Canadian Extremist Priest attacks Sweden.

well guys i doubt that this is a real priiest or pastor and i can tell u with all certainity that whoever it is just out to spoil the name of christianity because the bible clearly states that gods hates no man or woman ...and hating in itself is a sin is not of god so whoever is writing that can not be christian ...
I don't see the Canadian connection here... could someone please explain?

I mean, Canada has always been known for it's progressive policies, human rights work, open and diverse society and general do-goodiness... gay marriage, anyone?

I'm sort of dual-irked because he might be canadian or he's been mislabelled as one.

Oh yes, and if this man fell waste-deep into a woodchipper, I'd toast to his health, or lake thereof.
This thread has been in the politics forum for a while. lol

And anyway- to make a constructive post-

I doubt they are real at all. I mean, look at the site. It looks fake to me. Horrible to say still if it's fake, and even worse if it's not after all.
listen to some of the sermons ..they're real ..or aleast the one's I've listened to sound real enough ..if you can believe some of the crap the guy drones on about ..the guy's a nutjob
Nutjobs then. You don't go to mass and preach people into hell, you go and preach salvation for people, and relate the stories of the Bible into today's society and life to be a good person. At least that's how my masses are, I attend St. Mary's Catholic Church.