Can someone explain the post to rank thing here?


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
I'm pretty confused here...

100 is zombie, I got that, 200 is ant lion, OK...
but then, trying to figure out Prowler...
Yatta, for example, has 230 post, and is a Prowler, I have 238, and am an AntLion...

just curious as to how the ranks work here?
ah...OK, just relized I was displaying results as topics...


can we get an admin or someone to tell us what the ranking is?
no, 'cause animal has 497...

sooo...450 = Prowler?
I'm confused now...really, I am. most forums state this in the FAQ...
* Headcrab (Minimum Posts: 0) [edit] [remove]
* Zombie (Minimum Posts: 100) [edit] [remove]
* Ant Lion (Minimum Posts: 200) [edit] [remove]
* Prowler (Minimum Posts: 430) [edit] [remove]
* Hydra (Minimum Posts: 520) [edit] [remove]
* Strider (Minimum Posts: 760) [edit] [remove]
* Combine (Minimum Posts: 880) [edit] [remove]

any spamming to achieve ranks will result in your postcount being reset :)
so THAT is why I was confused, its not on the hundereds...

thanks StarMonkey, was really confusing me.
And no worrys on the spamming. ;)
Spamming is for idiots that can't post fast. I post regulary. Just SLIGHTLY fast.