Canada Day!

Aug 14, 2003
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Today (July 1st) is Canada Day!

Celebrate by making yourself some maple pancakes with canadian bacon!
Happy Canada Day to fellow Canadians around the world :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
*raises arm* "ooooohhhhhhh Canadaaaaaa..... der, da, de, dum, bler, blah, blar.... "
Blame Canada! Blame Can-

*Me gets dragged off by the Mounted Canadian SS* :angel:

Have a happy Canada day...Shame we don't have Britain day or something, but then i suppose that would be racist :rolleyes:
Farrowlesparrow said:
Have a happy Canada day...Shame we don't have Britain day or something, but then i suppose that would be racist :rolleyes:

do u know why its called Canada day?
its definitely not for racist reasons.. :|

anyway thanks for showin' some love for the Great White North :thumbs:
No no I wasn't Implying that at all, i was just saying that there are political correctness groups over here that would kill anyone for saying anything that wasn't multicultural. To have Britain day you would have to actually celebrate everything that isn't British and call it something like, "Summerval". (In Birmingham i think it is, they don't call it Christmas in certain places like shopping centres...they call it Winterval so as not to offend, Its qutie silly)
Farrowlesparrow said:
No no I wasn't Implying that at all, i was just saying that there are political correctness groups over here that would kill anyone for saying anything that wasn't multicultural. To have Britain day you would have to actually celebrate everything that isn't British and call it something like, "Summerval". (In Birmingham i think it is, they don't call it Christmas in certain places like shopping centres...they call it Winterval so as not to offend, Its qutie silly)
clearly i didn't understand what u were talking about that previous post.. i guess its mainly just a European reference. :)
Happy Canada Day guys.

You're the best neighbors we ever could hope to have!
Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is Canada day all about? Why do you celebrate it and what do you do in terms of celebrations?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is Canada day all about? Why do you celebrate it and what do you do in terms of celebrations?

its Canada's version of independance day :)
parties and concerts right across the nation from Halifax, Nova Scotia all the way to Victoria, British Columbia :)
Oh i see....I suspected something like that.

Heh, i remember a while back an American asking me if i celebrated independance day. Not even because he assumed we gained independance from some evil oppressor but because he thought that we would be happy at America winning a war against us.

Oh well :)
Isn't it Independence day in America too?

anyways, props to Canada.
Sprafa said:
Oh damn.
I suck

don't worry..doesn't seem to be the country ur from so nothing to get upset over :)
of course it be embarrassing if u didn't know of ur own country :p
Farrowlesparrow said:
Oh i see....I suspected something like that.

Heh, i remember a while back an American asking me if i celebrated independance day. Not even because he assumed we gained independance from some evil oppressor but because he thought that we would be happy at America winning a war against us.

Oh well :)
Most people are amazed to find a person with an accent, and ask them all sorts of dumb questions.
Yeah, like when I was in a cafe type place they asked for my order and said "Oh, say something else" after they had taken it. Its great because I can put on a really posh accent and they(People who haven't met a foriegner) love it.
Canada day is celebrating our confederation of March 29, 1867.

not sure why it's July 1st...

I guess people already knew that, but whatever.
1867 seems like such a short time ago when you consider my county (Cheshire) is a thousand years old.

That is pretty damn old!

Yea....we're not very old.
Red like the blood, and coincidentally the uniforms, of innocent Mounties that you captured and enslaved to do your policing...
Farrowlesparrow said:
Red like the blood, and coincidentally the uniforms, of innocent Mounties that you captured and enslaved to do your policing...

What is that all about? Canada's the friendly one, remember? And every country out there has had there share of bloodshed in their history.

I think you were being sarcastic. Red is a cool colour by the way.
Yes...I was suggesting that the Mounted police were once free roaming animals that Canadians domesticated....However i suspect the situation with indians and America probably made what i said a little odd.
Im in Cheshire too, it is a pretty old county, Widnes, where i am from, originated in the late Roman/early Viking (or something like that) times when the Vikings came down the river Mersey and named it Wideness or Widenosed, lated it evolved to Widnes and they stuck all the a-holes over the bridge in Runcorn, the place with an area called West Bank, and you all know what that becomes if you change the W and the B :D

Enough babbling from me, Happy Canada day to all the Canadians! :cheers:
Haha Best W...Well, anyway.

Where abouts in Cheshire do you live? I'm kind of on the border really....I don't know if you will have heard of it but its a town called Stalybridge. Its part of Tameside.
Hahaha...I wanna go up that big tower actually. In fact i just want to go to Canada full stop.
In Widnes, its a little dump inbetween Liverpool, Runcorn and Warrington, we have all the crappest names 'Fiddlers Ferry Power station' 'The 8 towers' plus these marvelous towns near me:

Menlove Gardens
Bottom Flash
Nob End
Shavington Ho
Butty Moss
Dick Slack
Hole Bottom

Obtained from:

About Canada day, Are there fireworks and big parties like the 4th of July celebrations?
Wow. I didn't think that Canada day was that celebrated. In Quebec, there is like 5-10% of the population that celebrates it, our true celebration day is the St-Jean, June 24th. I think i'll take my Quebec flag and walk with it in the city :naughty:
Yeah, Happy Canada day you Canucks. Now go back to playing hockey.
BirdMan said:
Wow. I didn't think that Canada day was that celebrated. In Quebec, there is like 5-10% of the population that celebrates it, our true celebration day is the St-Jean, June 24th. I think i'll take my Quebec flag and walk with it in the city :naughty:

That's because in Twisted Quebec nothing is as it should be! :p
yay Canada day! no work for me! also gives me an excuse to drink beer during the day