Canned Chili


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Man... food topic. I know... suckage. But I had to do it.

I was hungry and so I browsed through the pantry... I found a can of chili. Sort of a generic 'save' brand. Canned chili is canned chili I figured.

I opened it up. Looks okay. I put about a third into a bowl... the rest into a container to go into the fridge. As it's cooking in the microwave, I glance at the nutrition facts.

270 calories per serving.
16 grams of fat per serving.
1000mg of salt per serving.

3.5 servings. A small ass can of chili has 1000 calories and 48 calories of fat.

Okay. I figure I'm only eating a third of it. No big deal. It finishes cooking... I take a bite and it's like...

It's like... Well the only way I can describe it, it's like I just ate a syrupy spoonful of plain ground beef flavored with water.

1000 ****ing calories for that small can and it tastes like SHIT. Ugh. I threw it into the sink and rinsed it down the drain. Terrible, terrible stuff. Now I know why you 'save' on it.

Speaking of other canned chili's... I find that I no longer like most of them. I'll eat them when I'm starving, but while I used to love canned chili like Wolf brand with no beans... now it tastes pretty terrible. But it's still about 1000 times better than that one can I had. The fact that it had a TON of salt in it didn't even mask the flavor a bit.

What the **** did they put in it to make it taste so horrible? Or rather, what didn't they put in? And it's even hard to believe they put beef in there. There's no chunks at all. It was almost completely smooth. At least wolf brand has weak chunks of beef in there.

This thing was like pureed cow ass blended into water.
What is the serving size on the nutrition facts label?

I'm guessing about 50-60 g.
Serving size is a cup. It's hard to believe there's even 3.5 cups in that can. They're so tiny. Barely fills a medium sized bowl if you eat the whole can.

The measurement on the can for serving size in grams is 235 grams. The entire gram count in the can is 435 grams. Heh.
Well, considering the calorie intake on average is about 1500-3000 calories per day (assuming you do 30 minutes of exercise every day) you shouldn't really be worried.
Well, considering the calorie intake on average is about 1500-3000 calories per day (assuming you do 30 minutes of exercise every day) you shouldn't really be worried.

Dude... it's 1000 calories in a can that size. Other canned chili that size has like 200-400 fewer calories. Heh.

1000 calories for a meal that small is a pretty big deal... especially since none of that shit actually fills you up. One reason I stopped eating canned foods most of the time. Too salty, too fattening, entirely unsatisfying.
i havn't done a straight 30 minutes of exercise in about 3 years lol
I dunno how many calories or anything it has, but stagg chilli isn't too bad every once in a while if there's nothing else for lunch
Canned chili sucks period. I like my mum's homemade chili. Num num num munum.:) In fact, I used to love Chef Boyardee when I was a kid, but I destest it nowadays. Funny how my tastes changed when I got older.:farmer:
Bleh. Yeah, I keep chili like that for hotdogs but one time I tried some in a bowl and it was god awful.
yeah I used to like that chili, but that's when I had good metabolish and woul essentialy mop it up with bread

these days, for the calorie count and flavour, it's worth the extra time to make real chili
Seems like anything in a can is super high sodium. Freakin preservatives.
1000 calories? That's ****ing ridiculous for one meal D:
1000 calories? That's ****ing ridiculous for one meal D:

I know... seriously. I can have a huge meal out of rice and vegetables and stuff, even some meat, and not break the 1000 calorie barrier. And it'll actually fill me up.

I used to be addicted to most canned foods in the pantry, but now it's like... ugh, totally not worth it, and the flavor has changed too. I'm no longer as drawn to it.
Little fun fact: 1000 kcal is equal to 4184000 joules, or 4.2 megawatt of power for 1 second. :p
So if I get my digestive system to digest all of that in one second I'd get a power boost?
So if I get my digestive system to digest all of that in one second I'd get a power boost?

You'd explode I reckon:
The large calorie or kilogram calorie approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 ?C. This is about 4.184 kJ, and exactly 1000 small calories.

So there's enough energy in that can to increase the temperature of your stomach (lets say its contents are 1 kg of water) to 1000 ?C.
Always make your own chilli. Seriously, it's better that way.

-Angry Lawyer
I'm the only one in my household who really appreciates Chilli.

If I'm ever in Cowland, you must make me chilli.

-Angry Lawyer