Canadian Liberal Party wants to ban handguns


I wish they'd do that here.
good ...although it should just come from common sense, not as a response to high gun crime
good, ban your handguns. it will make it easier for us when we invade.
hah, we dont need no guns to fight you off ..give me a lacrosse stick and a helping of poutine and I'll fight 10 of you at the same time without breaking a sweat. The day a moose wrestling canadian cant take on a handful of whiney americans in a fist fight will be the day we raise ol' faithful over our igloos

america pastime: baseball

canadian pastime: Hockey

who would you rather fight?
CptStern said:
hah, we dont need no guns to fight you off ..give me a lacrosse stick and a helping of poutine and I'll fight 10 of you at the same time without breaking a sweat. The day a moose wrestling canadian cant take on a handful of whiney americans in a fist fight will be the day we raise ol' faithful over our igloos
whiney americans?
tough canadians?

what kind of bizarro world do you live in? the day you can take 10 americans is the day we drop a 1000 pound bomb on your igloo.
gh0st said:
whiney americans?
tough canadians?

what kind of bizarro world do you live in? the day you can take 10 americans is the day we drop a 1000 pound bomb on your igloo.
2000 lb JDAMs to be exact. $10k to destroy your insurgent igloo.
Good. Weapons that are soly designed to kill people should not be allowed to the public.
exactly need ordinance to do what you cant do with your bare hands :laugh:
CptStern said:
hah, we dont need no guns to fight you off ..give me a lacrosse stick and a helping of poutine and I'll fight 10 of you at the same time without breaking a sweat. The day a moose wrestling canadian cant take on a handful of whiney americans in a fist fight will be the day we raise ol' faithful over our igloos

Lol ok..theres a canadian kid at my school who I could beat the crap out your exxageration about canadians beating americans in a fight is bs. Of course there are canadians who can beat the crap out of an american..and theres also americans who can KO a canadian whats your point

like gh0st said you must be living in a friggin dreamworld if you think americans are that weak and you can beat them so
ríomhaire said:
Good. Weapons that are soly designed to kill people should not be allowed to the public.
Yeah but they shouldn't be allowed to anyone should they?
I see this promise giving more votes to the conservatives in the West.
Zeus said:
Lol ok..theres a canadian kid at my school who I could beat the crap out your exxageration about canadians beating americans in a fight is bs. Of course there are canadians who can beat the crap out of an american..and theres also americans who can KO a canadian whats your point

like gh0st said you must be living in a friggin dreamworld if you think americans are that weak and you can beat them so

:upstare: ya cuz canadians all live in igloos, play lacrosse and eat poutine day and night

what DeusExMachinia said
ríomhaire said:
Good. Weapons that are soly designed to kill people should not be allowed to the public.

I disagree, I target practice with my hand gun all the time. I have yet to kill anyone with it!

I guess they should be made illegal but that sucks if I just have to give mine up. You already need a special license to own and use one.

Oh and me+stern could take all you americans no contest :smoking:
short recoil said:
Yeah but they shouldn't be allowed to anyone should they?
No, but the military needs them because someone is always going to get them somewhere and likewise for police(but in a more controlled way for them)
chimpmunk said:
I see this promise giving more votes to the conservatives in the West.

meh the west is a conservative bastion anyways ..but I see your point. BTW anyone catch the latest Harper campaign? he trying to appeal to the common man when it's no surprise he'll just court big business as they've always done ...something unsettling about that god fearing conservative that just rubs me the wrong way
CptStern said:
meh the west is a conservative bastion anyways ..but I see your point. BTW anyone catch the latest Harper campaign? he trying to appeal to the common man when it's no surprise he'll just court big business as they've always done ...something unsettling about that god fearing conservative that just rubs me the wrong way

Go NDP? :(

Yeah people will always be able to get what they want, be it a handgun or anything else illegal.
DrDevin said:
Go NDP? :(

Yeah people will always be able to get what they want, be it a handgun or anything else illegal.

I've always supported ndp but rarely vote for them ...the conservatives are just to scary I usually vote liberal just to make sure they dont get into office fact I know a lot of people who do the same
CptStern said:
I've always supported ndp but rarely vote for them ...the conservatives are just to scary I usually vote liberal just to make sure they dont get into office fact I know a lot of people who do the same

Interesting how it works like that eh? I personally think that this is reason the NDP don't stand a chance. But hey, anything to keep the Conservatives out.
Jesus, enough with the stupid talking of shit. Handguns should be banned if only because they're easily concealable, regardless of whether you think all guns should be banned or not.
Sulkdodds said:
Jesus, enough with the stupid talking of shit. Handguns should be banned if only because they're easily concealable, regardless of whether you think all guns should be banned or not.
(6 Character)
Sulkdodds said:
Jesus, enough with the stupid talking of shit. Handguns should be banned if only because they're easily concealable, regardless of whether you think all guns should be banned or not.

The majority of the handguns used in every killing in toronto this year were illegal. It has always been you have to have special permission to own and use a handgun.

Target and competition users (the only people who can own a hand gun) are not affected by this law (which is good) and street criminals continue to use illegal firearms. So this law affects no one and does NOTHING.

I hope this wont be another gun registry which was suppost to cost $1million but is now over the $2billion mark (I guess they didnt take estimation in math class).
Banning handguns is just supid, in my mind. Sure, ban it from the general public. It'd be fine with that. But not from people with a proper handgun license. Which I think should be required to own one.
It will be interesting to see how effective this law will be.
CptStern said:
:upstare: ya cuz canadians all live in igloos, play lacrosse and eat poutine day and night

what DeusExMachinia said
I didn't know Lacrosse was big up in the nort, thought it was HockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockey.
Milkman said:
I didn't know Lacrosse was big up in the nort, thought it was HockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockeyHockey.
Hockey is far larger, but Lacrosse is actually our national sport. Surprising eh? Even to many Canadians it is surprising when they first find out.
let's clarify something ...the shooting sprees in toronto claimed 44 lives this year a city of over 4 million ...not bad odds
CptStern said:
let's clarify something ...the shooting sprees in toronto claimed 44 lives this year a city of over 4 million ...not bad odds

I thought Toronto was only like 2 mil. O_O
CptStern said:
good ...although it should just come from common sense, not as a response to high gun crime

i just watched a segment over at CP24 in which they present an arguement saying that a ban on handguns will not do enough.
tougher gun laws like the minimum prison term for handgun related crimes over in Britain (5 years i think they said) would be a much better deterent although i'd say go for the ban on these handguns and get that minimum prison term up as well.
The law will piss of people in the west..especially alberta..but Martin said if the provinces are willing to go for the law. Not all the provinces will agree.

canadians all live in igloos, play lacrosse and eat poutine day and night

Perhaps it's better to let some people down south think that. It would shock them that Canada is a more civilized country. Not to mention..Canadians are tougher...cause we can actually solve our problems without gunning each other down like a uncivilized society with a government pumping the population full of fear.
ndp is the nader of canada
and alberta is the texas of canada
well im in the west, bc though and im still tossed between liberal and ndp. but with this i might be willing to swing my vote to liberal. just as long as hacker i mean harper doesnt get in im happy.
Revisedsoul said:
ndp is the nader of canada
and alberta is the texas of canada
well im in the west, bc though and im still tossed between liberal and ndp. but with this i might be willing to swing my vote to liberal. just as long as hacker i mean harper doesnt get in im happy.

I hear ya.
We are politically screwed. But I encourage the banning of handguns, pretty obvious eh?
One problem with making handguns illigal is that criminals, by definition, dont follow the law, making the whole point fairly void.