Canadian Liberal Party wants to ban handguns

i suppose its too much to ask for a ban on handguns and a tougher minimum sentence for gun related charges. :|
Dr. Freeman said:
i just watched a segment over at CP24 in which they present an arguement saying that a ban on handguns will not do enough.
tougher gun laws like the minimum prison term for handgun related crimes over in Britain (5 years i think they said) would be a much better deterent although i'd say go for the ban on these handguns and get that minimum prison term up as well.

I agree ..tougher punishment for handgun related crimes ..use a gun in a robbery for example and they should be charged with attempted murder however unrealistic that might be
I'm liberal on most issues but not on the issue of guns. You can't depend on the police/government to protect you.
diluted said:
I'm liberal on most issues but not on the issue of guns. You can't depend on the police/government to protect you.

dont forget the terrorists are coming into your country, and they want to protect you from them, your surely not safe without supporting them.
All this is gonna do is keep handguns away from the good people. Do you think criminals give a shit whether or not there guns are ilegal? This will not stop criminals from aquiring handguns.
Good for them
Guns are bad

gh0st said:
good, ban your handguns. it will make it easier for us when we invade.
Best quote.....ever. Almost sig worthy.

should handguns be allowed at certified ranges? I think they should, so police/military can practice with them on their own time.
Da-Muffin-Man said:
All this is gonna do is keep handguns away from the good people. Do you think criminals give a shit whether or not there guns are ilegal? This will not stop criminals from aquiring handguns.

CptStern said:

in 2003 there was less than 600 murders across canada in a country of 30 million ..we dont need guns for protection
Guns are banned in England, but it's not like we cower in fear because Terrorists are stalking the streets and we're unable to fight them off without firearms, as many pro-gun people seem to be thinking would happen if they were banned in the 'States.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Guns are banned in England, but it's not like we cower in fear because Terrorists are stalking the streets and we're unable to fight them off without firearms, as many pro-gun people seem to be thinking would happen if they were banned in the 'States.

-Angry Lawyer

whats the minimum sentence for gun related charges there?
diluted said:
I'm liberal on most issues but not on the issue of guns. You can't depend on the police/government to protect you.

Which begs the question: why the hell not?
diluted said:
I'm liberal on most issues but not on the issue of guns. You can't depend on the police/government to protect you.

Oh, please, that kind of reasonement(SP?) belong to the middle-ages...
Maybe if you stop being so scared of everything and everyone you wouldn't feel the unjustified need to arm yourself.
Angry Lawyer said:
Guns are banned in England, but it's not like we cower in fear because Terrorists are stalking the streets and we're unable to fight them off without firearms, as many pro-gun people seem to be thinking would happen if they were banned in the 'States.

-Angry Lawyer
Not all guns right? Hunting guns are allowed I'm pretty sure.
Well, what it actually is that guns are allowed but only in certain places (although I think handguns are completely banned after the Dunblaine Massacre and the Snowdrop campaign). For example, it is legal to own a 50-calibre sniper rifle. It's just you can't even load it apart from in two places in the country. So certain areas are okay for hunting.

I think.
Dr. Freeman said:
whats the minimum sentence for gun related charges there?
If you get found with ANY illeagal firearm, be it a .22 without a license that was forgotten about in a farm to a drug dealers ingram mac 10
It's 4 years in jail minimum.

chimpmunk said:
Oh, please, that kind of reasonement(SP?) belong to the middle-ages...
Maybe if you stop being so scared of everything and everyone you wouldn't feel the unjustified need to arm yourself.
Don't be daft, whilst some people don't mind being the "defenseless baby" clinging on to soceity others actually like to defend for themselves.

Without a defense you are completely reliant upon the forces, i don't like to be reliant upon anyone.
Thankfully i don't really need guns, i have the ability to keep myself alive with a knife.....and they can't possibly ban knives.

I do a better job of defending myself and my family than even the army could, so what am i going to do?
The government won't see it that way however, i of course would be a threat if i have any capability to do what i want to and not what they want me to do.
that's pretty fair ...what's the sentence for stealing a car?
CptStern said:
that's pretty fair ...what's the sentence for stealing a car?
dunno, about 6 months i expect? (first time, if you repeat it gets worse)

I don't think the 4 year minimum charge is totally fair.
I mean a farmer without a license should get mabye 18 months.
But a drug dealer, who had intent to use the gun for crime should get a much harsher sentence......6 years or more.
naw it's gotta be higher than that ..theft over $1000 gets you more jail time than that

btw listened to a cbc radio interview this morning with former gang members that still live in the affected areas ...seems like the easy way of getting a gun is getting a friend to legally buy one then claim it was stolen, sell it to a gang member and walk away with $1000 for his trouble
That's the thing, banning guns dosn't stop those who really "need" them for their crimes from getting them, it does stop "part time" criminals from getting them however.

It's easy to smuggle guns, uk customs aquire 100's every year, and they only catch a small percentage.
It only requires an engineer gone dodgy and they can be whacking out 3 machine pistols a day, they make £1000 a piece, they are going to do it.

A gun is principally a very simple object, a pipe with a firing mechanism....
a pipe designed for one thing: to kill

funny how so many gun advocates downplay it's lethality
short recoil said:
If you get found with ANY illeagal firearm, be it a .22 without a license that was forgotten about in a farm to a drug dealers ingram mac 10
It's 4 years in jail minimum.

see, now thats something our government needs to do!
that would make people think twice.
CptStern said:
a pipe designed for one thing: to kill

funny how so many gun advocates downplay it's lethality
I'm not doubting they are very lethal inventions.
But at the end of the day, the government has much worse.

It's humans who pull the trigger, we are much more lethal than the guns.

It is a case that we cannot trust ourselves with any form of power.

And stern, you make out as if all killing is wrong?
short recoil said:
I'm not doubting they are very lethal inventions.
But at the end of the day, the government has much worse.

I dont see what that has to do with anything

short recoil said:
It's humans who pull the trigger, we are much more lethal than the guns.

yes well obviously somebody has to pull the trigger ...knowing that, do you really trust the majority of humans to do what is right? sorry but I'm have little faith in the average joe weilding something who's sole purpose is to take lives

short recoil said:
It is a case that we cannot trust ourselves with any form of power.

I dont think we can, hence the desire to see guns banned

short recoil said:
And stern, you make out as if all killing is wrong?

yes killing is wrong unless it's mercy killing (under strict criteria)
Banning hand guns and full calibre semi-automatic (all non .22 rim fire) rifles in the UK has done very little to bring down gun crime. Infact some surveys have said that it has gone up by a considerable percentage since the banning of all hand guns in 1997 (well, not quite. Liceneced deer hunters/game keepers are still allowed to carry a revolver to put any creatures that they dont kill with the 1st or 2nd shot out of their suffering).

The problem with gun bans for law abiding citizens is that quite often the offending items "dissapear" just after or just before the ban comes into force increasing the number used by criminals.

Also, in britan many gunsmiths who specialised in these weapons found them selves out of a job and started to convert de-acts back and sell them to criminals. This as well has contibuted to the proliferation of small arms in the UK.

In addition Gun restrictions in the UK before '97 were very tight already. To get a FAC in this contry you have to have:
1. No criminal record
2. A valid reason to own the weapon
3. A place to use it.
4. Your FAC application must be counter singed by a person of resposibility (ie Doctor, Preist, Policeman, etc) who is not a member of your family.

It should also be noted that the weapons used in both the incidents that led to the banning of hand guns and full bore semi-auto rifles were illegally held anyway.
Make guns freely available to everyone, take all the normal people and put them in a bunker, wait 20 years and voila: a clean earth :p
<clapclapclap> absolutely brilliant ...can I have a shotgun just in case some of them try to get into the bunker?
CptStern said:
<clapclapclap> absolutely brilliant ...can I have a shotgun just in case some of them try to get into the bunker?

I think we would need many arms and patrols and scouts outside the bunker as well as a 24 hour watch system. Corrupt people outside and normal people inside just screems for a zombie attack.
i agree with short recoil. I'm not too fond of having to rely on the teat of my government for all my protection needs.

Way i see it, if or when the shit absolutely hits the fan and everyone is going nuts, the police probably aren't going to have the time nor the manpower to keep you safe at the drop of a hat. The afore mentioned shit hitting fan moment may not ever happen in our lifetime. But it'd be nice to know that if something goes wrong i can blast some asshole away in defense of my family and home without having to cower in fear waiting for the police.

Such shit hitting fan moments might be anything from gang violence, zombies, WW3, aliens, prison outbreak, crazed ex trying to kill you, cheap hitman, or whatever.
They say guns protect you from a Dictorship, but:
1:People are to dumb to not vote in a evil government re:USA
2: ArmysTank>Youre Handgun
Solaris said:
They say guns protect you from a Dictorship, but:
1:People are to dumb to not vote in a evil government re:USA
2: ArmysTank>Youre Handgun
I'm far less worried about two army tanks threatening me any time soon than someone burglarizing my home.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I'm far less worried about two army tanks threatening me any time soon than someone burglarizing my home.

When was the last time it happened?
short recoil said:
I'm not doubting they are very lethal inventions.
But at the end of the day, the government has much worse.

It's humans who pull the trigger, we are much more lethal than the guns.

It is a case that we cannot trust ourselves with any form of power.

And stern, you make out as if all killing is wrong?

I thought you would be against guns, what with the weak being able to kill the strong and all that. It would defy the notion of survival of the fittest! :O And fattys with guns can beat hulkish-type people, armed with fists!
kirovman said:
I thought you would be against guns, what with the weak being able to kill the strong and all that. It would defy the notion of survival of the fittest! :O And fattys with guns can beat hulkish-type people, armed with fists!

You would think so but in fact stealth, finess and agility can allow even an unarmed man to take out someone else witha gun.

You mearly have to take them suprise. Such as hiding in a vent/cieling or take them by suprise from behind.

Oh and the same applies to tanks. As they take aim you rush them from behind, open the hatch and dispatch the men inside. There no more tank!
DrDevin said:
You would think so but in fact stealth, finess and agility can allow even an unarmed man to take out someone else witha gun.

You mearly have to take them suprise. Such as hiding in a vent/cieling or take them by suprise from behind.

Oh and the same applies to tanks. As they take aim you rush them from behind, open the hatch and dispatch the men inside. There no more tank!

I really hope your joking....although i do agree that if someone were to sneak up behind the guy with a gun, they may be able to take him out. It isnt likely though, the armed person could still get some shots off towards the un-armed attacker. As for killing people in a tank....not gonna happen, they have guys inside the tank covering the hatch, and i believe they keep it locked while driving.