can i "erase" a gun from HL2



for ex. can i remove anything regarding to the pistol? so it seems as it was never created
Why would you want to do that?

I dont think you can delete the actual model, as all models etc are situated in the gcf files and those files cannot be deleted.

You can how ever extract these files and modify them.
i would want to do that because the pistol is weak and takes up space but if it cant be done then its fine
picartman said:
i would want to do that because the pistol is weak and takes up space but if it cant be done then its fine
lol, takes up space? What does that mean?
Meaning that it's existance is annoying. I suppose I understand but I kinda think it's ok...
Isn't it wierd how in CS the pistols can have over 100 bullets carrying but the magnum in HL2
can only have 12....kinda annoying since I love that gun.
But it's fun to whore with one gun once in a while, i guess thats what the unlimited ammo cheat is for although it gets annoying after a while. Not to say I havent beaten the game fair and square about a billion times already.
BrimStone04 said:
can we erase this thread?
Lol just ignore it, eventually it all all be a bad stupid memory:smoking:
Meaning that it's existance is annoying.
Just like this thread.
lol seriously though each weapon has a place and a time to be used. poor little pistole being disowned like this;( I weep for you.
Blah, the pistol can kill any combine in a single shot. Just hold the left and right mouse buttons together, then let go of the left button after about 5 seconds and it will fire every bullet in the clip at the same time.
Polar_Bear said:
Blah, the pistol can kill any combine in a single shot. Just hold the left and right mouse buttons together, then let go of the left button after about 5 seconds and it will fire every bullet in the clip at the same time.
It was quite fun using this bug on HL2: DM, but they eventually fixed it. However, it still remains in the single player so you can still use it like that.