..
> stfu.
For another time, how on earth does it really matter how good other games are when compared to Half Life 2? Will they somehow make Half Life 2 worse? No, it just means us gamers have even more great games to play.
PC only...

Wow, hell yeah! Grim Fandango comes in at number 10! An often ignored game, but well deserving of it's high praise. Naturally HL is 1st, and naturally HL2 will take it's place, leaving HL at #2 :)
she, sometimes, u make me wish it was legal to beat women with large objects.
ShinRa said:
she, sometimes, u make me wish it was legal to beat women with large objects.

i love you to.
Certainly impressive, but if HL2 continues getting scores as it is currently it will debut as #1 PC game over HL, around 8th total. And that is also very impressive.
Lanthanide said:
Search for PC games only. HL is #1. Farcry is #30-something and Doom 3 is #80.

PC games can never compete with console games because magazines etc generally always give much higher scores for console games than they do for PC games. This is because it's much harder to make a "best of best" PC game than it is to make a "best of best" console game - PCs are so much more powerful than consoles that it's hard to harness all this power at once and do something decent with it, whereas with consoles it's much easier, particularly because the hardware can be counted on to be standard.

Yup agreed. That link is all consoles. You can compare them.
PC reviewers are generally much more critical than console reviewers. Console games tend to be overrated.
Mountain Man said:
PC reviewers are generally much more critical than console reviewers. Console games tend to be overrated.

Thats because anyone can play a console game, just pop in a disk and play, while on a PC you have to understand them a little which takes some smarts. (i really dont like consoles so im very biased)

And I agree with just about everyone in the statement where who cares if everyone else this Halo 2 is " better " its all what you think about the game.
my .02

Oh and I have never understood why not that many people like Far Cry, I thought it was a very fun game.
hmm...why is it a surprise that Halo2 is getting higher rankings and is perhaps more anticipated in general over HL2? i mean Halo2 has the backing of a very popular console.. and doesn't console gaming make more money than PC gaming?

surely if HL2 had the backing of a console, it would be right up there.
I could care less what other people think of the game. From what I've seen, I think I will really enjoy the game. If other people dont, o well. Let the Half life haters say stuff, doesnt hurt me.

To answer your question, i dont think it will plainly because its a pc game and most sites like that are all about console games.

Dr Freeman is right, and the reason is its a lot easier to go buy a xbox then to learn about computers. Although they are sure missing a lot of fun. :thumbs:

Only 9 more days :D
Im sorry but Halo was one of the most repetitive "run-n-gun" alien shoot em' up games I have ever played. You kill the same aliens with the same guns the whole campaign. It's pathetic.

Who gives a shit about the score or popular rating of the game, it ****ing blows.
Who the hell cares what game is better?

Don't respond to anyone who says Halo 2 is better cuz it got a better score then Half-Life 2 so therefore HL2 must suck....

For god sakes... Half-Life is still getting a 97% average score. No matter what anyone says, you WILL have fun playing HL2.

Besides that, Half-Life 2 comes with the ability to be modified.... that means there is never ending fun.
Bunge did great things on that platform but it still doesn't hold a candle to HL2.
She said:
So what?? Hl2 isn't the ""best"" game.
ShinRa said:
she, sometimes, u make me wish it was legal to beat women with large objects.

Hahahahahahahahaha godamn, Hahahaha it's true though, She deserves it.

Anyway, anyone remember this quote froma reviewer?

Man if what this reviewer says is true, that 10 buck bet with my mates is as good as mine.

"I agree about Halo vs HL 1. But I'll shit my pants if Halo 2 can outdo HL 2. HL 2 is like Stanley Kubrick made a videogame, not necessarily in its tone, but in its near absolute perfectionism. Everything from A.I. to dificulty to sound to music to pacing to dialog to just plain imagination is clearly the product of years and years of love and genius

Best shooter ever made. Possibly the best single-player game I've ever played

IMO HL 2 makes a mockery of HL 1, it's that good. I'm just giving these guys the benefit of the doubt, but I honestly think there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that Halo 2's single player will be better. But it's apples and oranges and when I review Halo 2 I won't even make the comparison. But as an FPS nut who loves console and PC, I can have my personal opinions.

Doom 3 and FarCry are garbage compared to this. Doom 3 more so. I really wish I could tell you why, but you'll have to wait. Once the reviews start coming out you'll get a better picture.

I can't really say much about it yet, but it's good stuff. And a very clear indication that either HL 3 or a series of expansions are on the way.

Interacting with the environment is amazing. The sheer imagination in the level design, events, surprises, and discoveries you make as you play is amazing. The AI of friends and foes is amazing. The pacing, and variety is amazing. Ditto for characterization, visual effects, audio effects, music, level of difficulty, everything. It's like Stanley Kubrick made a videogame and obsessed over every detail. There's not a whiff of commitee anywhere.

I'm a total HL 2 fanboy now. You're right in that Halo 2 "could" be better (of course if I already played through the final game i couldn't tell you), but here's the thing: I play most every FPS in existence and I have never, ever seen anything remotely close to Half-Life 2. Not even. Let's say I haven't played Halo 2 yet. I'm still in a position to say that its single-player would have to be absolutely fscking nuts to beat HL 2. But the whole argument is pointless. You'd be stupid to overlook either game, and until the Source mods start rolling in, Halo 2 will have the sicker multiplayer anyhow."
I just Realized something... why in the name of god isnt Starcraft on the best PC game list.... Starcraft should be second... no question.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Check the reviewers, then check HL2's.

Oh my gosh! How amazing. XBox magazine gave it a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT, meaning the game is perfect, and nothing could ever surpass it. Ever.

There's currently...ONE...count them...just ONE reviewer there that has done both games. That's Game Informer and we all know what it has done.

Paper Mario 2: 6.75
Rome: Total War: 7.75
Ratchet and Clank 3: 10

:rolleyes: gave Halo 2 an undeservedly high score. 9.8?
That's way too high for such a shitty game, they even mentioned something about it's terrific storyline. I don't think I've ever seen a worse storyline. This game is all hype. It's the same old recycled garbage as the first one.
Swift said:
I just Realized something... why in the name of god isnt Starcraft on the best PC game list.... Starcraft should be second... no question.

I hear ya borther, SC is second on my list, well it's either that or Fallout 2 for me. As far as fast paced RTS go, you can't find a better game...So many memories...
Far Cry was fun for a while, but I felt that it had no substance at all. I got bored playing through the demo level, and when I had a chance to play the full game at a friend's place, I played through a LOT of it, but I didn't really enjoy it much.
I give Halo 2 a 0%, so that should bring the overall review score down.
I haven't played it, but it seems to me like I know as much about it as the reviewers.

Edit: Also, I liked Half-Life alot more than Halo: CE, even though it got about 1% less in overall review score.
Anyone who reads GI for it's reviews should just end life.

and for the record, Gamerankings isn't exactly "fair"

Magazines like PCGamer will never, ever award 100%'s unlike most console magazines which don't have 1-10 scales scaling from crap to perfect, but crap to "best representation of the genre on the console."

Halo 2 is the "best representation of the genre on the console" so it's getting 10's, but it's far from perfect. Many reviewers have said this, there are many flaws in Halo 2.. but it's the best game on the XBox. Has nothing to do with the PC.
i've played HALO, and i've played hal-life
(i liked half-life ALOT more)
i will play halo2 and i wrll play half-life²
(and i'm pretty sure what game i will like most)
+ halo2 = xbox ..... half-life² = PC

oh btw .. 1 more week !!!! .... and 23 hours :p
I enjoyed the original Halo; at first. Throughout the entire Half-Life, you never backtrack a great deal. The ENTIRE second half of halo is pretty much retracing your steps back to the start again. And that path is made up of the same 3-4 identical "alien" rooms.

I'll play Halo 2 when it comes out on PC.
People forget that console games reviews are written by 10 year old kids. This is because they are the only ones who are fast enough to bash the buttons in no particular order and 'beat' the game.
czrsink said:
People forget that console games reviews are written by 10 year old kids. This is because they are the only ones who are fast enough to bash the buttons in no particular order and 'beat' the game.

Wow... no shit huh? Boy, I wish I could have had that job when I was 10!

.... idiot.
czrsink said:
People forget that console games reviews are written by 10 year old kids. This is because they are the only ones who are fast enough to bash the buttons in no particular order and 'beat' the game.
People forget that the average age of a console gamer is 21.
i know youd think that if the average gamer was 21 they'd get older people to review the games.... but nope, they stick with 10 year olds,
just goes to show how stupid those console junkies are

and you can tell that the gamerankings site is completely wrong
why you ask? because that rank listing includes neogeo games, and metal slug is nowhere to be found in the top 10, what the hell is up with that?